List of Bills and Bill Titles – 2013 Maine Legislature(Updated March 22, 2013)
Note: The following list was compiled by MaineCoast Heritage Trust (MCHT) staff. Bills listed address conservation-related issues. This list is provided as a resource for land trusts and does not reflect MCHT’s support, opposition, or interest in the bills listed. The LD number links to the state’s legislative website where language, sponsors, and status can be found. LR documents exist in title only. Contact MCHT to discuss these or other policy issues at (207) 729-7366.
LR 1331An Act To Amend Forest Practice Laws To Facilitate and Enhance Wildlife HabitatStatus:
LD 745An Act To Promote Sustainable Food PoliciesStatus:Hearing 4/2
LD475An Act To Increase Food Sovereignty in Local CommunitiesStatus: Hearing 4/2
LD421An Act To Prohibit the Unauthorized Harvesting of Wild Mushrooms and FiddleheadsCommittee:Tabled
LD 837An Act To Clarify the Laws Establishing the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and ForestryStatus: Hearing 3/26
LD 524An Act To Increase the Membership of the Land For Maine’s Future BoardStatus:Work Session 3/26
LR 1625An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Ensure Clean Water and Safe CommunitiesStatus:
LD 138An Act To Amend the Laws Governing the Issuance of Bonds That Have Been Ratified by the Citizens of the StateStatus:
LD 904An Act To Clarify When Bonds May Be IssuedStatus:
LD 749 An Act To Prohibit the Taking or Possession of a Natural Resource That Is on the Land of AnotherStatus:
LD219An Act To Establish a Long-term Funding Source for the Department of Inland Fisheries and WildlifeStatus:
LR 767An Act To Amend the Maine Wind Energy ActStatus:
LR 724An Act To Clarify the Laws Governing Noise from Wind TurbinesStatus:
LD964An Act To Promote Local or Community-based Generation ProjectsStatus: Hearing 3/27
LR 811 An Act To Provide for Economic Development with Offshore Wind PowerStatus:
LR 1753An Act To Allocate Net Revenue from Energy Corridor Leases on TurnpikeStatus:
for Energy and Environmental Conservation
LD 385An Act To Improve Wind Energy Development PermittingStatus:Hearing 3/28
LR 1636An Act To Preserve Maine's Natural Heritage and Promote Economic Prosperity in Rural MaineStatus:
LD 825Resolve, To Study Climate Change and Implement the Recommendations of the DEP Report on Climate ChangeStatus: Hearing 4/4
LD 824Resolve, Directing the DEP To Develop a Rural Land Use Development ProcessStatus:Hearing 4/3
LR 1356An Act To Protect Water QualityStatus:
LR 1034An Act To Impose a Tax on the Extraction of Water for BottlingStatus:
LD 1059An Act To Protect Maine's Environment and Natural Resources Jeopardized by MiningStatus:
LR 1450An Act To Restore Former Provisions of Mining LawsStatus:
LR 1484An Act To Amend the Application Procedure for Mining PermitsStatus:
LD470An Act Regarding Working Waterfront ProjectsCommittee:Tabled
LD 793An Act Clarifying the DEP’s Authority Relating to Compensation for Development Activity under NRPAStatus:Hearing 4/3
LD 794An Act To Amend Setbacks Requirements and Standards Related to Species Migration under the LawsStatus:Hearing 4/3
Regulating Development near Vernal Pools
LR 762An Act To Make Adjustments to Setback Requirements under Mandatory Shoreland Zoning LawsStatus:
LD 437An Act To Streamline the General Permit Process for Tidal PowerCommittee: Pass Amended
LD 432An Act To Amend the Gifting of Land Exemption under the Subdivision LawsCommittee: Ought Not to Pass
LD 674An Act To Clarify the Natural Resources Protection ActStatus: Hearing 4/3
LD 824Resolve, Directing the Department of Environmental Protection To Develop a Rural Land Use Development ProcessStatus: Hearing 4/3
LD 596An Act To Help Small Businesses and Promote Tourism By Allowing the Construction of a Platform, WalkwayStatus:Work Session 3/28
Or Deck over a River or Marshland
