Silver Jubilee Pre-Conference Workshops

Rawalpindi- Islamabad

2nd Announcement

It gives us great pleasure to send out second announcement for Pre-Conference Workshops of Silver Jubilee ORTHOCON 2011. The idea of holding these workshops has been well received by the orthopaedic community and we are sure that it would raise the image of our annual moot to a truly scientific event. We are confident that the conference and workshops would be truly educationally rewarding events and would fulfill our theme of “Training For All”

In consultation with our colleagues and course coordinators we are issuing this program for the Pre-Conference Workshops which would be finalized by first week of September 2011. We are happy to announce that a ninth workshop has also been included for “Management of Club Foot and Ponsetti technique”.

Please note that few changes have been made in the time and venue of various workshops. A significant change has been made by Director of AO SEC workshop and AO Foundation. This workshop is now for one day on non operative treatment fractures and POP techniques. Due to administrative reasons AO Foundation could not be convinced for arranging the originally planned workshop. We regret this change and give the registrants an option to review their participation according to the new program.

An ATLS workshop was very well received and has been fully registered. We regret that we cannot accept further registration for ATLS workshop. The registration for ATLS workshop is now CLOSED.

The final announcement would be made by 15th September 2011. Due to other minor changes please check the dates and venue of the workshop you have chosen to avoid last minute confusion. You would also find slight variation in the registration fees which have been made in consultation with the course directors. As already highlighted the workshops are being heavily subsidized (up to 50% at times) for the members of the orthopaedic community. The short fall would be borne by the organizing committee to fulfill our commitment to impart training to all.

As announced previously the spaces for each workshop are limited and would be filled on first come first serve basis. The last date has been advanced to 30th Aug 2011 to give an opportunity to aspirants who have not registered so far. So please register early to avoid disappointment at the last moment. You can register on line by logging on http//Pak ORTHOCON 2011 or you can send your registration by post to conference secretariat at Shifa International Hospital, H8/4 Islamabad.

Hope to see you in Rawalpindi- Islamabad and hope you have a truly intellectually and scientifically rewarding experience.

Prof Brig Sohail Hafeez


Chairman Scientific Committee

General Instructions for the Pre-Conference workshops


Each workshop would be run as per recommendations of course director and the faculty. ORTHOCON organizing committee would provide the necessary logistic and administrative support.

Course Venue:

Please check exact time and venue of your course one day before the commencement by logging on to our website or you may directly communicate with the Scientific Committee or the Course Director/Coordinator.


The course director reserves the right to withhold the course certificate if a participant does not attend all sessions of the course.

Course Language

The official course language is English.

Dress Code

Dress for the course is ‘casual’ but smart. Smart trousers and shirt without the neck tie is recommended.

Accommodation, Insurance and Travel

Accommodation, insurance and travel arrangements are the responsibility of the participant. If you require any assistance, kindly contact the course secretariat.

Course Fee

Please check individual workshop for registration fees.

Last Date of registration:30th Aug 2011

How to apply:

  1. Pl send duly completed registration form and your fees to Conference Sectt at Orthopaedic Deptt, Shifa International Hospital, H 8/4 Islamabad.
  2. Demand Draft/ Pay Order in the name of “Pakistan Orthopaedic Association” drawn at a bank in Lahore.
  3. You may apply on line by logging on to http//Pak ORTHOCON 2011 – workshops. After registration on line please send the registration fee to ORTHOCON Sectt, Orthopaedic Deptt, Shifa International Hospital, H8/4, Islamabad.

