Course Number : NUR 488
Course Title :Emergency Nursing
Student Level : eight level
Placement : Nursing College
Duration : 12 weeks
Days : Sunday & Monday OR Tuesday & Wednesday
Purpose of experience :
This course is provide to enable the student to acquire knowledge , skills, communication and professionalism for the emergency unit practice . The clinical experience focuses on nursing intervention appropriate to patients with various emergency problems and life threatening situations .
Clinical Learning Objectives :
By the end of the clinical experience the student should able to :
1- Follow primary and secondary survey for adult and children .
2- Use the trauma score sheet to estimate the severity of injury and detect LOC through GCS.
3- Determine triage categories with the assistance of the preceptor .
4-Perform the emergency procedure skillfully .
5-Perform and assemble equipment \ supplies for the most common procedure performed in the emergency department .
6-Provide rapid trauma management for a life threatening victim with preceptor assistance in the emergency department .
7- Make dressing for any injured part of the body .
8-Carry out basic and advanced nursing interventions to assigned patients\victims according to plan of care .
9-Carry out specific nursing intervention according to patient care assignment.
10-Write and \ or provide oral endorsement to transfer the patient to another unite .
11-Communication respectfully and courteously with patient, staff , relatives , colleagues , and other members of the caring team .
12-Explain all procedures\treatment to patients and relatives.
13-Adhere to hospital policies and procedures in all patients nursing care activities .
14-Follow standard in caring for patients prior to and following special investigation procedures in emergency department .
Evaluation :
Evaluation of students will be based on their participation and involvement throughout the work sessions and on the quality and efficiency of care provided following steps on the nursing process.
- Quizzes 10%
- Midterm examination20%
- Clinical practice and checklist 20%
- Assignments & Presentation 10%
- Final written examination 40%
Learning Resources:
A. References:
1- McSwain, et al. Basic to advanced prehospital trauma life support ( PHTLS) 5th ed. USA: Mosby.2007
2- Andreoni C, and Klinhammer B. Quick Reference for emergency nursing. Philadelphia: W.B.Saunders.1998.
3- Grant HB. Emergency care . 6th ed. USA: Prentice Hall International. 1997.
B. Facilities required :
1- Hospital clinical settings.
2- Projector .
3 Data show .