8th Grade Algebra 1 & Algebra A ~ 2012-2013
Mrs. Rodriguez (Room 36)
If you have any questions, please contact me through one of the following resources:
Suzanne Middle School: (909)594-1657 E-mail:
Student Expectations: 1. Be on time, be prepared, and be polite 2. Follow classroom rules.
- Work must be neat and legible.
- Assignments should be done the night they are assigned.
- Absent students should get the assignment from the school website or from a friend so they do not fall behind. If they cannot do that they will find the homework posted for the week on the homework board in class.
- Absent students have 1 extra day to complete their assignment for full credit.
- If a student is caught exchanging homework for the purpose of copying both students will earn a 0.
- Homework assignments are checked daily at the beginning of class for 5 points and handed back to the students the same day:
- 1 point for writing the title at the top of the page (page # and problems assigned), their name in the upper right hand corner, period, and number assigned to them.
- 1 point for writing down each question and signifying your answer either with a highlighter, box or answer column
- 2 points for showing work for each problem. Every problem must be attempted. If a student needs help they need to use their resources: class notes, power points on video tutorials on textbook, or call a friend.
- 1 point for making corrections with a red pen when we correct in class. (Do not just mark it wrong; show the correct work). If the student gets a 100% they need to indicate that at the top.
- We will go over questions from the previous night’s homework each day
- It is the student’s responsibility to ask questions and seek help when they do not understand.
Warm-Ups: (Class work)
- Students will have daily warm-up questions to complete in class.
- Warm-ups cover the previous day’s lesson. Math is cumulative and lessons build on each other so it is imperative that the students keep practicing the material.
- Each day’s warm up will be worth 5 points:
- 1 point for writing the warm up number as the title for each entry, their name in the upper right hand corner, period, and number assigned to them.
- 1 point for writing the question and signifying the answer
- 2 points for showing work on all problems
- 1 point for making correction in class with a red pen
- Warm Ups will be corrected and reviewed daily in class.
- Warm Ups need to be done on one piece of paper and students need to keep their warm ups
- Warm-ups will be collected every Friday.
- Absent students must write absent for the entry they missed and will not be docked any points. However, students who do not write absent will be docked 5 points. Warm ups cannot be made up.
Notes: (Class work)
- Notes should be in a spiral notebook or composition book dedicated just to math.
- Notebooks need to be brought everyday to class.
- Everything written on the board must be in the student’s notebooks.
- Title each day with the section number and name to stay organized.
- Highlight, indent, color coordinate, and underline to help important topics stand out.
- Write all examples shown in class.
- Draw a line through mistakes. Mistakes are a great learning experience. A simple line will allow you to go back and see where you made your mistake so it can be fixed.
- All power points are uploaded on in case there is not enough time for the students in class to follow along. Students can go home that night and finish their notes. Writing notes is a great study tool so I would strongly suggest for students not to print out the notes. However, some students cannot focus if they are writing notes and prefer to write the notes ahead of time. Students are welcome to write out the notes before class to help them listen during instruction. Students know themselves best and it is their responsibility to do what will help them be most successful.
- Notes are graded by taking notes quizzes at the end of each chapter and some surprise mid chapter notes quizzes. Students use their notes on the notes quiz and all the answers should be in their notes if they wrote detailed notes.
- If a student is absent they can find the notes on from a friend or from the absent crate in class. Absent students are responsible for getting their notes and will not be excused from a notes quiz.
- Given periodically through the chapter
- Students may use their notes on quizzes
- No re-takes on quizzes
- Quizzes go home with students
- Calculators may be used on chapters 5-13
- If a student does not show their work or if the work does not match their answer they do not earn points for the problem.
- If a student is absent the day of a quiz they will take it when they return during class.
- Quizzes will be announced ahead of time. Students absent the day before a quiz will still take the quiz with the rest of the class.
- If a student is talking, sharing a calculator, using a cell phone, discussing the quiz with another student, or any other form of cheating the grade will be a 0.
- Tests will be given at the end of every chapter
- No notes on test
- Calculators may be used on chapters 5-13
- No re-takes on tests
- If a student does not show their work or if the work does not match their answer they do not earn points for the problem.