Pre Conference Workshops - Outline

Location / Duration / Days / Seats / Course Director / Org Body / Reg Fee
TBA / 1 day / 13 Oct / 24 / Prof MA Wajid / AO Foundation
Swiss / 2,000/-
II. Spine
Shifa Int’l Hosp / 3 days / 11-13 Oct / 16 / Col Asad Qureshi / Pak Spine Society / 5,000/-
III Ilizarov
Serena / 2 days / 12-13 Oct / 16 / Dr Haroon Rashid
AKUH / AKUH / 3,000/-
ORP 500/-
PIMS / 2 days / 12-13 Oct / 16 / Brig Sohail Hafeez / Dr Irfan Masud / CMH Rwp/ Shifa Int’l / 10,000/-
PG 5000/-
Maroof Hosp / 2 day / 12-13 Oct / 16 / Dr Khalid Aslam / Shifa Int’l Hosp / 10,000/-
PG 5000/-
Serena / 2 days / 12-13 Oct / 16 / Lt Col Suhail Amin / Shifa Int’l Hosp
CMH Rwp / 10,000/-
PG 5000/-
CPSP Isld / 3 days / 7-9 Oct / 16 / Lt Col Farhan Majid / ATLS Found/
CPSP / 10,000/-
VIII Pelvic Surgery
Shifa Int’l / 2 days / 12-13
Oct / 20 / Dr Masood Umar AKUH / AKUH / 7,000/-
3000/- PG
IX Club Foot/ Ponsetti tech
PIMS / 1 day / 13 Oct / 25 / Dr Javaid Iqbal
Children Hosp Lhr / Children Hosp Lahore / 2,000/=

Dates & Venues of Pre-Conference Workshops

Date / Workshop / Venue
7-9 Oct 2011 / ATLS / CPSP Islamabad
11-13 Oct 2011 / Spine / Shifa Int’l Hosp, Isld
12-13 Oct 2011 / Pelvic Surgery / Shifa Int’l Hosp, Isld
12 Oct 2011 / Club Foot / PIMS, Isld
13 Oct 2011 / AO SEC Non Op Tech / PIMS, Isld
12-13 Oct 2011 / THR / PIMS, Isld
12-13 Oct 2011 / Ilizarov / Serena Hall 1, Isld
12-13 Oct 2011 / Arthroscopic Surgery / Serena Hall 2, Isld
12-13 Oct 2011 / TKR / Maroof Int’l Hospital, Isld

Workshop I

AO SEC Course

AO SEC Course for non Operative Treatment of Fractures


This is a one day workshop which introduces non-operative techniques of Fracture management. The course will cover the principles of bone healing and healing under relative stability.

Course Objectives:

At the end of the course the participants would be able to broaden the knowledge and comprehension of non-operative fracture treatment.Various non operative techniques of achieving relative stability will be discussed. Basic biomechanics of plaster application and various principles of traction application along with their biomechanics will be discussed.

Format of Course:

Course will be conducted in form of didactic lectures and followed by video of the practical. There will be hands on plaster application sessions and the material will be provided to the participants.


The course is suitable for year 1-3 residents as well as trainees who wish to improve cast application skills.

Total Number of participants

Total Number of participants would be 24

Course Director

Prof M A Wajid, Sharif Medical Complex, Lahore

Course Faculty

Prof M A Wajid Course Director

Prof RK ShahNepal, Foreign Faculty

Course Program:

9:15 / 0:15 / Welcome, introduction and course objectives
9:25 / 0:10 / AO SEC - History and philosophy
9:40 / 0:15 / Principles of bone healing
9:55 / 0:15 / Healing by Relative stability- non operative methods
10:10 / 0:15 / Indications for non operative treatment
10:25 / 0:15 / Biomechanics of cast treatment
10:45 / 0:20 / Traction application basic principles- adults and children
11:15 / 0:30 / Cofee Break
12:15 / 1:00 / Practical - application of forearm cast
12:30 / 0:15 / Distal radius fracture non operative treatment
12:45 / 0:15 / Treatment of tibial shaft fractures non op method
13:45 / 1:00 / Lunch
14:45 / 1:00 / Practical - short leg cast
15:00 / 0:15 / Complications of pop treatment
15:15 / 0:15 / What we have learnt today
15:30 / 0:15 / End of day

