September 18, 2015
Dear Families,
This week’s focus questions are “What should we do if we get sad or scared at school? What are our rules?” The children were very vocal on sharing what frightens them and what they can do when they are scared. Wemberly Worried and The Kissing Hand are books that gave us opportunities to talk about our feelings. They heard characters in the stories deal with their feelings. During our frequent book discussions, the children were able to make a connection with the storybook characters Wemberly and Chester, who worry about their first day of school. We discussed ways that helped Wemberly worry less; like giving her mommy a hug and making a new friend. We came up with a list on what we can do when we feel scared too.
As a group, we collectively came up with our class rules
to keep us safe.
The children traced and cut out their kissing hands for you
They also shared what makes them feel happy.
Owen-“When someone acts nice to me.”,Darren-“Watching T.V.”,Zoe-“Daddy”, Landon-“Playing with my brother Liam.”Miya-“When I go to the playground.”Damian-“When my family goes to the pool.”Miriam-“Mommy”, Tanay-“When my sister asks me ‘can I play with the toy’ and I say yes”,Dino-“My toys.”Jordyn-“When I see Minnie Mouse.”Kayla-“I stay with my mom.”Abdul-“playing with the van, Leah-“All my friends.”, Veronica-“My star sunglasses.”,Gerico-“Going home.”
1) Jordyn’s family is in charge of snack on Monday. Please bring items from the carbohydrate list (saltines, smart popcorn, ritz crackers, and something from the fruit/dairy list (applesauce, pudding cups, fruit, etc.) for the whole week. The children need to always have two choices on the table for snack. There are 15 children. We have a nut allergy in our room, so please make sure it is nut free!
3) We are having a WOW! Experience next week. I am looking for a family member to come in any time next week during morning circle 8:40-9:00 to show a special skill. Something to do with our hands, for ex. Play an instrument, juggle, spin and dribble a basketball, mold something with clay, knitting, anything you can do with your hands. It will only be about 15 minutes and if you need to come in the afternoon 2:30-3:00 another option. I can work around most morning schedules! If you are interested in being a guest in our class please send me an email at
as soon as possible. Also, I am still collecting family pictures. You can send that to my email address too.
Have a nice weekend! Ms. Debbie and Ms. Diane