Glyburide is associated with attenuated vasogenic edema in stroke patients

Supplemental Figure 1.Correlation and Bland-Altman plot of the interrater agreement in stroke volume assessments. Two raters performed assessments on randomized and de-identified MRI scans separately. A) A depiction of the correlation between the raters is shown, Pearson r = 0.97, p<0.001. B) The Bland-Altman plot demonstrates no systematic bias in the difference between the rater’s volume measurements. The single outlier (arrow) corresponded to a baseline MRI scan with early and subtle DWIhyperintensity, leading to a greater difference in the outlined volume between raters.

Supplemental Figure 2. Example of region of interest (ROI) object maps used to generate the imaging metrics. Representative ROI object maps that were generated in the analytical workflow for this study are shown. A) On the diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) map, the initial stroke volume was outlined (blue). The CSF spaces (aqua) were obtained from the corresponding apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map and then superimposed on the DWI image. The final stroke volume was the initial object map with any CSF volume subtracted. B) A similar process was used for the contralateral hemisphere. C) After coregistration with the ADC sequence, the object maps were applied to the FLAIR sequence. The average FLAIR signal was calculated and normalized to the signal intensity value from the contralateral normal hemisphere in D). Any hemorrhagic or peri-ventricular white matter lesions were excluded, although subsequent analysis demonstrated that exclusion did not alter the final ratio in any subject.

Supplemental Figure 3. Heparinized plasma and EDTA plasma yield the same MMP-9 level in GAMES-Pilot subjects. A)Subject 1024was consented for collection of EDTA and heparinized plasma at contemporaneous time points. MMP-9 ELISA analysis showed equivalent levels of MMP-9 for each type of blood collection. The average MMP-9 level in heparinized plasma was 60±11 ng/mL and for EDTA it was 59±15ng/mL. The average difference between the two collection tubes was 16±10 ng/mL.B) Two heparinized plasma samples in the GAMES-Pilot cohort had visible, grossly hemolyzed plasma out of a total of 55 samples. MMP-9 levels in these two samples were spuriously high, given the marked elevation and rapid resolution of MMP-9 that occurred within hours in the flanking blood samples. Samples from the biomarker control cohort were inspected and confirmed that they did not contain grossly visible hemolysis.