On the 27th January 2016 the Council adopted the Local Development Plan (LDP). Whilst the LDP contains sufficient information and policies to provide the basis for the determination of planning applications, opportunities have been identified throughout the Plan for further detailed guidance to be provided on particular issues.
Selective use of Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) is a means of setting out more detailed topic or site specific guidance on the way in which the policies of the LDP will be applied in particular circumstances or areas. While only policies in the LDP have special status in the determination of planning applications, SPG may be taken into account as a material consideration in the decision making process. This is your opportunity to tell us what you think about the proposed SPG.
Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS and in Black Ink only.
All forms must be returned by midday on Thursday 12th April 2018. Representations received after the deadline will not be accepted.
By post to:Nicola Pearce - Head of Planning and Public Protection
Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council, The Quays, Brunel Way,
Baglan Energy Park, Neath, SA11 2GG.
Or e-mail to: (an editable version in Word is available to download at www.npt.gov.uk/ldp)
Alternatively, you can submit your comments directly online at www.npt.gov.uk/ldp/consultation
Please note that representations cannot be treated as confidential. All representations will be made available for public inspection and placed on the Council’s website.
You / Your Client’s Details / Agent’s Details (if relevant)Title / Name:
(if relevant)
2(a): Which SPG are you commenting on?
[Please tick () one of the following]
Landscape and Seascape SPGBiodiversity and Geodiversity SPG
2(b): Your Representation
Are you objecting to or supporting the SPG?
[Please tick () one of the following]
I am objecting to the SPGI am supporting the SPG
2(c): Amendment to the Wording of the SPG
Does your required amendment to the wording relate to:
/ Where in the SPG?A new Section
A new Paragraph
/ Which Paragraph Number?
Changes to a Paragraph
Please set out your comments below using additional sheets as necessary.
Your representation should cover succinctly all the information, evidence and supporting information necessary to support/justify the representation. If you want changes made to the SPG, please be specific. For example, if you want new text added, please set out the new text and explain clearly where it should go in the SPG.
Please indicate if you are submitting other material to support your comments.PART 3: WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?
Comments received as a result of consultation will be considered by the Council’s Regeneration and Sustainable Development Cabinet Board, together with any amendments needed to the documents. Once approved, the documents will be adopted and published as SPG alongside the Council’s LDP.Signed: / Date:
Do not forget to enclose any relevant documentation with this form.
FURTHER INFORMATIONFurther information on any aspect of the preparation of the SPG can be obtained from the LDP Team on 01639 686821 or e-mail at or by visiting www.npt.gov.uk/ldp