N4711 Highway 27
Ladysmith, WI 54848
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Edward Wundrow – Highway Commissioner Interim
Email –
March 1, 2006
The regular Rusk County Highway Committee meeting was called to order by Highway Chair Gene DuSell on February 20, 2006 at 8:32a.m.
Present: DuSell, Dixon, Golat, Svoma.
Others Present: N. Mertes – Highway Office Manager, E. Wundrow – Highway Commissioner, P. Montwill – Highway Road Super, John Stencil – Chair for Town of Big Bend, Jim Heintz – Supervisor for Town of Washington, Andy Albarado – Rusk County Economic Director, Larry Thompson – Chair for Town of Grow, Steve Anderson – Rusk County Corporate Council, and Rusk County Deputy Zielke.
A Dixon/Golat motion to approve agenda and move items as needed. Motion Passed.
A Svoma/Golat motion to approve minutes of the regular January 17, 2006 Highway Committee Minutes, the January 24, 2006 Special Meeting Minutes and the January 31, 2006 Special Meeting Minutes. Motion Passed.
Discuss and review CTH “D” through the Town of Big Bend for approximately five miles being designated as an ATV route.
Ms. Mertes passed out Highway Committee minutes from July 17, 2000 where the following motion was made: A Beebe/Hofacker motion was made and passed to approve the request by the Town of Big Bend for an ATV route along CTH “D” between Jamelia Road to Plummer Road and between Cut Across Road to Fireside Road. ATV travel will be along the ditch edge only. Town of Big Bend will be responsible for any damage done to road or shoulder by ATV’s. (Rusk County Hwy Minutes, 02/17/2000, pg. 1 and pg. 2)
Ms. Mertes explained that Rusk County Deputy Warner had contacted the Highway Department and asked if the signed route along CTH “D” in the Town of Big Bend was an authorized route by the Highway Department and he was concerned with the signing of this route. Phil Montwill went out and looked at the site and took pictures of the signing on CTH "D”. Ms. Mertes did a database search to locate authorization motion. The Committee reviewed the motion and the pictures.
Deputy Warner and Phil Montwill both felt that the ATV signs along CTH “D” were misleading and ATV’s were riding the blacktop. Ms. Mertes suggested that signs be placed along the route stating that riding ATV’s on the pavement is prohibited.
Steve Anderson joined the committee meeting and reviewed this issue. Mr. Anderson said that according to the DNR and State Statutes, the Highway Department needs create an ordinance that is approved by County Board in order to legally authorize ATV or snowmobile routes along or on County Trunk Highways. He asked the Committee to be aware that opening county roads to snowmobile or ATV travel would increase the Highway Department liability issues. The Highway Committee requested that Mr. Anderson write an ordinance that supports the subject motion that was passed on July 17, 2000 and to have this ordinance submitted to County Board for approval.
Rusk County Deputy Zielke on behalf of Rusk County Deputy Warner appeared before the Committee at this time to discuss the ATV route issue in Big Bend. He explained to the Committee that the Sheriff Departments stand regarding this route now that Ms. Mertes has faxed over the authorization motion is that the signing for this route needs to be corrected. Currently, the way the signs are posted indicates that the ATV’s can travel on the blacktop. Unless the signing is corrected the Sheriffs Department will not be able to enforce ATV route use.
Appearance by Red Haag, Chairperson for the Town of Washington/Jim Heintz, Supervisor for Town of Washington, regarding October and November 2005 service charges on culvert work performed by the Highway Department in the Town of Washington. Committee review – Town of Washington October and November 2005 billing invoices. Possible Motion regarding Town of Washington billing.
Jim Heintz spoke to the committee and said the Town of Washington board felt the charges the department made were excessive on the culvert project they performed for them in October and November of 2005. Ms. Mertes explained that she had reviewed and discussed this billing with Mr. Haag in December and agreed that there were some billing issues regarding the travel charges. She explained she backed the disputed travel charges out and that the total credit amounted to $300.00. Ms. Mertes passed out a copy of the detailed billing for Committee review. This billing reflected the following charges for culvert work performed in October and November of 2005 after the $300.00 credit; Labor hour charges of – Engels, 35 hours or 3.5 days, Olsen, 19 hours or 1.9 days and Shimko, 20.5 hours or 2.5 days, for a total of 74.5 hours. Ms. Mertes explained that she felt the equipment charges were in balance to the reported labor. Highway Commissioner Ed Wundrow explained that he had reviewed this billing also and after the $300.00 correction he felt that the billing was now accurate.