LD 1147An Act To Protect Maine's Scenic CharacterStatus:
LD 1186An Act To Allow Removal of Trees for Shoreline Stabilization Projects Adjacent to Coastal Wetlands under the NRPAStatus:
LR 556An Act Regarding Working Waterfront ProjectsStatus:
LR 560An Act To Amend the Mandatory Shoreland Zoning LawsStatus:
LR 1934An Act To Establish a Moratorium on the Transportation of Tar SandsStatus:
LR 1449An Act To Regulate Products Derived from Tar SandsStatus:
LR 613An Act To allow Two Sunday Hunting Days for Residents OnlyStatus:
LR 733An Act To Prohibit the Introduction of Invasive Species into Maine WatersStatus:
LR 1091Resolve, Directing the DIF&W To Amend Its Rules Pertaining to Trails within Deer Wintering AreasStatus:
LR 475An Act To Strengthen the Wildlife LawsStatus:
LR 479An Act To Strengthen Maine's Assent Language for Participation in the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration ActStatus:
LD 730An Act To Protect Maine's Loons by Banning Lead Sinkers and JigsStatus:Hearing 3/28
LD879An Act To Increase State Wildlife Revenues and Grow the Hunting and Fishing IndustriesStatus:
LD220An Act To Ban the United Nations Agenda 21 in MaineStatus: Hearing 3/5
LD 311An Act To Protect Landowners from the Exercise of Eminent Domain in Energy Infrastructure CorridorsCommittee: Ought Not to Pass
LR 1042An Act Concerning the Charging of Fees for Use of Facilities Owned by Tax-exempt InstitutionsStatus:
LD1039An Act To Promote Regulatory FairnessStatus:
LR 825An Act To Protect the Rights of Private Property OwnersStatus:
LR 562An Act To Streamline the Charitable Solicitations ActStatus:
LD 154An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Limited Liability for Recreational or Harvesting ActivitiesStatus:Work Session 3/26
LD 72An Act To Open the St. Croix River to River HerringStatus:Hearing 3/25
LD 584An Act To Provide for Passage of River Herring on the St. Croix River in Accordance with an Status:Hearing 3/25
Adaptive Management Plan
LD 748An Act Regarding the Passage of River Herring on the St. Croix RiverStatus: Hearing 3/25
LD 585An Act To Require the Development of a Statewide Approach to Seaweed ManagementStatus:Hearing 3/20
LD778An Act to Develop Principals to Guide Fisheries management DecisionsStatus:Hearing 4/3
LD 811An Act to Provide Guidance for the Development of Marine Fisheries Management PlansStatus:Hearing 4/3
LD939An Act To Restore Maine's Groundfishing IndustryStatus:
LR 1639RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine To Establish the Right To Hunt and FishStatus:
LR 1124An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Discontinued and Abandoned Roads Stakeholder GroupStatus:
LR 1662 Resolve, To Study the Reintegration of Key Functions of the Former State Planning OfficeStatus:
LR 973An Act To Protect Family Farms and Working Waterfront Subject to Estate Tax and Reduce the Maine Estate Tax ExclusionStatus:Work Session 3/8
LD 980An Act To Provide an Income Tax Credit for the Charitable Contribution of Open Space LandStatus:
LD492 An Act Increase Reimbursement to Municipalities under the Maine Tree Growth Tax LawCommittee:Ought not to pass
LD 562An Act Related to Service Charges in Lieu of Property Taxes on Tax-exempt PropertyStatus:Hearing 4/1
LD 107RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine To Permit the Legislature ToCommittee:Divided Report
Provide a One-year Period of Penalty Relief for Withdrawal of Forest Land from Current Use Valuation
LD400An Act To Amend the Maine Tree Growth Tax LawCommittee:Ought not to pass
LD 936An Act to Authorize Municipalities To Impose Service Charges on Tax-exempt Property Owned Status:Hearing 4/1 by Certain Nonprofit Organizations
LD 1209An Act To Prohibit the Use of Public Resources for a Privately Owned East-west HighwayStatus:
LD483An Act To Promote Small Businesses by Enhancing the Use of On-premises SignsStatus: Hearing 3/8