Marco Polo and Turandot Programmes 2017/2018

Procedure to pre-enroll to Italian Universities and Art Institutes with Italian language courses specifically targeted for Chinese students.

To enhance the opportunities for Hong Kong and Macao students to study in Italy, the Italian government has extended also to the two Special Administrative Regions the Marco Polo and Turandot programmes, already in force for the Mainland China’s students.

The program allows students without previous knowledge of Italian language to attend a language course in Italy for 10/11 months before starting the chosen course at the Italian University for the Academic year 2017-2018.

The students should first choose the University course in the list of Universities/Art Institutes, which reserved places for Chinese students: - posti risevati nelle unversità italiane.

Application period: From April 2016 to 29 July 2016 (11 months of Italian courses)

Application period: From April 2016 to 26 August 2016 (10 months of Italian courses)

Students must submit the following documentation to the Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong for the pre-enrollment to the University:

- Form A

- 2 passport-sized pictures;

- the request of Declaration of Value

- The original study certificate, duly apostilled and translated into Italian (see details at the end of this message);

- Passport and photocopy of the passport’s personal data page;

Students should directly choose and enroll into the Italian language course in the university where they would like to study, according to the availability of places to be checked in the web site: - corsi di lingua italiana/servizi.

Once the Universities accept the registration and pre-enrollment of the students they will inform the Consulate and only upon presentation of the requested documents to the Consulate the students could apply for the study visa, which will be issued according to the date of beginning of the Italian course.

For further information or explanation please contact the Consulate General of Italy

Tel: 25219790 (Mon-Wed-Fri from 2 to 3 pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12 to 1 pm)

Fax: 28459678


DETAILED PROCEDURE ON HOW TO APPLY for pre-enrollement and declaration of value.

In order to obtain the Dichiarazione di Valore (Declaration of Value), you should bring to the Consulate of Italy the following documents:

1)  certified true copy of the title you obtained in Macao/Hong Kong, duly apostilled and translated into Italian.

To this purpose:

a) go to your university and ask for a certified true copy

b) bring the certified true copy to the office of oath to swear that the documents are true

c) then get an Apostille from the Apostille office

d) contact one of our external translators to have the certificate translated (see list of translators on our website). The translator will have to come to the Consulate to certify his/her translation.

e)give us the translation and the apostilled document.

The certified true copy of your title of study and its translation will be attached to our declaration of value.

2) certified true copy of your exam transcript

3) copy of your passport

4) letter of request of the Declaration of Value, specifying the reason why you ask for it 5)authorization to ask information about you to your university (just write an email to your university cc us, so that we know to whom we should address to ask information about you). The Universities usually reply in two weeks.

The Declaration of Value requires about 4 weeks to be issued.

NOTE: When addressing the Consulate, students are kindly requested to identify themselves with their official name, that is to say the name which appears on their passports.

NOTE 2: In case of doubts about the above procedure, students are kindly requested to come to the Consulate for clarifications.