Colorado – Gifted Education Review 2009 Summary of Strengths and Recommendations
Primary Focus for 2009-2010 School Year
Target a revised (systemic) identification assessment process as a primary focus for improvement according to the Rules for Implementation of the Exceptional Student Education Act and CDE Guidelines.
The result of identification is programming matched to the strength area. Collaborate with stakeholders to select and support varied methods of programming options and strategies that will match strengths of gifted learners for curriculum, instruction and assessment. Promote community or summer resources when direct support is not available in schools.
Secondary improvement efforts are: communication with stakeholders about access to gifted education procedures, events and educational opportunities; and early recognition of strengths of exceptional learners integrated with the district’s RtI framework for quality instruction.
- PSD Gifted and Talented Website
- Gifted and Talented Blackboard resource for teachers
- English and Spanish letters for parents
- Gifted and Talented Advisory Board
Next Steps:
Communicate with stakeholders regarding
- characteristics and behaviors of gifted children as well as district gifted education identification procedures
- programming using a variety of media (e.g., Web site, Blackboard, brochures, handbooks, parent forums, faculty professional development)
- Identification assessments for gifted math learners
- Central office and school sites are aware of disparities in the ethnicity/race and poverty data of their gifted population and are taking steps to remedy the issue.
- Collaborative processes are planned to facilitate the upcoming changes in identification assessment and communication.
Next Steps:
- Revise identification assessment procedures and recommendations for qualitative and quantitative data in a body of evidence for identification decisions.
- Include parental involvement and communication in all aspects of development and participation in the identification processes.
- Ensure that community and parents are aware of how to access and be involved in identification assessment.
- Many AP classes are offered, and students appreciate the AP teachers and consider them to be highly qualified.
- Additional learning opportunities are offered to address student interests and passions.
- Gifted programming will be included in the RtI framework.
Next Steps:
- To ensure consistency between schools, create a district-wide continuum of programming options, similar to math, for each content area to ensure K-12 access for all strength areas.
- Offer K-12 programming options to address affective support for identified students in order to address issues of stress, isolation, career guidance and counseling.
- District administration has a future vision of what needs to be done to improve gifted education accountability.
- Planning for the needs of gifted students is embedded in all district initiatives (i.e., RtI, ELL)
- The district will be using a new data collecting format to improve accessibility (Exceed).
Next Steps:
- Integrate gifted student achievement monitoring with essential district procedures and expectations for student learning and growth for all school sites.
- Use data to drive programming at district and site levels.
- Write, implement and monitor ALPs for all students to include measurable goals for ongoing programming and affective needs. Provide means for parental involvement.
- Students appreciate GT staff and their expertise and respect for student learning.
- The district is working on building capacity through the goal of increasing the number of endorsed GT personnel.
- The district is currently looking at a paradigm shift in how personnel are used with a future vision already mapped out.
Next Steps:
- Provide on-going professional development for all staff regarding district philosophy, characteristics, ID processes, and programming for gifted students (e.g., quality DCIA, and the incorporation of gifted students within the RtI process).
- Outline and provide continued professional development for site coordinators to further enhance their effectiveness and leadership in the shifting paradigm.
- Administration is working in the district to increase expectations for accountability for use of GT funds.
- Scholarships are being offered to support summer programs for students.
Next Steps:
- Establish and communicate to all stakeholders, accountability and guidelines for all GT funds (district and Department) to include per identified GT student-based funding amounts and $3000 GT allocation.
- Use chart of accounts for the tracking of GT funds and their appropriate use of as identified in statute.
- Disaggregate GT student data to assess possible inequities/inconsistencies created by student-based budgeting and allocation of GT personnel.
- Gifted student data is accessible to educators.
Next Steps:
- Develop and make available for all stakeholders a process for dispute resolution.