Approved By BOARD
Date 7/25/1997
The Hubbard Public Library shall provide, free-of-charge, a community based web service to all interested non-profit and other qualifying organizations who wish to participate in the project of compiling a community profile to be published on the world wide web.
Community Web Server Policyand Agreement
Libraries Responsibilities:
The library shall comply with the following procedures and requirements in the implementation of providing a world wide web presence to the community.
The Library Shall:
1. Offer the web server as a free service to the community.
2. Server space shall be available to any non-profit or other qualifying organization whether the organization is one of long standing in the community or is an ad hoc organization formed for the purpose of putting certain content on the web server.
3. The Library shall maintain and administer the web server bearing all original implementation costs.
4. The Library shall organize and conduct training for representative of approved organizations wishing to mount content on the server.
5. The library will offer the following web content management programs for organizations to administer their site. Joomla, Drupal or Word Press are currently supported which will allow organizations to update the website from anywhere with an internet connection. The library’s webserver supports PHP and ASP.NET for web based languages and MySQL for a database.
6. The Library may establish and enforce style guidelines for materials published on the server.
7. The Library shall appoint a library staff person to preview and approve any materials mounted on the server.
8. The Library Board of Trustees or staff designee shall retain the right to approve all applications of organizations wishing to mount information on the web server.
9. The Library shall encourage the community’s business and professional community to develop and mount comprehensive directories of an informational nature.
10. The Library shall develop and initiate a program to publish the writing , art, and music of its patrons.
11. The Library shall actively promote its web site. This is not to be construed as the promotion of any particular organization or business by the Library.
12. The Library staff will be actively encouraged to use the server as a venue for collaboration with their peers in other libraries.
13. The Library shall not be held responsible or otherwise liable for the views, or information of web site participants.
14. The Library shall give proper notice (30 days if possible) to all participants should the Web Server service be withdrawn or changed in any substantial manner.
15. Organizations are required to update their web content at least once a year as to not have abandoned content on the server.
Responsibilities of Participants and Others:
Designated Web Server Participants and Others shall comply with the following procedures and requirements in the implementation of providing a world wide web presence to the community.
The Participating Organization Shall:
1. The Organization shall submit, in writing on the required form, an application to mount their information on the web server.
2. The Organization shall submit, in writing, a brief plan outlining the nature and purpose of the content to be mounted on the web server.
3. The Organization shall identify the person to be responsible for the upkeep of the content.
4. The Organization shall notify the Library whenever the person responsible for the upkeep of the content changes.
5. The Organization shall agree that their content may be removed from the library web site if it is not maintained and kept up-dated in a timely fashion. At least 1 update a year.
6. The Organization shall agree to prepare and maintain the content of the material to be published on the library server.
7. The Organization shall agree to not mount any information on the library server that could be construed as political, sexually explicit, pornographic, or of a vulgar nature.
8. The Organization or the representative of the Organization shall abide by the library’s schedule when using library equipment. Time to use the designated workstation must be scheduled in advance within the confines of the regular library hours and operations.
9. The Organization or the representative of the Organization shall participate in the web service training during regularly scheduled instructional periods provided by the Library.
10. The Organization shall give 30 days notice to the Library should they wish to withdraw from the project.
1. The library shall not be responsible for any normal power or other equipment failures resulting in inability of users to access web information.
2. The library shall not be held liable for any errors in information occurring during the creation of certain, any, or all web sites located on its domain.
3. Commercially prepared content designed for marketing purposes shall not be permitted. Links to marketing materials on commercial servers shall be permitted and encouraged.
4. The Library retains the right to review and revise the no-charge service policy at which time a fee may be imposed for all or part of this service.
5. The Library does not endorse or promote certain, any, or all information submitted by participating organizations.
6. The Library is not responsible for the views, opinions, or accuracy of information published by participants on the Library web server.
The designated representatives agree to participate in the Hubbard Public Library Web Server Project and also agree to abide by the Community Web Server Policy and Agreement as stated in this document.
Signature of Organization Representative
Print or type above name
Signature of Library Representative
Print or type above name