Please print and sign page 2 and email or post to address listed below.

Participant Details:

Name/s: ______

Age at time of camp:______

Address: ______

Email: ______

Parent/Guardian name and phone nr. in case of emergency:

Any medical issues/medication we should be aware of (allergies, food intolerances, asthma etc.)?:______



At Tinnehinch Farm, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow

Age 5-7 years: 31st Mar __, 1st Apr__, 7th Apr__

Age 8-12 years: 3rd Apr__

Please tick whichever you child is attending in Enniskerry.

At Castleruddery Organic Farm, near Donard, Co. Wicklow

Age 5-7 years: 8th Apr__

Age 8-12 years: 10th Apr__

Please tick whichever you child is attending near Donard.

€30 per child, per day

10% discount for children from the same family, e.g. 3 kids €90 - €9= €81

Names of participants: ______

Total to be paid: ______

Paid by bank transfer: □ Paid by cheque: □

Earth Force Education cannot guarantee a place for your child until we have received payment and reserves the right to cancel or refuse a place if deemed necessary to do so.


Bushcraft and playing in the outdoors inherently involves a certain amount of risk, which serves a vital role in your child’s development. See for more on this. We, the undersigned, understand that by its nature, bushcraft involves tool use, though carefully monitored and assessed, it means some risk is inevitable. You agree that cuts, grazes and falls can happen while children are on a bushcraft course and will not sue for such and you give Earth Force Education permission to treat such wounds or to refer for medical treatment if necessary.

I consent to the above declaration:

Name of participant: ______

Parent/guardian signature:______Date: ______

Photo release:

By signing below I hereby grant free permission to use images of my child participating in these programs or events for outreach purposes, including but not limited to electronic or printed materials or media. Please consider granting this release to us if at all possible, as our ability to successfully share our program with new participants depends on having representative photographs.


NO, I do not wish to grant a photo release.


How to pay and what to bring?

See Page 3 for kit-list and bank details.

Kit check-list:

·  A small day pack, backpack with:

·  Wet gear; waterproof jacket and trousers – essential!

·  Wellington boots or waterproof hiking boots

·  Hat, for sun….. or rain J

·  Spare gloves and socks in a plastic bag to keep them dry

·  Avoid cotton as it gets cold when wet. Use thermals and ski gear if you have it or purchase outdoor gear from ALDI/LIDL.

·  Bring a change of clothes to get into after the class (they may well be mucky/wet) so you save your car seats.

·  Lunch and several snacks

·  A drink of water

·  A hot drink in a flask is essential

·  Any medication your child needs, please inform us in advance.

Please, if you have online banking, please pay by online bank transfer. Cheques and Postal orders are more expensive to process for you and me, and can go missing. Many, many thanks for making the time to do this.

Bank Address: Bank of Ireland, Sutton Cross, Dublin 13

Sort Code: 90 06 90 Account number: 48632277 BIC: BOFIIE2D

Account Name: Earth Force Education IBAN: IE45 BOFI 9006 9048 6322 77

Quote: Reference the appropriate course and your child’s name with your bank transfer.

If you do not have access to online banking please send cheques or postal orders with the registration form to:

Ciara Hinksman, 10 Winetavern Manor, Stratford on Slaney, Co. Wicklow

Cancellation policy:

We are flexible however as we are holding a place for your child where numbers on each course are quite limited, we will take a 50% cancellation fee if we have two weeks advance notice prior to the beginning of the programme. We will charge 75% of the fee if we have one weeks notice and 100% after that.

We reserve the right to change or cancel any programme. If we cancel due to severely bad weather and if it is deemed unsafe to go outside, we will refund your fee if the full day is cancelled.


w:, e:

p: 086 3199515, COR: 408921, 2010