The Creation of Israel – Student Notes
History of the Hebrews/Jews
1800 BCE:______- nomadic tribes from Canaan (present day Iraq)
1500BCE: ______moved to Egypt because of ______
1250BCE: ______led Hebrews (Jews) back into Canaan
1025BCE: Kings David & Solomon created Judea and Israel (built temple at Jerusalem)
586 BCE: Conquered by Babylonians – ______ –first Jewish Diaspora
539 BCE: Babylon falls to the Persians
300 BCE: Persians allow Hebrews back in - built a second temple (165 BCE.)
70 CE: Romans ______ , bringing about the second Jewish ______- (scatters Jews to other parts of the world).
Romans renamed it Syria Palaestina (after the Jewish enemy Philistines)
313 CE: ______ centers in Jerusalem due to the Emperor ______.
638 CE:Muslim Arab armies capture Jerusalem and build the______.
1096 CE: – Pope attempts to recapture the Holy Lands through the ______ – Christians did not defeat Arabs. Dark Ages in Western Europe – Age of Enlightenment comes back.
1516 – 1917 CE: ______(Muslims) take over in Palestine.
Late 1800’s: ______ – movement among European Jews to set up a Jewish homeland in Palestine – persecution of Jews (Anti-Semitism) became rampant in Europe. Jews kept to themselves in communities, churches, usury, etc.
WWI: Ottoman Empire sided with ______.
Britain’s promises:
1. Arabs gain land in ______if Arabs help fight the Ottomans.
- Jews a national homeland in ______for Jewish support in the War.
WWII 1930-40’s: Nazis rise to power – many Jews fled to Palestine – Jewish numbers were restricted to Palestine.
Result of WWII : Palestine turned over to the United Nations in ______.
1947: ______- splits Palestine into Jewish state and Arab state.
Arabs object to giving any territory to Jews. (Fill in top left blank Map)
1948______: Jews announce the creation of Israel. Arab nations declare war at once. Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon send military forces against Israel.
1949: Israel defeats Arab forces with help from the ______. An armistice is called by the UN. UN annexes almost half the area set aside for Arabs under the UN partition plan + half of Jerusalem. Jordan gets the ______Egypt gets the ______, Syria gets the ______. Arab ______ flee to those three areas.
1956: Egypt nationalizes then blocks Israel’s use of the ______. Israel, Britain and France attack Egypt – ends in UN crease fire.
1964: The ______: formedto support the creation of a Palestinian state. Leader was ______.
1967:The______: Israel initiates a strike on Egyptian air force son the ground and destroys them. Israel captures East ______and the ______from Jordan, the ______from Syria, and the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula from ______, These areas then became known as the ______. (Fill out top right map)
1973: The Yom Kippur War – Nothing won or lost
Egypt and Syria try to get back lands taken in Six-Day War – ends in UN cease fire.
1979: The______ peace treaty between Egypt’s President Anwar El Sadat and Israel’s Prime Minister Menachem Begin. Arranged by US President Jimmy Carter – all received Nobel Peace Prizes. Result was that Egypt regained the ______. (Fill out the bottom left map)
1987:______ or “the shaking”. Tired of Israeli rule, Arabs inoccupied territories began a mass
uprising. Rights of Palestinians were violated.
1993:______ - PLO and Israel sign peace agreement. PLO recognized as representative of Palestinian people – PLO recognized the State of Israel. Palestinians received Gaza Strip and Jericho (in West Bank).Yitzhak Rabin (Israel) and Yasser Arafat (PLO) received Noble Peace Prizes. Rabin is assassinated soon after. (Fill out the last map)
2001: Speculated cause for the terrorist attacks on 9/11/01: ______
2004: Security barrier in West Bank, Arafat dies, and MahmoudAbbas, a known member of HAMAS,is elected President of Palestinian National Authority.
8/15/05: Israeli’s evacuate Gaza Strip and 4 West Bank settlements – gone by 8/24/05.
Bombings still occur daily throughout the Occupied Territories in an attempt to scare Israeli’s into leaving.