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berufsverband bildender künstler*innen berlin e.V.


Köthener Str. 44

10963 Berlin

Membership Application

Hereby I apply for a membership at the berufsverband bildender künstler*innen berlin e.V.

(Professional Association of Visual Artists Berlin)

Surname:...... First Name:......

Title:……...... Artist Name:......

Date of birth:……...... Gender: male female not specified

Country of origin:…...... Nationality: ......

Street / No: ...... ZIP: ...... City: ......

Addition to address: ......

Mobile phone: ...... Phone: ......

E-Mail: ...... Website: ......

Focus of the artistic work:

Painting Drawing/Graphics/Collage Sculpture/Objects Installation/Object art

Photography Video/Videoinstallation/Movie Digital/Web art Performance

Conceptual art Sound-/Lightinstallation Art in public space Participating projects

Design Glass art/Textile art Curatorial concepts

Declaration of consent to publish URL / e-mail address

I hereby agree that the URL of my website (if existing), my e-mail-address (safe from spam) and the focus of my

artistic work will be published on the website of the artists data base I assure, that there

is no offensive or illegal content on my website.

I have a degree in Fine Art from a state recognised Art College or University (Bachelor-/ Master- or

comparable degree). The corresponding certificate is attached (copy of the diploma).

I have been a member of another bbk artist association, of the Deutscher Künstlerbund or of the Fine

Arts section of the Akademie der Künste or GEDOK. The corresponding certificate is attached (copy of the

membership identity card).

I am currently a student in Fine Art at a state recognised Art College or University. (Certificate of matriculation is attached.)

I work as a professional artist but without a formal education and degree in Fine Artfrom a state recognised Art University or College. I hereby apply for membership at the bbk berlin through the admission committee, which will decide about my application. The bbk berlin will inform me about any documents required for the acceptance.

City/Date: ...... Signature: ......

Membership Fee/ Request for reduction

The amount of the contributions is determined at the regular meeting of members in accordance with the statues of the bbk berlin e.V. The annual fees are currently: 1.) 116 euros regular 2.) 85 euros reduced 3.) 30 euros for students.

2.) A reduced membership fee can be requested by artists who are

a.receiving benefits under the Social Security Code II (Arbeitslosengeld II),

b.pensioners who are obtaining legal basic income or which pension entitlement does not exceed such.

The request for reduction is awarded annually and is valid for one year. Relevant evidence has to be provided unrequested for each year. If no evidence is provided the regular membership fee applies automatically.

3.) The reduced membership fee for students will be granted to artists who are still inscribed to a course of Fine Art at a state recognized Art University or College. It is granted for 2 years after submission of the certificate of matriculation. As soon as a degree within the corresponding subject is submitted, the regular membership fee applies. Upon submission of an enrollment certificate the student tariff can be extended.

I am applying for payment of the reduced membership fee.

Corresponding evidence is attached (copy of ALG II, pension approval certificate)

I am applying for payment of the student tariff.

Corresponding evidence is attached (enrollment certificate)

Notice: In accordance to §6 Abs.2 of the statues of the bbk berlin e.V. a termination of the membership must be declared in writing at the latest on the 1st of October of each year and will take effect at the end of the year. For members with a student tariff who are not showing evidence of a corresponding degree or enrollment certificate, the membership will end automatically. New members who terminate their membership after 3 months of the entry date, can resign with immediate effect, as long as a processing fee of 30euros is being paid.

Method of payment

berufsverband bildender künstler*innen berlin e.V. Bank Details: Commerzbank

Köthener Str. 44IBAN: DE07 1004 0000 0895 5551 00


Self-payer (bank transfer or standing order)
Members who don´t grant direct debit authorization (SEPA-Direct Debit Mandate) have to transfer the membership fee upon receipt of the invoice or establish a standing order with their bank (once-a-year, before May 31).

SEPA-Direct Debit Mandate

Credit Identifier: DE47ZZZ00000552120

I hereby authorize the bbk berlin e.V. to collect payments from my bank account via direct debit. At the same time, I instruct my credit institution to pay the direct debits drawn on my account by the bbk berlin e.V. Notice: Within eight weeks, starting with the date of debit, I can claim a reimbursement of the charged amount. The agreed conditions of

my credit institution apply in this regard.

Payment Interval:annually biannuallyquaterly

Accountholder:Surname: ...... Name: ......

Street / No.:……...... ZIP: ...... City: ......

Credit Institution: ……………………………………………………..……......

IBAN: ......

BIC: ......

City/Date: ...... Signature: ......


All gathered personal data of the membership application together with their amendments and additions will be exclusively, according to § 28 Abs. 9 Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG) imposed, processed and used. They serve the purpose of justification and management of the membership. A data transfer to third parties is only carried out within the scope of this intended purpose.

In addition, the provisions of the German Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz) in its respective version, apply.

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