Cave Castle Golf Members Club
Minutes of the 21st AGM held on 1st December 2011
The Club Captain formally opened the meeting and thanked everyone for their attendance.
C. Robinson, T. Cave, J.Henderson, L. S. Robinson, S. Chatteris, A Eyre, P.Spaven, J.Gray, L. Wrightson, A. Robinson, B. Redford, D. Henderson, B. Mather, D.Allan, R.Bird, S. Sherman, G. Swinburne, M. Clayton, M. Sketch, B. Annan, N. Davies, B. Grant, E. Swann, G.Collins, R. Cameron, P. Scott, B. Birtles, M. Wrightson, J. Illingworth, M. Cross, H. Wilson, S. Ripton, M. Gray, D. Page, F. Young, P. Lappin.
1. Apologies
J Farnhill, T. Day, C. Newton, D. Newton, M. Colbridge, J. Orwin, D. Harrison, B. Louw.
2. Minutes of the last AGM held on 11th December 2010 were approved.
There were no matters arising.
3. Reports
Honorary Treasurer
The Treasurer presented the yearly accounts stating that the club accounts have never been in better shape in all the time that he had been in office. He thanked Roger Cameron for all his help and support in finalising the accounts in his capacity as Honorary Auditor. Roger asked what were the plans for the 25th Anniversary and if there was a budget organised for it, also the levy on men’s entrance fees plus two other queries the problem when members put their name down for a tee time but don’t turn up and why the reduction in the reward for a hole in one.
The Captain elect said that all these items will be addressed at the next committee meeting.
He then invited questions from the floor but there were none.
The Captain then asked for the accounts to be adopted, Mark Clayton proposed and Henry Wilson seconded the motion which was unanimously accepted.
Handicaps & Competition
This is the Handicap and competitions report for 2011.
This is primarily a Men’s report as the ladies report has been dealt with at the
Ladies AGM and through their own reporting body in the English golf union.
The seniors also have a separate AGM but their handicaps are aligned with
the men’s section.
The Juniors are operated as a sub section of the Men’s section.
Firstly the competitions.
We have had a good season - as the Treasurers report would suggest.
Medal Comps
We played 21 medals and had 18 separate winners (3 players won twice) The
average numbers of players in these competitions were 55.
The course comp scratch score for the 21 medals was predominantly 71, with
three 72s a 73 and a 74.
Hole Stroke indexes were, what you would expect - with 6 being the average
score for the 10th.
Medals and comps were won by the div1 players (handicaps scratch to 16) at
a ratio of 2 to 1 over the div 2 players (handicaps 17 to 28).
A note worthy event, out of many, was on the 10th Sept when Mark Puckering
equalled the course record of 68 with a nett 64; this has been commemorated
with a card on the clubhouse wall.
Trophy Comps The men played 21 trophy competitions of which 5 were
shared club comps, still played within are own sections – A new competition
was The Jonny Hewitt trophy.
These were well attended, similar in numbers to the medals.
Away competitions have been well attended throughout the year with, I
think, some very good results – CCGC names often being amongst the
Our own Cave Castle Div 1,2 & 3 Open was well attended from 7.30 in the
morning through to 2.30 in the afternoon with only half a dozen spots not
being taken. Cave Castle players took most of the major honours –
The team prize.
Best gross in Div 1.
Best netts in Divs 2 & 3.
External Qualifiers
Through the year we all play in CCGC external qualifiers, some of them are
mixed, these competitions run alongside our own events with the winners
going forward to play in regional qualifiers and then national events, all on
championship courses.
A couple of the results were -
Hall of Fame
Dickie Hung played in the regional qualifier at Bondhay golf club near
Worksop on the 6th September. Dickie enjoyed the day but with no success,
The winning qualifying score was 29pts on a very tough windy day
London Pride/English Golf Union Gold medal National competition.
Paul Harman qualified as Club Winner of this competition.
He went through to the Regional Qualifier to Rotherham GC at Thybergh – a
tough course but he managed to qualify for the all expenses paid weekend at
Woodhall Spa - the home of the English Golf Union.
Paul came Runner-up in a National Field of 81 - scoring 71 points - 32 points
on Day 1 and a magnificent 39 points on the Hotchkin course on the Sunday,
3 points ahead of 3rd place.
Many of you would have seen throughout the year a lot of Cave’s successes
reported in the local papers. Thanks to Pete Lappin for that.
Our handicaps are run in accordance with The Council of National Golf
Unions (Congu for short) for the most part they are controlled by the club
computer, which is run by CLUB 2000 software - which is an excellent piece
of kit. Our computer and our website are maintained by Mark Clayton – my
thanks to him.