Course Fee

Original Fees PKR 5,000/=

For Silver Jubilee ORTHOCON – Rs. 2,000/=

(PKR 3,000/- to be subsidized by organizing committee of ORTHOCON)

Last Date of registration:30th Aug 2011

How to apply:

Course Director would ask each head of orthopaedic department to nominate two PG students. On nomination please detach the registration form and send it to ORTHOCON Sectt, Islamabad along with:

  1. Duly completed registration form
  2. Nomination form of head of department.
  3. You may apply on line by logging on to http//Pak ORTHOCON 2011 – workshops. After registration on line please send the registration fee to ORTHOCON Sectt, shifa International Hospital, H8/4, Islamabad.
  4. Demand Draft/ Pay Order in the name of “Pakistan Orthopaedic Association” drawn at a bank in Lahore.

Workshop II

Spine Workshop


This is a three day intensive workshop on spine approaches and fixation techniques intended for orthopedic and neurosurgeons, who intend to pursue their career in spine surgery. This workshop will give an overview of all common spine operations.

Course Objectives:

At the end of workshop the participants would be able to:

  1. Understand common spinal diseases encountered in practice
  2. Be familiar with the anatomy of different segments of spine
  3. Understand various approaches of spine
  4. Understand rationale and use of various spine instruments and implants

Format of Course:

The course would be conducted on following format:

  1. Short lectures
  2. Moderated Video Presentation
  3. Hands on Practice on saw bones
  4. Hands on Cadaver practice

There will be four practical tables and 16 candidates.


The course is best suited for junior orthopaedic consultants with special interest in spinal surgery.The participants would be selected on the recommendations of the head of department.

Total Number of participants

Total Number of participants would be 16

Course Director

Workshop will be chaired by the founder of AO spine international and writer of AO spine manual, Prof Max Aebi.


Faculty would include:

  1. Prof Max Aebi, Switzerland
  2. Prof Ufuk, Turkey
  3. Prof Guizzardi
  4. Prof Mossimo Balsami, Italy
  5. Prof Amer Aziz, Lahore
  6. Prof Muhammad Arif, Peshawar
  7. Dr Ather Enam , USA
  8. Prof Muhammad Asad Qureshi, Rawalpindi


Prof Col Muhammad Asad Qureshi
Consultant Orthopaedic and Spine Surgeon
Army Medical College/ Combined Military Hospital


Day-1: Tue 11th Oct 2011

0830 Introduction

0845 Anterior approach to cervical spine (moderated video)
0900 Practice on cadaver
1030 Tea

1045 Posterior approach to cervical spine (moderated video)
1100 Practice on cadaver

1230 Anterior approach to thoraco-lumbar spine (moderated video)
1300 Lunch
1330 Practice on cadaver

1500 Posterior approach to thoraco-lumbar spine (moderated video)
1530 Practice on cadaver
1700 end of day one

Day-2: Wed 12th Oct 2011

0830 Anterior Cervical Spine Techniques (moderated video)
Skull Traction
Odontoid Peg Screw
Total Cervical Disc Arthroplasty

0930 Hands on practical on saw bones

1100 Tea

1115 Posterior Cervical Spine Techniques (moderated video)
Occipital Screw
C1/2 trans articular screw
Gallie’s fusion
C2 pedicle screw
C/S lateral mass screw
C7 pedicle screw
Inter-spinous wiring
C/S laminoplasty

1215 Hands on practical on saw bones

1345 Lunch

1415 Anterior Thoraco-lumbar Spine Techniques (moderated video)
T/L corpectomy cage screw rod
Lumbar total disc arthroplasty

1515 Hands on practical on saw bones

1645 End of second day sessions

Day-3: Thu 13th Oct 2011

0830 Posterior Thoraco-lumbar Spine Techniques (moderated video)
T/S pedicle screw
L/S pedicle screw
Sacral screw
Iliac screw
Trans-laminar facet screw
Lumbar discectomy
Lumbar spinal stenosis decompression
Percutaneous trans-pedicular biopsy
Inter-spinous spacers

