Free trial – speaking engagements – campaign follow-up letters
Suggested frequency for 30-day trial:
Two-week notice
1-week notice
1-day notice
2-week notice
Dear ______,
We hope you’ve been taking advantage of your Stratfor trial membership. We’re pleased to have you as our guest.
By now you will have received a variety of intelligence emails from us and may be visiting our website routinely. If you haven’t done so already, we encourage you to submit your own thoughts and feedback on the articles you receive – Stratfor analysts read and value all inputs from our readers!
In case you missed them, we wanted to bring some of the recent analyses – produced only for Stratfor Premium members – to your attention.
· [Pull latest GMB – title as link]
· [Pull latest Geopol Diary – title as link]
· [Pull latest Terrorism Brief – title as link]
As a reminder, you can find all of these articles and more by visiting We hope you continue to enjoy your trial membership, and look forward to serving you further.
Your Customer Service Team
1-week notice
Dear ______,
We hope you’ve been enjoying your Stratfor trial membership. It’s been a pleasure having you as our guest these past few weeks.
Your trial period will be coming to a close in 7 days. Because we’d like to continue serving you without interruption, we’re offering you a special discount:
· Sign up for a full Premium membership before your trial period ends – and continue your unlimited access to our Website as well as intelligence emails, five days a week -- for only $249 a year. That’s more than 25% off the regular rate!
You also can choose an email-only membership such as Premium Direct, for $99 a year, or select only the emails you’d like to continue to receive.
[links direct to signup page – with amended offer box omitting mention of free trial]
We look forward to serving you further!
Your Customer Service Team
Links take them to a page almost identical to, but with modified product boxes:
- no mention of 7-day free trials (Derek tweak)
- different URL
- replace screen capture graphic with testimonials (in process on standard signup pages now)
1-day notice
Dear ______,
We hope you have enjoyed your Stratfor membership. Today is the last day of your trial period.
It would be a shame to allow your service to lapse or be interrupted – particularly if you’ve come to rely on Stratfor to provide you with situational awareness, a unique perspective on global events, timely intelligence and forecasting the way our other readers do.
As a final reminder, we’re making you a special offer if you choose to continue your service today:
· Sign up for a full Premium membership for only $249 a year! That’s a 25% discount off the rate normally paid for annual memberships, and will ensure your unlimited access to our Website as well as intelligence emails, five days a week.
You also can choose an email-only membership such as Premium Direct, for $99 a year, or select only the emails you’d like to continue to receive.
For more information and to make your service selections, click here.
Thank you for being with us during the past month. We look forward to serving you as a full-time member.
Your Customer Service Team