Literature Studies
Mrs. Verlei
Teacher Instagram: mrs.verlei
(623)376- 4300 Ext. 78
Course Goals:
Literature studies is designed to be an extension of the English Language Arts classroom. Students will begin by exploring different literary genres, followed later by novel studies. Learners will have opportunities to connect the literature to their own lives as well as varying media literacies. Additionally, students will be looking to see how these genres can shape human culture.
Students will be reading texts and engaging in class-wide and group based discussions. Time will also be given for independent reading and reflection.
By the end of the quarter students will also have engaged in opportunities to find main ideas, analyze information, accurately summarize information, and recognize features of different genres. Students will also have ample opportunities to apply context clues skills to unfamiliar vocabulary.
Course expectations:
Students are expected to come to class prepared and willing to read. Only when students truly engage in discussion will they be able to construct personal meaning from the text, and thus be applying the true reading process.
Being respectful to the classroom community of students and the teacher, Mrs. Verlei is a must. Other expectations include being engaged in learning, accepting responsibility, and being safe in the classroom.
Student responsibility:
Students are responsible for writing down the class agenda daily, in addition to completing the daily bell work which is due every Friday. Maintaining papers and other work required for the class is a responsibility of the student. Completing the work in a timely manner and turning it in for feedback and a grade is necessary for student growth. Checking Power Schools regularly is recommended.
Grading scale:
100- 90= A
89-80= B
79-70= C
69- 60= D
59- below= F
Extra credit:Extra credit assignments are rare with this course. Extra credit is also only offered when all other course work has been completed. It will not be used as a means to supplement missing assignments. Requesting for extra credit at the end of the quarter to boost low or failing grades will be denied.
Plagiarism: All written work is to be individually produced.
Plagiarism is the use of the written work of others (either direct copies or close paraphrases) as one’s own original work. If quotations and/or passages from other works are used in papers, they must be accorded the proper citation in order to avoid any misunderstandings about plagiarism.
When there is evidence that a student has committed plagiarism, copied the work of others, allowed others to copy their work, cheated on an exam, altered class material or scores parents will be notified via the student and teacher calling home. Consequences include receiving no credit on that assignment, while still being asked to produce an original assignment. Other consequences may include an office write- up with administrative action taken.
Attendance: Students who are frequently late to class miss bell work time, and thus will be affecting their weekly bell work grade. Habitual tardiness may result in lunch or after school detentions to make up lost class time.
If you were absent:
•Please ask a classmate to see their agenda
•Copy down the agenda
•Ask classmates if we had any handouts
•Ask me for handouts
**You have the number of days you were absent to complete and turn in work.***
Late work:Sometimes we forget about an assignment or procrastinate. Should students need to turn in late work, points will be deducted each day the assignment is late. After five school days, the student will no longer receive credit for an assignment. It can however, still be turned in for feedback.
Discipline:Misbehavior (behaviors which impede the learning process of those in the class) will be handled as followed:
- Warning to stop negative behaviors
- Teacher and student conference (to understand why the behavior is occurring)
- Documented warning and a phone call home
- Student is sent to the in school detention room and parents/guardians are notified*
*The choice may also be made to send a student out of the room for a short period of time. If a student is asked to leave the classroom, a phone call will be made to notify parents.
Additionally, after step two certain interventions may be used in order to help a student redirect their behavior. A common intervention is a seat change.
Food and Drinks:The carpet and tile in my classroom look so beautiful. Therefore, we can keep it that way by only drinking water in the classroom. Also, eating in the classroom should not occur unless it has been deemed acceptable by Mrs. Verlei. Gum is also not permitted on campus or in the classrooms. Mints are acceptable in Mrs. Verlei’s class.
Cell phone/IPod usage:Students may use cell phones or IPod with teacher permission, to either access dictionary/thesauri apps or to listen to music during extend writing times/bell work times. If students are choosing to use phones/IPods inappropriately the student will be asked to put it away and continue the activity without it. Inappropriate use includes texting, playing music too loudly, or using internet or other apps for personal use.
By signing below parents and students acknowledge the rules and procedures and agree to follow them. Please sign and detach. Return to Mrs. Verlei.
Student Name: ______
Parent/Guardian Name (Print and sign)