Minutes (FY 2012) of the
May 14, 2012
Opening/Pledge: President Dawn Andermann called the meeting to order with the pledge at 7:08pm on May 14, 2012.
Roll Call: Dale Svela, Jim Bratko, Les Bonnell, Leo Bauby, Karen Ellis, Matt Hayes. Absent: Les Kinne, Angie Burkhart.
Approval of Agenda: Dale made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Les Bonnell seconded the motion.
Consent Agenda: During the discussion Dawn pointed out that the Celebration Garden committee amount was incorrect. Matt said he would correct it. A motion was made to approve the minutes of the 4/19/12 meeting, the Treasurer’s Report, and the bills as presented by Leo Bauby and seconded by Dale. Roll call was taken – Dale Svela, Yes; Jim Bratko, Yes; Les Bonnell, Yes; Leo Bauby, Yes; Karen Ellis, Yes. Motion passed.
Adjournment: Jim Bratko made a motion to close the 2012 fiscal year. Karen Ellis seconded it. Motion carried.
Minutes (FY 2013) of the
May 14, 2012
Opening/Pledge: President Dawn Andermann called the meeting to order for fiscal year 2013 with the pledge at 7:24pm on May 14, 2012.
Roll Call: Dale Svela, Jim Bratko, Les Bonnell, Leo Bauby, Karen Ellis, Matt Hayes. Absent: Les Kinne, Angie Burkhart. Visitors: Karen Bonnell.
Committee Reports
· Committee minutes were presented to the Board. (See attached.) Leo presented Pat Anderson’s bid for the audit. Dawn voiced a concern with the auditor’s integrity because two different bills were presented for the same work charged this past winter. Dawn stated that the bills were inappropriately changed at Jim Bratko’s request. Dale suggested we go with Pat Anderson for $2300 and if we have new issues to deal with her then. The other bid presented was from WIPFLI for $7995. Leo Bauby made a motion to accept Pat Anderson’s bid. Dale Svela seconded the motion. Jim clarified that $766.66 is to be paid at the beginning of the contract and for Pat to notify us of when she is going to begin. Roll call was taken – Les Bonnell, Yes; Jim Bratko, Yes; Leo Bauby, Yes; Dale Svela, Yes; Karen Ellis, Yes. Motion passed.
· Leo Bauby then made a motion for the Board to accept Rick Snyder’s bid to do electrical work to disconnect the electrical meter at the Depot and to connect the Depot to the park pavilion for up to $200. Jim seconded the motion. Roll call was taken – Leo Bauby, Yes; Les Bonnell, Yes; Dale Svela, Yes; Jim Bratko, Yes; Karen Ellis, Yes. Motion passed.
· Jim Bratko went over the Water Committee minutes. Jim made a motion to add to the Water Operator’s Job Description the words as written in the committee minutes. (See attached.) It was seconded by Dale Svela. Motion carried with all in favor.
· Jim also made a motion to add to the qualifications of the Water Biller to possess basic computer skills and to provide the Board of Trustees an update of paid water customers (wording as in the committee minutes). It was seconded by Leo Bauby. Motion carried with all in favor.
· Jim made a motion to approve the bulk water rate at 4 cents per gallon. It was seconded by Leo Bauby. Roll call was taken – Dale Svela, Yes; Jim Bratko, Yes; Leo Bauby, Yes; Les Bonnell, Yes; Karen Ellis, Yes. Motion passed.
Celebration Garden: Dawn reported that $6,495 has been donated so far. The cement pad has been poured and the benches attached. The committee will be ordering the engraved bricks the beginning of May.(See attached list.)
Other Committees: Dawn asked if all the current committees were needed. Jim Bratko said yes and wated an Ad Hoc Committee added.
President’s Report:
· Dawn requested reimbursement for planting flowers in the barrels. Jim Bratko made amotion to allow Dawn to do this but not to exceed $100 and to have the Beautification Committee take over the project for next year. Leo Bauby seconded the motion. Roll call was taken – Leo Bauby, Yes; Les Bonnell, Yes; Dale Svela, Yes; Jim Bratko, Yes; Karen Ellis, Yes. Motion passed.
· Dawn asked if we wanted to spray for mosquitoes this year. Leo Bauby wad that we should educate residents with information on alternate bug repellents. Leo stated that Lowe’s carries bug zappers.
Old Business
Revised Ordinances: Dawn has gotten one quote for $300 to print the ordinances from Printing Etc.
Trees: Karen Bonnell is waiting to hear from Springfield on the grant.
Website: The website will be finished in June. See the attached Blackhawk Hills report from Nora Jeter.
Disaster Planning: Jim asked if the Board would like to meet and have a Table-top Discussion. All agreed and the date was set for June 4th at 7:00pm.
Depot & Garage Sale Days: Dawn asked for help running the Depot Bake sale.
New Business
Appropriation Ordinance: No report.
Farmers Market: Les Kinne had talked to Dawn about discussing a Farmer’s Market here in Steward. Dawn stated she has a friend in Hinckley that is in the business. She will talk with Bountiful Blessings and see what the requirements might be.
Pedestrian railroad crossings/Warning signs on Fuller Street: Leo Bauby stated that the walkways are broken up near the Railroad. Dale stated that there used to be warning signs. Jim requested that a letter be sent to the Burlington to request new warning signs and to fix the sidewalk crossings. Dawn will also request that the tires be removed by the Burlington.
Boarded up property on Main Street (Johnson Property): Dawn stated that this has been discussed several times at the Planning Commission meetings. Karen Bonnell stated that Brian Johnson plans to renovate the property. Dale and Jim agreed to meet and discuss it at an ordinance meeting.
Trash on village property in front of Huber residence: Jim Bratko suggested that Dawn draft a letter to first ask for the garbage, etc., to be removed. Dawn asked that Jim and Dale meet first as the Ordinance Committee and discuss it.
Adjournment: Dale made a motion to adjourn, Leo Bauby seconded it. Motion carried. The meeting ended at 9:05 pm.
Next Meeting: June 11, 2012
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