Timing / Topic/Theme/Activity / Content description / Expected outcomes / Methods used / Hand-outsDay 1
5 min. / Key terms of the Workshop / Defining the key terms / Common understanding of the terms used / Explanation / Q-Placement Handbook 6.1. ‘Glossary’
45 min. / Getting to know each / "Who's In Our Group?" / Positive environment and an opportunity for participants to get to know one another and the instructors. / Icebreaker activity: "Collective Knowledge" / -
75 min. / Existing practice of Work Placements in partner countries / Conceptual discussions grounded in real-life situations. / Enhanced problem-solving; analytical and judgment skills. / Case study / Q-Placement Handbook , p.4 ‘Drawbacks of mobility detected by all local working groups’;
Participants’ Mini cases
45 min. / Key issues and solutions for Q-Placements / Conveying information on participants understanding on Q-Placements’ challenges and solutions / Lessons learned from previous experience / Group presentations
90 min. / Defining the challenges for Q-Placements for preparation of WP stage / Coaching principles and open question technique / Understanding of open question power and coaching approach / Explanation
Group practice / Q-Placement Handbook ,
5.7.1.’Summary of all the procedures at a glance’;
5.7.2. ‘Before the placement’
30 min. / Conclusions of the day / Follow-up on key issues for monitoring, control, and evaluation of WP / Understanding of monitoring, control and evaluation of Placements / Group feedback / -
Day 2
Timing / Topic/Theme/Activity / Content description / Expected outcomes / Methods used / Hand-outs
30 minutes / Defining the
challenges for Q
Placements for the
implementation stage
of WP / Identifying Key issues during QP implementation stage / Understanding, monitoring, control and evaluation of implementation stage of WP from different perspectives (educational institution and company) / Discussions, group feedback / Q-Placement Handbook ,
5.7.3. ‘During the placement’
60 minutes / Key issues to ensure
quality during the
implementation stage
of WP / Identifying activities, procedures and related documents for implementation of WP at Education institutions and companies / Developing a list of activities, procedures, and related documents for implementation of WP / Group work, feedback, discussions / Q-Placement Handbook ,
5.7.3. ‘During the placement’
30 minutes / Defining the
challenges for Q-
Placements during
evaluation of the WP
stage / Identifying Key issues during QP evaluation stage / Understanding, monitoring, control and evaluation of evaluation stage of WP from different perspectives (educational institution and company) / Discussions, group feedback / Q-Placement Handbook, 5.7.4. ‘After the placement’
90 minutes / Key issues to ensure
quality during the
evaluation stage
of WP / Identifying activities, procedures and related documents for implementation of WP at Education institutions and companies / Developing a list of activities, procedures, and related documents for evaluation of WP / Group work, feedback, discussions / Q-Placement Handbook, 5.7.4. ‘After the placement’
60 minutes / Good practices from
the Netherlands,
Slovenia, Spain, and
Latvia / What makes Q-Placement in my country / To increase awareness of existing best practises in different contextual settings / Individual presentations / Q-Placement Handbook,
p.83-86 ‘Best practice examples’
30 minutes / Designing the content
of national
workshops based on
the QP Handbook / Identifying topics for
of national Train-the-trainer workshops / To create understanding of the key issues to be covered during the national training seminars / Group discussion on general and country specific issues / Q-Placement Handbook,
5.10. ‘Related documents, examples and guidelines’
30 minutes / Conclusions of the
day / Monitoring, control,
and evaluation of WP / Understanding of monitoring, control and evaluation of WP / Group discussion and or (Q&A) / -
Day 3
Timing / Topic/Theme/Activity / Content description / Expected outcomes / Methods used / Hand-outs
30 minutes / Programme design for
national workshops / What are the main
issues in the
participants’ country / Understanding impact of context to ensuring QWP / Observation, group feedback / Q-Placement Handbook,
60 minutes / Objectives and
outcomes of national
workshops / Defining more
narrowly the
objective/outcomes of
the national workshop
for each country / Design of objective/outcomes of
the national workshop
for each country / Peer/group learning / Q-Placement Handbook,
120 minutes / Participants Profile,
Structure, and Content
of the national
workshop / Key issues to be
discussed for each of
the three stages of Q-
Placement: Before;
During; and After the
placement / Increasing awareness of participants profile, structure and content of national workshop for ensuring QWP: / Group discussion and reflection / Q-Placement Handbook, Ch. 4
90 minutes / Timeframe and
methodology for the
national workshop / Approaches, problem
areas, methodology,
motivation, and
conflict resolution / Increasing awareness on timeframe and methodology for the national workshops / Group discussion / -
30 minutes / Summary of the
workshop / Giving feedback and
evaluation / Increasing awareness national workshops success factors / Individual feedback (written and oral) / Workshop evaluation form