Темпус проекти
DINAQUF: Designing and implementing of the NQFTEMPUS Проект: „Дизајнирање и имплементација на национална рамка на Квалификации”
(DINAQUF: Designing and implementing of the NQF, Tempus Project N° 145165-TEMPUS-2008-SE-SMHES (2008-4763)
Project coordinator: Prof Elizabeta Bahtovska
VICES: Video Conferencing Educational ServicesTEMPUS Проект: ,,Video Conferencing Educational Services”,144650-TEMPUS-2008-IT-JPGR (2009-2012)
Local coordinator: Prof. Pece Mitrevski
West Balkan Bologna Promoters Network
West Balkan Bologna Promoters Network TEMPUS SCM C-032B06- (2007-2008)
Local coordinator: Prof Elizabeta Bahtovska
DRIMS: Development of Regional Interdisciplinary Mechatronics StudiesTEMPUS Проект: ,,Развој на регионални интер-дисциплинарни студии по мехатроника”(DRIMS: Development of Regional Interdisciplinary Mechatronics Studies, TEMPUS IV Project 158644 – DE – JPCR).
Local coordinator: Prof. Aleksandar Markoski
iKNOW: Innovation and Knowledge Management Towards eStudent Information System
TEMPUS Проект: ,,Иновации и менаџмент на знаењето кон развој на е-студент информационен систем”(Innovation and Knowledge Management Towards eStudent Information System, 511342 – TEMPUS-1-2010-1-UK-TEMPUS-JPGR).
Local coordinator: Prof. Pece Mitrevski
Strenghening Quality Assurance System
„Strenghening Quality Assurance System with West Balkans NEIs in Support of National and Regional Planning”
Local coordinator: Prof. Bozin Donevski
WODOMI: Workflow and Document Management Infrastructure towards Integrated University
“Workflow and Document Management Infrastructure towards Integrated University”,Tempus UM_JEP 40045-2005 (2006-2009)
Local coordinator: Prof. Pece Mitrevski
QUASNet: Quality Assurance and Accreditation System Network
“Quality Assurance and Accreditation System Network”,Tempus SCM-C011B05-2005 (2006-2007)
Local coordinator: Prof. Pece Mitrevski
Sustainable Multilingual Interoperable Learning Environment
Sustainable Multilingual Interoperable Learning Environment”,Tempus SCM-C009B05-2005 (2006-2007)
Local coordinator: Prof. Pece Mitrevski
MABECS: Management and Business Education in Computer Studies
"Management and Business Education in Computer Studies”,Tempus CD_JEP 18046-2003 (2004-2007)
Local coordinator: Prof. Pece Mitrevski
Multilingual internet step-by-step math for all
“Multilingual internet step by step math for all” Tempus C033A04-2004 CARDS SCM 2004
Project coordinator: Prof. Linda Fahlberg Stojanovska
Wireless Campus for Strengthening of Student Services
“Wireless Campus for Strengthening of Student Services”,Tempus UM_JEP 17045-2002 (2003-2005)
Local coordinator: Prof. Pece Mitrevski
Virtual Digital Library and Digitalization as a part of DES
“Virtual Digital Library and Digitalization as a part of DES”,Tempus UM_JEP 16155-2001 (2002-2004)
Local coordinator: Prof. Pece Mitrevski
Administration et gestion des universités dans l’ARYM
“Administration et gestion des universités dans l’ARYM”,Tempus UM_JEP 15032-2000 (2001-2003)
Local coordinator: Prof. Pece Mitrevski
Exchange of best practices in establishing EKTS
“Exchange of best practices in implementing EKTS” TEMPUS SCM C006B03-2003
Project coordinator: Prof Elizabeta Bahtovska
Implementation of ECTS at the University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
“Implementation of ECTS at the University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski”,Tempus UM_JEP 15058-2000 (2001-2003)
Project coordinator: Prof Elizabeta Bahtovska
Specialist Studies for Professor of Secondary Vocational Education in Mechanics
“Specialist Studies for Professor of Secondary Vocational Education in Mechanics”,Tempus AC_JEP 14136-99 (1999-2000)
Project coordinator: Prof. Dusan Popovski
Virtual Laboratory as a Part of a Virtual University
“Virtual Laboratory as a Part of a Virtual University”,Tempus UM_JEP 14078-99 (1999-2000)
Local coordinator: Prof. Pece Mitrevski
Development of University Information System
“Development of University Information System”,Tempus UM_JEP 13568-98 (1998-2000)
Project Coordinator: Prof. Linda Stojanovska
Distance Education System
“Distance Education System”,Tempus UM_JEP 13371-98 (1998-2000)
Local coordinator: Prof. Pece Mitrevski