When and How to Complete a Serious Injury Form
- It is a requirement of the Participation Agreement we sign each year with the SRU, and the insurance cover that the SRU provides for all our players in the event of injury, that we report any injuries to our players. This can be done easily online by the coach of the relevant team. For the senior club, I will normally do it unless anyone else particularly wishes to take on this responsibility.
- Collecting reports/statistics about injuries is an important aspect of looking after our players and failure to do so might invalidate our player insurance, as each report flags up a potential claim.
When do you need to complete a form?
- The Serious Injury Report is to be completed if any PLAYER has a rugby injury or rugby related illness as follows:
a)Attends hospital and/or is required to attend for a follow up;
b) Is admitted to hospital and/or stays overnight;
c) In the event of a fatality (clearly we very much hope that we do not deal with such an event!!)
- Once the form is completed, it is emailed to the rugby insurance company (AON), Scottish Rugby and the EKRFC (Senior Club) Secretary also receive notification. You should receive a confirmation email from the system to advise that this has been completed.
Access to the System
- To access the system, you need to log on by pasting the following link into your computer:
or clickhere
This brings up a log in box.
- Your username for this purpose is INJURYREPORT
- Your password is SRinjury01
- This is a generic login and should be used by all coaches or club officials who have responsibility for player welfare, including reporting injuries.
- The login provides restricted access to the SRU’s Player Registration System i.e. it does not permit access to the Player Registration System itself.
- Completing the form is very straightforward. Clearly you need the player's name, details of his injury and details of the treatment he has received. You can part complete the form and further populate it later. A few parts are mandatory e.g. details about yourself but other sections are optional. The form is a mixture of radial buttons, free entry and drop down menus.
- When you access the system online, a user guide on completing the form is available.
- If anyone has any queries, or any difficulties in accessing the system to report injuries, I am happy to try to assist.
Malcolm MacDonald
EKRFC Secretary
2 October 2014