Handicaps are divided into 5 categories,
Cat 1 – Scratch to 5 – we have 6 of those players at Cave.
Cat 2 – 6 to 12 – we have 34 of those.
Cat 3 – 13 to 20 – 121.
Cat 4 – 21 to 28 – 92.
Cat 5 – 29 to 36. We have 3 juniors.
These were all active through this year.
The Ladies of course are in addition to this.
For our golf club to be able to provide a handicap to you we need some basic
inputs from you the players,
To enter a competition all that is required is to sign your name and enter your
handicap in the comp entry book, pay the fee and return the card with two
We have found in the past year that usually in a comp at least 1 past capt
either fails to write the comp no on his card or loses his card altogether.1
past capt even put two names on one card but forgot to sign in, in the entry
book. There could be a charity fundraiser here.
On a separate note disqualifications were averaging around 4 or 5 per
comp, the primary reason being no card returned.
Suprisingly for me the most time wasting issue was finding and loading the
scores of the players who returned their cards in the comp box but didn’t enter
it on the computer, this usually takes around 15 to 20 mins extra to sort out
who out of the 55 players wasn’t on the computer.
Thankfully the majority of members continue to input the correct information
onto their cards and into the computer which in the end, is really helpful in
closing down the competitions.
Before I finish I would like to thank Geoff Lister and John Bell for their help in
running the handicap committee through 2011 and a special thank you to our
exiting Club Captain Charles for his help and extensive knowledge of Club
2000 and the CCGC handicap system.
RB Chair Handicap & Competitions.
Chair spoke about the items that had been raised throughout the year, all were either addressed or on going. He thanked Charles Tony and Les Nelson for their help and guidance throughout the year, there had been a lot of positive feedback from members, societies and golf breaks. Les Nelson had produced a letter which is attached to these minutes, stating that there is a three year plan in place details to follow.
The Chair then asked if there were any questions from the floor.
The first one was “what is being done about the paths as they are ruining trolleys and shoes” Chair said that Les was looking at several alternatives.
Can we have markers on the pin to show if the hole is front, middle or back.
The practice area needs bunkers, different pin positions etc.
The compressor on the 18th is it possible to have a brush so that the grass isn’t recycled all over the equipment.
Finally the 10th green is it shrinking, and can the pin be positioned on the lower level from time to time.
Chair said that he would raise these items with Les and report back to the committee.
Chair that she had enjoyed a pretty good year, the Christmas “Do” was being heavily subsidised, Pam asked for more help from the members for next year’s events. The Chair then thanked the committee bar staff and members for their support over the year.
Lady Captains report AGM December 2011
I said when I took over as Lady Captain that it was both an honour and a privilege; well it lived up to expectations.
The year started off with snow, but we survived the frozen start and the year warmed up nicely.
Various events were cancelled but most went ahead, the drive in finally happened in February as did the ladies “Christmas “lunch.
In March we had the sad task of scattering the ashes of Fiona Preston by the side of the 10th green as she had requested. Later in the year we also lost a former member Linda Gardham.
Moving on we had a hectic programme of friendlies, B team matches, opens, an exchange day, our own competitions including our invitation day.
The B team matches were: Selby to whom we won home and away, Pike hills, lost away won at home and Whitby were we lost both games but we now also have the Whitby survivors club!!!
The Lady Captains weekend for me was a highlight, the number of people who joined in the mixed competition and for the Yorkshire regional trophy was amazing. Thank you so much for your support.
Our trip away to Rudding Park was an adventure of survival with the hurricane winds, but was more than compensated for by the fantastic hotel and facilities.
The green staff provided us with a superb course all year, Steve MacKinder was a fantastic support, and the catering staff excelled themselves with food and service to rival many clubs in the area.
We have raised £1607.44 for the gateway club in Hull, for that I thank-you all, especially Charles who has been fantastic at thinking of ways to bring in the extra pounds.
I have enjoyed working with Charles all year and would like to wish Tony every good fortune in the coming year.
I would also like to wish Jane Henderson good luck for next year, and thank her for her support and hard work this year, I’m sure she will be a superb Lady Captain.
To conclude I would like to thank the committee for their support and hard work, Brenda for the friendlies, Liz and Linda for the winter alliance, Pam for the social events, Margaret for the past captains, Kate for the vets, the ladies who baked for the half way house and manned the desk for the opens, and all the ladies for joining in all year, and last but not least John and Alex for putting up with me all year.
Senior Captain’s Report
I apologise for Captain Tony Day being absent. As Tony may be moving away two vice captains have been appointed David Newton and Geoff Branton.
Membership continues to increase with up to 50 playing in our twice weekly roll ups.