1030 Tea

1100 Hands on practical on saw bones

1330 Lunch break

1400 Hands on practical on saw bones

1600 Closing ceremony and distribution of certificates

Course Fee

Original Fees PKR 10,000/-

For Silver Jubilee ORTHOCON – Rs. 5,000/=

(PKR 5,000/- to be subsidized by organizing committee of ORTHOCON)

Last Date of registration:30thAug 2011

How to apply:

Course Director would ask each head of orthopaedic department to nominate two PG students. On nomination please detach the registration form and send it to ORTHOCON Sectt, Orthopaedic Department, Shifa International Hospital, H 8/4, Islamabad along with:

  1. Duly completed registration form
  2. Nomination form of head of department
  3. You may apply on line by logging on to http//Pak ORTHOCON 2011 – workshops. After registration on line please send the registration fee to ORTHOCON Sectt, shifa International Hospital, H8/4, Islamabad.
  4. Demand Draft/ Pay Order in the name of “Pakistan Orthopaedic Association” drawn at a bank in Lahore.

Workshop III

Pre-Conference Ilizarov Course

Transosseous Osteosynthesis in Traumatology and Orthopaedics

Oct 12-13, 2011

Course Organized under the auspicious of ORTHOCON 2011 in Collaboration with ASAMI Pakistan


There is a lot of potential of Ilizarov technique in the treatment of complex orthopaedic problems. Most of these problems are managed in the ‘conventional’ way which is fraught with complications and poor outcomes.In line with the theme of the conference “Training for All” we are planning to organize a two days course.The course will concentrate primarily on improving the understanding of the basic procedures that an orthopedic trainee has to perform. Recent advances in Ilizarov techniques will also be discussed.

Course Objectives:

  1. Spread the Ilizarov message of distraction osteogenesis to our postgraduates.
  2. Develop an understanding of the various indications and contraindications of this technique.
  3. Understand the basic principles of application of the apparatus and its various components.
  4. Develop skills of application of a basic Ilizarov frame for fracture reduction.
  5. Develop skills deformity assessment and frame application for deformity correction and limb lengthening.

Format of the Course:

Topics will be taught in three main ways.

  1. Comprehensive lectures will concentrate on the understanding of core material, emphasizing the scientific rationale for the advocated treatment.
  2. Practical sessions will teach the application of Ilizarov principles to common diaphyseal and articular fractures on real size, artificial bone models, using Ilizarov instruments and implants.
  3. Case discussion with the experts panel will help understand the practical concepts.

At the end of the course, it is hoped that the participants will have gained sound understanding of the principles relevant to the management of musculo-skeletal trauma and deformity.


This is a Basic Course intended mainly for orthopedic trainees with minimum of four year training in general orthopedics and evidence of interest in learning Ilizarov technique. Candidates with a fresh postgraduate degree within the last three years can also apply. Final selection will be made from pre-determined selection criteria.

Total Number of Participants:

In order to give hands op experience to all participants, their number is restricted to 16 which would be done on first come first serve basis.


