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DECEMBER 7, 2015

The Town of Columbia Board of Aldermen met in regular session at 7:PM, Monday, December7, 2015, at the town’s Municipal Building meeting room. Prior to the meeting call to order, Tyrrell County Clerk-of-Court Angie Sexton administered the oaths-of-office to Mayor F. Michael Griffin and to Aldermen Sandra Owens and Lloyd Armstrong. Other Aldermen attending the meeting were James Cahoon, Mildred Ogletree and Ray Marner. attachments # 1

Mayor Griffin called the meeting to order and asked Alderman Owens to offer a prayer for the Board.

Mayor Griffin asked for nominations for the position of Mayor Pro-tempore. Alderman Ogletree was nominated by Alderman Owens and with no further nominations, the nominations were closed and Alderman Ogletree was unanimously elected.

Mayor Griffin presented a Resolution of Appreciation for former Alderman Mike Crowder. Upon motion of Alderman Ogletree, the Resolution was unanimously adopted.

Mayor Griffin asked Town Manager Rhett White to arrange to get the resolution to Mr. Crowder and to express appreciation for his services to the town.

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Upon motion of Alderman Marner, the consent agenda was unanimously approved. This included:

Minutes of November 2, 2015 Regular Meeting of the Board of Aldermen

Water/sewer adjustments –

Janie Spencer $61.47

H.T. Davenport 82.63

Mayor Griffin announced the Public Comment Period, but received no comments from the public. He closed the comment period.

Deputy Sheriff (Sgt.) Kevin Sawyer presented the November Law Enforcement Report. He reported 589 law enforcement calls/complaints inside the town limits, including 515 business checks and 10 security checks. He said 12 vehicle related citations were issued.

Alderman Cahoon asked if scam calls are more prevalent during Christmas time. Deputy Sawyer said such calls are a problem and Alderman Ogletree described a call that she referred to the State Attorney General’s Office. Deputy Sawyer described the November training log in answer to another question.

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Alderman Ogletree asked if a “stake-out” could be used to catch the culprits doing damage and pulling fire alarms at the Visitor’s Center. Deputy Sawyer responded that a “stake-out” may not be an effective use of officer time, then noted that officers regularly patrol the boardwalk and Visitor’s Center parking lots. Alderman Ogletree suggested that the State be encouraged to place cameras at the Visitor’s Center.

Discussion turned to the lack of a “No Concealed Weapons” sign at the Municipal Building. Aldermen Ogletree and Owens asked if such a posting can be placed on entrance doors.

Town Attorney Dwight Wheless presented a draft loitering ordinance for consideration. He read the ordinance and answered questions from the Aldermen. Upon motion of Alderman Owens, the vote to adopt the ordinance entitled “Loitering For the Purpose of Engaging in Drug Related Activity” was unanimously adopted.

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Discussion returned to weapons. Mr. Wheless suggested two approaches, either a motion to post the prohibition or an ordinance that could treat the possession of weapons like a trespass. After discussion, Mr. Wheless and Mr. White were directed to look at some options for the Board to consider.

Mayor Griffin presented and explained a proposed Resolution that would allow the town to apply for a State Building Renovation and Reuse Grant, to be matched by Stiletto Boats, Inc. He explained that the Resolution would allow the town to meet the January application deadline if a pre-application review indicates the town should move ahead. Mayor Griffin noted that the town has attempted to support Jay Phillips in his efforts to establish his business in Columbia.

Upon motion of Alderman Cahoon, a Resolution authorizing application for a NC Department of Commerce Rural Economic Development Division Building Renovation and Reuse Grant, not to exceed $120,000, with a town match of five percent was unanimously approved. attachment # 4

Upon motion of Alderman Ogletree and unanimous vote, Alderman Lloyd Armstrong was appointed to a two-year term to represent the Town on the Tyrrell Volunteer Fire Department Board of Directors, beginning January, 2016.

Upon motion of Alderman Cahoon and unanimous vote, Alderman Sandra Owens was appointed to a two-year term as Trustee to the Tyrrell County Volunteer Fire Department Fireman’s Relief Fund, beginning December, 2015.