Another successful inter club season – matches covering clubs from Flamborough in the north to Bawtry in the south.
Thanks to Andy and Tracey for providing the catering.
An excellent away day at Bridlington Belvedere thanks to the 3 Brians (Mather, Haigh and Redford)
Unfortunately we did not retain the Kennett Cup this year ( due to a dubious rule change!!) but yet again it was a good day and evening. Thanks to John Gray for his continued sponsorship.
We are grateful to the committee and particularly Captain Charles and Peter Lappin for providing us with an honours board.
Finally on a sad note Arthur Evison passed away this year and his family have kindly donated some glassware which will be used as an annual prize.
Captains Report end of year 2011
Past Captains, Lady Captain Jane, Senior Captain Tony, Vice Captain Tony ladies and gentlemen.
As I come to the end of my year as Captain I reflect on my year of office, what it has meant to me and what has happened within our club.
On a sombre note we had the sad death of one of our senior members, Arthur Evison, who had been with the seniors for many years and was well known within their ranks; and the death of a former Lady Member, Linda Gardham, who had not been a member for a few years due to health problems but had in the past been a very active member.
The year for me has been a fantastic time, meeting other Captains, playing at and seeing many other clubs, as well as seeing most of our members throughout the year.
It has been an honour to serve the members club in the role of Captain and whilst I believe I have done this to the best of my ability, I hope I have satisfied everyone’s trust in me, when I was elected as Vice Captain two years ago.
We started a little late, this year, due to the bad weather last winter, the AGM was put back a few days, the Captains Drive In was put back two months, then everything went at full speed, I don’t know if its because I was Captain this year or an age thing but the year seems to have gone very quickly.
During the year I have experienced a number of prestigious events and great achievements at our club.
Peter Lappin was President of The Hull & District Golfing Association and because of that we hosted the Presidents Trophy in April, we also hosted The Beverley Trophy more recently. In May we hosted the East Riding Spring Meeting and took 4 of the first six places, we also hosted The Hull & District Captains Association Summer meeting in July.
Within our club we have had the course record equalled by Mark Puckering and Paul Harman came second in The London Pride national competition having qualified and won the regional finals. Also Peter Lappin played in a national competition and Mark Clayton just failed by one place to get through to a national competition. What an experience as Captain of this club.
Having now played and spoken to so many other clubs in this area, we have a great reputation now, and I believe we are one of the friendliest clubs in the area, and we certainly have the best relationships with all sections of our club for this area.
All of this is not down to the Captain but due to the commitment of the members, the people that work (unpaid and tirelessly) for our club on various committees, organisers, representatives and the help and relationship we enjoy with the management.
Our main contact being with Jane and Lisa in the office, who without their continued help and support we would struggle to manage all the competitions that are played at this course, especially with the economic situation and pressure of any golf business to take on outside societies and golf breaks to cover the costs of running a golf course.
Andy, Andy, Tracey, along with Steve, Harriet and all the other staff in the clubhouse, who are always pleasant and friendly and help us with all our catering requirements.
Debbie in the hotel, who has helped me for a number of years with our official functions.
Steve our professional, who has done everything I have asked of him this year as well as supporting our functions and social events.
Les, and Steve for their help to me and their staff for their work on the greens, I remember when I joined this club and before Les was here full time, the course was not by any means the best in the area, due to the greens staff’s work we now have a course that is probably one of the best in the area and is recognised by all who play here from other clubs as being so.
My personal thanks go to and the membership for their support this year and last but by no means least I note that the Captain’s job is worthless without the help of the main committee and its sub committees, organisers, representatives, sponsors of our diary, as well as the unsung and unpublished heroes who maybe just do the odd thing to help out (as a starter, produce a poster, provide food for the halfway house, etc). The committee; Chris Hillan, immediate Past Captain who is there for his advice and experience, Dave Henderson, club secretary who keeps the paperwork in order, John Gray, club treasurer who keeps our account in order, Les Wrightson who liaises with Les and his team about greens, Pam Spaven who with the help of Ann Robinson has organised and run all our social events so well, Pete Skinner who has organised our juniors, Rich Bird who with the help of John Bell and Geff Lister have done all the men’s competitions, handicaps and kept the records up to date, which I think is one of the most time consuming and tasks on the committee, Peter Lappin who has now come off the committee as press officer, but over the years has given so much to the club and Roger Cameron for his continued support as honorary auditor. There are also so many other people to mention (the organisers, representatives and unsung heroes) and I would hate to accidently miss anyone, but we all know who they are. I thank every one of them for their support, time and efforts this year and hope all the members appreciate what these people do for our members club.