Mr. Heintz thanked the Committee and explained that he and his board would look the billing charges over once more. Mr. Wundrow told Mr. Heintz that the Department appreciates the work the Town of Washington brings to his Department and wants to continue working with his Township.
Appearance by Paul Huiras regarding request to run snowmobiles for ¾ mile along CTH “W” Right of Way north of Old 14. Possible motion regarding request by Paul Huiras.
The Committee reviewed the county map where requested snowmobile trail would be. Issue is that this route would fall on the County Trunk Highway shoulder and this has never been done in the past. The Committee agreed to wait for direction from Corporate Council before deciding on this issue.
Appearance by Andy Albarado, Rusk County Economic Coordinator, to discuss and review CTH “M” relocation in Hawkins. Possible motion regarding CTH “M” relocation in Hawkins.
Mr. Albarado distributed route relocation options for the Committee to review. These route relocation options were as follows: #1 – Reroute M west along Highway 8 to intersection with Elms Road, then south to Old 14. Old 14 east to existing CTH M. #2 – Reroute M west to Park St. then south across RR tracks then east to existing CTH M. #3 – Reroute M east to Main Street, south on Main St. to South Ave. then west to existing CTH M. #4 – Reroute M east to Main St. south on Main St. to Grand Ave then West to existing CTH M. #5 – Realign existing M and 8 intersection to angle M east of existing M, through Jeld Wen parking lot and back to existing CTH M railroad crossing. Discussion followed. Mr. Albarado explained that option 4 sounded like the best way for the County to go and that the cost would be approximately $30,000.00. Discussion on how Village of Hawkins would be able to fund this project.
A Golat/Dixon motion to recommend option 4 to the Village of Hawkins – Reroute CTH M east to Main Street south on Main St. to Grand Ave then west to existing CTH M, as the best choice of the 5 options reviewed today. Motion Passed.
Mr. Albarado stated that he would set a date for a joint meeting with the Highway Committee and the Village of Hawkins to discuss the options and funding.
Appearance by Larry Gotham from Morgan & Parmley regarding engineering updates on 2006 CTH projects and 2006 bridge projects, including CTH “G” project and the new CTH “D” reconstruct. Possible motion regarding 2006 projects.
Mr. Gotham began with the 2006 Bridge Project updates: Deertail Creek Bridge - #8429-10-71. This bridge was closed in 1987 and at this time the Township of Grow decided to not re-open this bridge. In 2002 the Town of Grow changed this decision and decided to re-open. The Township placed this bridge back on the County map at this time in order to begin collecting funds. Mr. Gotham reviewed preliminary bridge plans. Rough estimate $200,000.00 – Construction 2007. Committee reviewed the preliminary bridge plans.
A Dixon/Golat motion to approve preliminary plans for Deertail Creek Bridge #8429-10-71 and send to the state. Motion Passed.
Main Creek Bridge – located on CTH “D” (formerly Hwy 194). This bridge is set for a June let with an August 1, 2006, construction start date. Completion date is set for the middle of October. Estimate cost $700,000.00. 20% county share $250,000.00. The Highway Commissioner explained that the Department would put some signs up to serve as detour.
2006 Road Projects -
CTH “G” – DOT contacted the Highway Commissioner and explained that the paperwork for this project would be to Mr. Gotham by the end of this week. Mr. Montwill needs to look over the DOT’s review and place county budget numbers to it to assure we have enough money budgeted.
CTH “D” (formerly Hwy 194). Mr. Gotham explained he is still waiting for DNR permits on this project and that the following easements were ready for purchase along this highway:
Edwin Miller - $ 260.00
J. Kozial - $ 72.00
E. Strehmel - $ 96.00
H. Henrechs - $ 706.00
S. Novotny - $ 20.00
K. Kopacz - $2938.00
C. Gleyneck - $3226.00
G. Noel - $ 68.00
TOTAL - $7386.00
A Dixon/Svoma motion to approve purchase of easements along CTH “D” as stated above for a total amount of $7386.00. Motion Passed.
Mr. Gotham explained that easement purchase from Mr. Yaeger is pending.
Discussion and review regarding public use of the Highway Department Scale.
