Advertisement Server

Advertising Resources arecurrent with advertising trends, Internet news, and technology. The Internet offers an increasing number of opportunities for small businesses to advertise their products and services. Internet advertisements can take many forms, from the now ubiquitous banner ads and pop-up ads, to search engine ads, e-mail ads, discussion forums, blogs, newsletters, and streaming audio and video.

Network advertisers are companies that distribute online advertisements. You pay them to place your ads on other Web sites. Likewise, a network advertiser will pay you for allowing other companies to place their ads on your Web site. Some network advertisers specialize in placing banner ads, and other types of graphical, multimedia ads, on Web site pages. Others specialize in placing ads in e-mail newsletters.

1.1 Abstract

The “MULTI LEVELAdvertisING SERVER” is a computer server, specifically a web server that stores advertisements used in online marketing and delivers them to website visitors. For designing the Web Page we have to use Asp. Net using C# Language and storing the details we have to use SqlServer. Ad serving describes the technology and service that places advertising campaigns.

An ad server is the name for the organization, hardware and software that delivers advertisings creative to the user’s browser. An ad server solution is a powerful online ad serving technology solution for publishers, online retailers, and other media properties.

An ad server is a computer server, specifically a web server that stores advertisements used in online marketing and delivers them to website visitors. Ad serving describes the technology and service that places advertisements on web sites.

Ad serving technology companies provide software to web sites and advertisers to serve ads, count them, choose the ads that will make the website or advertiser most money, and monitor progress of different advertising campaigns. An ad server is the name for the organization, hardware, and software that deliver advertising creative to the user’s browser. An ad server solution is a powerful online ad serving technology solution for publishers, online retailers, and other media properties.


The ad server has several modules. Administrator can control all processes of the entire project. Admin can login at any time to see the process of all users. Admin can monitor all the activities of the users. Affiliate Signs up outside of the system or admin creates a new affiliate in the system. Based on this setting, a new affiliate will be put in either pending or approved state. Publisher An individual or organization involved in the publication and dissemination of advertisements.

Advertisement with Web Host Industry Review magazine allows your company to target a motivated audience of Web host Industry Influencers, decision-makers, buyers, suppliers, analysts and consumers. Readers look to Web Host Industry Review for the information that guides and influences their purchasing decisions on Web hosting services and related tools. Whether your company is looking expand its brand recognition, or simply gain more clients, this project can help your business grow with an advertising campaign tailored to both your budget and desired results Opportunities include banners, text links, spotlights and tag sponsorships.

  • Admin Login
  • Publisher Login
  • Affiliate Login
  • Advertisement Details
  • Report Information
  • Commission Process


Admin is the responsible person to enter into page. He/ She have authorized user name and password to enter into Login Page. He can able to view Advertisement details and select the required Advertisement from the publisher. And published on Website.


This Module is Publisher Login. He/She also can permission to Login into Page and select the appropriate News and publish on the Website.


In this project main aim is, the New Company to get permission from this Ad server website to become a publisher of this Website. After get that Username and Login they can able to publish their Company Pages into this Website.


This Module is Advertisement detail Module. Here the Admin should enter all the details of the of the Advertisement Page. The Size of the Page, cost those details are enter here.


This Module is used to give Report information about the publishing Site from Advertisement detail Table.


This Module is used to show the Commission details for Advertisement Website. Here Payment details are added and Payment ID will be generated.



Advertising aims at promoting the products and services of a company. It helps in the creation of a brand identity and serves as an effective means to communicate to the world the value of the product or the service. Through different advertising techniques, companies achieve a growth in the sales of their products and services by attracting the masses towards them. Different types of advertising techniques aim at highlighting the product features and bringing about its uniqueness in relation to its competitors. Advertising techniques often intend to make a product stand out by throwing light on its features that make it look different from the rest. Advertising is carried out through different media so that the advertisements gain a mass appeal. It is brought before the public through various channels to ensure that the product or the service is noticed by the general public. Following is a description about the various types of advertising techniques.

Print advertising makes use of the print media such as magazines and newspapers. The print media also offers options like advertising through brochures or pamphlets. The effectiveness of the advertisement made through the print media depends on the popularity of the media used. The advertisements, which appear in prominent newspapers, have a greater chance of being noticed. Fliers and brochures are commonly distributed with newspapers and supplements are attached to newspapers. In such cases, the popularity of the newspaper and the location of the advertisement in it matter most.


Online advertising is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and World Wide Web for the expressed purpose of delivering marketing messages to attract customers. Examples of online advertising include contextual ads on search engine results pages, banner ads, Rich Media Ads,Social network advertising, interstitial ads, online classified advertising, advertising networks and e-mail marketing, including e-mail spam.

One major benefit of online advertising is the immediate publishing of information and content that is not limited by geography or time. To that end, the emerging area of interactive advertising presents fresh challenges for advertisers who have hitherto adopted an interruptive strategy.

Another benefit is the efficiency of advertiser's investment. Online advertising allows for the customization of advertisements, including content and posted websites. For example, Ad Words, Yahoo! Search Marketing and AdSense enable ads shown on relevant WebPages or aside of search results of pre-chosen keywords. Another is the payment method. Whatever purchasing variation is selected, the payment is usually relative with audiences' response.