Mr. White presented the November Tax Collection Report. He noted that collections are comparable to the same time last year. He reported that the account at

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BB&T Bank which handled the USDA and other funds for the wastewater treatment plant expansion has been closed. He said a balance of $7,200 was moved to the water/sewer fund.

Mr. White explained a budget amendment to allocate funds in the amount of $7,027.92 to erect a fence around Pump Station # 1 at Columbia Avenue. Upon motion of Alderman Marner, the vote was unanimous to approve the Budget Amendment.

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Remaining medical bills (co-payment) for the Town Manager resulting from his encounter with a rabid fox were presented for approval. Upon motion of Alderman Owens, the motion to approve reimbursement to Mr. White in the amount of $168.00 was unanimously approved.

The Manager reported progress on the two CDBG grants. He said approval to use the remaining balance ($70,000 to $80,000) in the CDBG-Infrastructure grant to GPS the water system assets is awaiting approval from the State. He noted that all work must be completed by June 30, 2016.

Mr. White reported that the CDBG-SBEA grant to aid expansion at Capt. Neil’s Seafood is approximately 50% completed. He said a request to extend the grant completion date to June 30, 2016, has been approved by the NC Department of Commerce.

A planned joint meeting with the Tyrrell County Board of Commissioners scheduled for 5:PM, Monday, February 1, 2016, was discussed. Agenda items suggested were: Veteran’s Park (or new name) completion and operation, graphic interpretation in the park, the North Road Street culvert project, implementation of a possible storm water management district and requests for funding assistance from Stiletto Boats. Aldermen were asked to consider any other discussion items.

The Manager reported that the Bertie-Martin-Tyrrell- Washington Hazard Mitigation Plan is scheduled for a five-year update. He said the town will work with Tyrrell County on this project. He reported on a fall and injury on the sidewalk near Main/Broad streets during the Christmas Parade and said he is surveying the sidewalks for another round of possible grinding to eliminate trip hazards.

He reported on vandalism at the Visitor’s Center and to Christmas light fixtures, said he will meet within a week to discuss the possibility of using the Albemarle RC&D Council to help secure funds and permits to dredge the North Boundary Canal, reported that the town water system will undergo an annual State Drinking Water Section inspection later in the week and that the law firm handling the tax foreclosures on the Virginia Avenue and Kohloss Street properties is in the process of title work.

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Alderman Owens said work on Veteran’s park looks good, but she was concerned with concrete at the bridge ramp area that is breaking off and falling. She expressed concern with local internet service and with phone service especially as it relates to “I have fallen and need help” devices. She announced that she plans to decoratively paint the fire hydrant at her driveway entrance.

Alderman Ogletree asked that a ribbon-cutting be scheduled for the expanded wastewater treatment plant so the public will know how the town’s funds are being used. She said the town looks good for the Christmas season and thanked the town and county staff that assembled and installed lights and decorations throughout the town.

Alderman Cahoon asked if the contractor is scheduled to asphalt over the drain pipe at Howard Street/Virginia Avenue. He inquired about the status of the town’s transportation committee. Mayor Griffin noted that NC-DOT will ask for a meeting when more is known about the plan for addressing drainage and flooding on North Road Street.

Mayor Griffin welcomed and thanked Alderman Armstrong for his willingness to serve on the Board of Alderman. Alderman Armstrong expressed concern about damages to town and State properties and said he will be a reminder of the need for storm water drainage improvements along Bridge Street.

Mayor Griffin announced the Christmas and New Year’s holidays when town offices will be closed to the public.

Mr. Ray McClese, news reporter, announced that items from the estate of the late Julian Poston have been purchased by the local historical society and may include paperwork and documents from the Town of Columbia.

Upon motion of Alderman Cahoon, the vote to adjourn was unanimous. Mayor Griffin adjourned the meeting.

This the 7th day of December, 2015.


F. Michael Griffin, Mayor



Rhett B. White, Clerk