- If a student is absent the day of the test they will take it when they return during class.
- Tests will be announced ahead of time so students who are absent the day before the test will still take the test with the rest of the class.
- It is the school policy that all testing materials are kept in the classroom. Graded tests are shown to the students and discussed the day after they take the test. Tests do not go home with students. Students will take home a test sheet that has their score on it and students are responsible for writing down the problems they missed on the test and correcting them. Please ask your student for the test sheet the day after the test to review the grade, help them with their corrections, and sign it so I know the parents are aware of the students’ progress.
- If a student is talking, sharing a calculator, using a cell phone, discussing the test with another student, or any other form of cheating the grade will be a 0.
- Grades are weighted based on the following criteria:
Class / Homework / Class work / Quizzes / Tests
Algebra 1 / 20 / 15 / 10 / 55
Algebra A / 20 / 20 / 10 / 50
- The overall grading scale is:
A=89.5-100, B=79.5-89.4, C= 69.5-79.4, D=59-69.4, F= 0-58
- Students need to maintain an A or B during the course of the year otherwise they will have to retake the class next year.
- Citizenship grades are numbers: 1, 2, 3 or 4.
- A “1” in citizenship is the highest mark a student can get. A “1” means that the student follows all the classroom and school rules, as well as, goes above and beyond to be nice and helpful to others. A true standout in class!
- A “2” in citizenship is good. A “2” means that the student follows all the classroom and school rules.
- A “3” in citizenship means the student needs improvement. A “3” indicates that the student is violating classroom or school rules. Some common violations would be excessive talking, distracting other students, tardy to class, not being prepared, out of seat, throwing items in classroom, leaving classroom a mess, off task, food /gum/drink in class, cheating, being disrespectful to teacher or fellow students, playing with electronical devices, etc.
- A “4” in citizenship means the student was warned with a “3” and has not improved.
- Students who earn 3’s or 4’s are in jeopardy of being on the flag list, making them unable to participate in the fun eighth grade activities.
Thank you for taking the time to read through the syllabus. Students please keep this in your folder and refer to it throughout the year when questions arise. Parents please contact me whenever you have questions. Please take advantage of Parent Portal which contains student grades. Parent Portal will be updated daily so check it often to make sure your student does not fall behind. Also please take advantage of my page on the school website where you can find homework, power points, flash cards, announcements, and many greater math tools. I truly want your student to be successful in my class so please help them stay accountable for doing their work and make sure they are studying for tests and quizzes.
-Mrs. Rodriguez
Materials Suggested for Success
Please note these are suggestions and do not mean that the student will not be successful if they do not have these items. We can always improvise but it would be nice if each student had the following items:
- A red pen to correct with
- A composition book or spiral notebook for math class only to write notes (should be brought to class everyday)
- A 3 ring binder for all subjects with a divider for math. Students should keep all homework, warm ups and quizzes in their folder and bring it to class every day. Once we are done with a chapter the students can choose to do what they want with the homework, classwork, and quizzes. I would recommend to leave it at home in a different folder, file, or even a shoe box.
- A scientific calculator. Students may use a calculator in chapters 5-13. A cell phone or iPod will not be allowed to use as a calculator in class.
- Graph paper for chapters 7,8,12,and 13
- Ruler to help graph in chapters 7,8,12, and 13
- Lined paper for homework and warm-ups. Students will need a lot of lined paper to ensure they are showing work for each problem.
- Highlighters to highlight answers and to highlight important topics in notes
- Pencils (lots of pencils) math should be done in pencil. If you prefer mechanical pencils then bring extra lead. If you prefer regular pencils bring a little sharpener. Don’t worry about erasers I would rather students put a line through the mistakes and start over. It helps them, as well as, me see their mistakes and their thought process.
- Colored pencils for creative projects we will work on throughout the year.
- Computer with internet access to keep up with the school website where you can find the homework, notes, power points, flash cards and announcements. As well as, to check on parent portal for the student’s current grade. Students can also use the computer to look up math videos when they get stuck on a problem. A good website is or even you tube has some great tutorials on math problems. And finally, computers can help the students with some creative projects we will do throughout the year.