Course Director:Dr. Haroon ur Rashid

Course Coordinators:Dr. Abid Niazi

Faculty:Dr. Masood Umar, Karachi

Dr. Ahmed Awad, Multan

Dr. Zameer Ahmed Soomor, Larkana

Dr. Mohsin e Azam Karachi

Dr Ittat Zaidi, Karachi

Dr Aamir Jalil, Karachi

Dr. Sikander Hayat, Peshawer

Dr Asad Ullah Makhdoom, Hyderabad

Dr Syed Kamran Ahmed, Karachi

Corporate Organizer:Rech International

Mr. M. Shafiq

Course Program

Pre-Con Ilizarov Course 2011

Oct 12-13, 2011

Oct 12 , 2011 Wednesday
07:00-08:00 / Breakfast
8.00 - 8.15 / Opening Ceremony
8.15 - 8.30 / Biology of Distraction Osteogenesis
8.30 - 8.45 / Identification of basic Ilizarov components
8.45 - 9.00 / Principles & techniques of wire insertion
9.00 – 9.15 / Preferable sites of wire and half pin insertion
9.15 – 9.30 / How to improve stability of fixation
9.30 - 9.45 / Techniques of fracture reduction
9.45 - 10.00 / TEA BREAK
10:00-1030 / Axial alignment of the lower limb
10:30-1:30 / Workshop 1: Exercise for the assessment of deformities
1:30-2:30 / Prayer and Lunch
2.00 – 3:00 / Workshop 2: Constructing a distraction frame
03:.00 – 4:30 / Workshop 3: Application of 4 rings on Intact tibia (Saw bone)
4:30-5:00 / Osteotomy Technique
Oct 13 , 2011 Thursday
7:00-08:00 / Breakfast
08:00-08:15 / Post-operative care of a patient with an Ilizarov frame
08:15-08:30 / Infected Non-Union
08:30-08:45 / Problems, obstacles and complications
08:45 – 9:00 / Corticotomy techniques
09:00-11:00 / Workshop 4: Application of rings and techniques of reduction (Saw Bone) in a long bone fracture model
11:00-11:15 / Tea Break
11:15-1:15 / Deformity correction in one plan ( Knee Flexion Contracture)
1;15-2:00 / Lunch and Prayer Break
02:00-4:00 / Workshop 4: Oblique plan Deformity
Concluding and Certificates

Course Certificates

The course is officially recognized by ASAMI Pakistan.

Course Fee

Participant = Rs. 3000/- Subsidized for Orthocon (Original Ilizarov Course fee Rs 18000) before August 30.

ORPs = Rs. 500/-

(Rs 5000/ after August 30)

Tuition fee includes: Registration, course material, lunch, refreshments.

Last Date of registration:30th Aug 2011

How to apply:

  1. Duly completed registration form
  2. You may apply on line by logging on to http//Pak ORTHOCON 2011 – workshops. After registration on line please send the registration fee to ORTHOCON Sectt, Orthopaedic Department, Shifa International Hospital, H8/4, Islamabad.
  3. Demand Draft/ Pay Order in the name of “Pakistan Orthopaedic Association” drawn at a bank in Lahore.

Workshop IV

THR & Surface Replacement Workshop


Osteoarthritis of hip, trauma, tumour, congenital and other diseases require replacement of hip joint, a common procedure done in West and is being done more frequently in Pakistan. There is a need to train young generation of orthopaedic surgeons of the country in this important skill.

Course Objectives:

At the end of the course the participant:

  1. Should be able to understand biomechanics of hip and indications of hip replacement.
  2. Should be able to select correct implant and familiarize himself with common instruments as well as basic operative technique.
  3. Would also be exposed to common complications and hip replacements in special situations.

Format of the Course:

The course would be run in the form of:

  1. Short introductory lectures by experts
  2. Video presentation of techniques
  3. Hands on saw bone practice
  4. Live hip surgery
  5. Practice of hip approaches on cadaver.


The course would be of benefit to junior consultants who have already qualified FCPS/MS Orthopaedics who wish to take up hip arthroplasty as a part of their clinical practice. 4th year trainees may also attend for their future guidance.

Total Participants:

Total number of participants would be 16 and practice on saw bones and cadavers would be done on four tables. Since the number of participants is restricted the registration would be done on first come first serve basis.

Course Director:

Prof Brig Sohail Hafeez

HOD AM College/CMH Rwp

Course Faculty:

Prof Umar, Karachi

Prof Tariq Sohail – Mayo Hospital/ KEMC Lahore

Dr Irfan Masud, MIH, Islamabad

Brig M Saleem – CMH Sialkot


Day 1


0900Introduction10 min

0910Biomechanics of Hip 20 min

0930Different designs and basic instruments of THR20 min