NIAAA Board of Directors Conference Call
April 19, 2016 – 11:30 pm EDT
The meeting was called to order at 11:300 am EDT, Tuesday, April 19, 2016, by President Mark Armstrong, CMAA, NE. Members present included: Rich Barton, CMAA, UT, President Elect; Trish Witkin, CMAA, CT, Past President;Doug Killgore, CMAA, AR, Secretary; Gary Stevens, CMAA, ME, Section 1; Paul Pendleton, CMAA, TN, Section 3; Jeff Sitz, CMAA, WI, Section 4; Todd Olson, CMAA, ND, Section 5; Cindy Riley, CAA, AZ, Section 7; Scott Nordi, CAA, WA, Section 8; Carter Wilson, CMAA, GA, Region A At-Large;Deb VanKuiken, CMAA, MI, Region B At-Large;Bruce Bowen, CMAA, VA, NEDC;Josh Scott, CMAA, MO, Secretary Elect;Bruce Whitehead, CMAA, Executive Director; Mike Blackburn, CMAA, Associate Executive Director, Phil Rison, CMAA, Associate Executive Director Designee. Not present were: Matt Shomper, CMAA, OH, Section 2 and Sandra Howell, CMAA, TX, Section 6.
President Armstrong opened the meeting with a welcome to all members.
Action Items
IThe minutes of the February, 2016, board meetings were reviewed.
On motion by Trish Witkin, seconded by Paul Pendleton, the February, 2016, minutes were approved.
IIBudget and Financial Reports
ABruce Whitehead gave the report on the financial condition of the association as of March 31, 2016.
1Income YTD$ 1,163,841 (12.8% below projection)
2Expenses YTD$ 1,249,589 (8.3% below projection)**
3Reserve Fund YTD$1,411,418 (75.4% of annual budget; 50% is required)
4Endowment YTD$ 1,152,559
5Checking Balance$ 452,280.40
** Includes spending of some 2014-2015 surplus
Membership stands in excess of 10,100 at this date.
On motion by Todd Olson, seconded by Scott Nordi, the financial reports were approved.
Information Items
IMark Armstrong led the discussion on the July board meeting schedule. Members should be mindful of making flight arrangements with Pat Gowan in the very near future.
IIReminders –
AMembers were reminded to review and rank the Citation Forms no later than June 1. The office will inform members once documents are available in the Portal.
IIIGary Stevens gave a brief summary of the Section 1 meeting of March 22. All Section 1 states but New Jersey were represented. New Jersey’s state conference coincided with the section meeting thus compromising attendance. Section 1 will host a Summer LTI Institute on Cape Cod, June 26-29, 2016. Other information may be found on the Section 1 Minutes in the Portal.
IVThe members reviewed a note of acknowledgement and appreciation from the administration of Xavier Prep regarding the passing of Sister Nancy Perlick and the NIAAA contribution to a scholarship fund in her memory, whose absence continues to be felt in many activities.
VNew Committee Descriptions
APositions/White Paper – A question was raised regarding the genesis of topics for consideration. Ideas may be generated by both the committee and at the direction of the board or administrative staff.
BMembership – The work and composition of the committee were discussed briefly.
As it pertains to the two new committees; Doug Killgore and Josh Scott will review committee staffing, term limits, leadership, etc. and present recommendations for approval by board members in July. Documents would be available for board review no later than June 25 pursuant to modification and approval by the board in July. It was discussed that each of these committees would initially have one member per section.
VIStaff Report
AAdvocate Report – Work continues on the ESSA bill and DOE involvement. Very informative reports are sent to board members on a regular basis.
BMike Blackburn addressed the Accreditation Video which is now available on the NIAAA website. The 10:30 long presentation is quite informative and provides great input on the association and accreditation process and benefits.
CWebsite Updates – Mike Blackburn reported on the progress being made on improving the accuracy, convenience and information value of the website due largely to the addition of Nellie Crocker in the office.
Discussion/Action Items
ICommittee Leadership
ACoaches Ed – The needs for leadership positions for the Coaches Ed Committee were discussed. Bobby Guthrie, the current chair, will be consulted and work to secure vice chair applications for consideration in the near future.
BEndowment – Leadership replacements were discussed.
On motion by Doug Killgore, seconded by Todd Olson, Todd Gilkey was approved as chair of the Endowment Committee effective January 1, 2017.
On motion by Doug Killgore, seconded by Deb VanKuiken, Marmion Dambrino was approved as vice chair of the Endowment Committee effective immediately.
CNEN – A group comprised of Doug Killgore, Josh Scott, Bruce Bowen and Gary Stevens was asked to consider the purposes and direction of the NEN committee to facilitate its staffing and efficiency. The group will work closely with office staff for input pursuant to providing information prior to and in connection with the July board meeting.
IICommittee Appointments
ANFHS Sports Medicine Committee – Due to a relatively small group of applicants willing to accept the position, additional effort will be made to secure quality representation. Doug Killgore will secure a candidate for presentation and consideration no later than May 20. The NFHS Board is to “approve” the selection at their June meeting.
Through email action on May 12-13, 2016, the following motion addressed the NFHS Sports Medicine vacancy.
On motion by Doug Killgore, seconded by Trish Witkin, Jill Stobber, WI, was unanimously approved for NIAAA placement on the NFHS Sports Medicine Committee effective immediately.
BNFHS Citizenship and Equity Committee – Secretary Doug Killgore presented Andre Walker, Houston ISD for consideration.
On motion by Doug Killgore, seconded by Cindy Riley, Andre Walker was approved for placement on this committee.
CNEN Committee –
On motion by Doug Killgore, seconded by Scott Nordi, John Szabo (Sect 4 Coordinator), Mike Mossbrucker (Sect 4 Assistant Coordinator), Ted Reynolds, (Sect 8 Coordinator) and Larry Yeradi (Sect 8 Assistant Coordinator) were approved.
IIINCA Grievance Procedure –Phil Rison was asked to lead the research on the process needed to address this request. Information will be distributed to members for consideration pursuant to its adoption in the coming months to meet the NCA deadline of Spring, 2017.
IVProfessional Outreach – The approval of the New York Outreach Request was delayedfor future consideration. Options to fund the request were discussed pending itemization of encumbered funds from other outreach efforts this fiscal year. The budget will be reviewed in the coming weeks in hopeshonoring their request in the very near future.
VPersonnel –
AThe contract labor position of IAA Coordinator was addressed by Mike Blackburn and applicants were discussed.
On motion by Gary Stevens, seconded by Rich Barton, John Evers was approved as the IAA Coordinator as a contract labor position.
BDevelopment, Marketing & Communications Manager – Mike Blackburn reported the progress of securing candidates for this position. Work continues on this effort.
CA report was given by Mike Blackburn on the progress of Nellie Crocker and her contributions to office efficiency and effectiveness. The OPP committee will consider recommendations in July to advance her salary commiserate with her performance.
VIMike Blackburn addressed the continued endorsement of the Heads Up Football Program.
On motion by Scott Nordi, seconded by Paul Pendleton, it was approved to provide an NIAAA endorsement for the Heads Up Football Program.
VIIGary Stevens reported on his attendance at the NCS4 meeting in Mississippi in April. If members wish additional information, members should contact Gary.
VIIIConcluding reminders from Mark Armstrong:
Contact Pat Gowan for travel arrangements for the July meeting;
Best wishes to all for their upcoming Section meetings;
Submit Citation Ratings in a timely manner once notified documents are available,
Continue to REACH OUT! And touch someone; figuratively speaking.
On motion by Trish Witkin, seconded by Cindy Riley, the meeting was adjourned at 1:12 pm EDT.