Highway Chair Gene DuSell explained that this issue had been addressed at the last County Board Meeting and wanted to reaffirm the motion made by the Highway Committee regarding the scale.
The Committee reviewed correspondence to the Highway Department from Mr. Jeff Rettig, Risk Management Consultant for the County insurance company, Wisconsin County Mutual. Mr. Rettigs letter stated that “Wisconsin County Mutual recommends that Rusk County discontinue the current practice of allowing private trucks to use the county scale” that this activity is causing the County unnecessary risk which increases the Counties liability risk. (WI County Mutual, 06/28/2005, Rettig)
A Dixon/Golat motion to reaffirm the motion of February 21, 2005 that states: A Dixon/Golat motion to have the use of the Highway Department truck scale for Highway Department and Government Agency use only from this day forward. (Highway Dept Minutes of 02/21/2005, pg. 1) Motion Passed.
Corporate Council Steve Anderson spoke to the Committee regarding County Board instruction’s to work with the Highway Committee regarding the future “term” status of the Highway Commissioner position. Mr. Anderson will write up various Highway Commissioner “term” options and bring them back to the Highway Committee for their review.
Discussion and review correspondence dated 01/19/2006 from the City of Ladysmith to the Highway Department regarding rerouting CTH “G”. Possible motion regarding correspondence dated 01/19/2006 from the City of Ladysmith.
The Highway Commissioner reviewed a letter he received from Mr. Al Christianson, Administrator for the City of Ladysmith, with the Committee. This letter discussed a possible re-route of CTH “G”. Discussion followed. No action made regarding this subject.
Discussion and review of Ladysmith Highschool Student and Highway Department Contract 2006. Motion to approve the 2006 Ladysmith Highschool and Highway Department Student Contract.
The Ladysmith High School has once again asked the Highway Department to work cooperatively with them, allowing chosen students to come to the Highway Department to learn certain trades, such as welding, by the Highway Departments experienced employees. The Highway Department worked in this program last year and found this was an excellent program that provides apprenticeship training and experience for the Communities young people. The High School agrees that the students will NOT receive a wage for all work performed during the apprenticeship program and further they also agree to provide student accident insurance for the student at the apprenticeship training site, as it is an extension of the classroom. Wildlife Restoration Association, through Jerry Crow, also works along with the High School staff/students and the Highway Department, introducing various apprenticeship projects for the students that will also bring enjoyment to the Community, such as the building of walkway bridges.
A Dixon/Svoma motion to approve the Ladysmith High School-Rusk County Hwy. Dept. Apprenticeship Training Agreement for 2006. Motion Passed.
Discuss criteria for a Hazardous endorsement on a CDL driver’s license and Highway Crew Job requirements. Review request by Highway Commissioner to eliminate continued need for Highway Crew CDL holders to have to obtain a hazardous endorsement. Possible motion to eliminate Hazardous endorsement for Highway Crew CDL holders and to update job descriptions accordingly.
Ms. Mertes explained that in the past, the Highway Department crewmembers were required to hold hazardous endorsements as per their job descriptions. The Highway Commissioner explained that after doing research on this issue he has found that the Highway Department does not need to require this H endorsement any longer. The Committee discussed various materials hauled by the Highway Department that could be a “gray area” and could impact hazardous endorsement requirements. Committee consensus to continue with the hazardous endorsement requirement.
Authorization to request Culvert Bids.
A Dixon/Svoma motion to authorize letting of 2006 culvert bids. Motion Passed.
Authorization to request Hay Bids.
A Golat/Dixon motion to authorize letting of 2006 hay bids. Motion Passed.
Financial Report – Payables, Receivables, and Cash.
Ms. Mertes reviewed the current financial position at the Department and progress of the closing of the Highway books for 2005.
Highway Department Office Report including insurance, workers compensation, employee benefits, leave of absence, Office Supply Authorization, Highway Office Publications and medicalADA/administrative leaves. Motion to approve Highway Office Report.
Ms. Mertes reviewed the current insurance claims pending, and open workers compensation claims. Ms. Mertes also reviewed results and findings on the Highway Departments Blacktop Plant Air Emissions Permit.
Svoma/Golat motion to approve the office report.
Action on Monthly Voucher’s.
There were no monthly vouchers this month.
Signing of Pre-aid Vouchers.
Pre-paid vouchers in the amount of $242,771.55 were reviewed and signed by the Committee.
Set date for next meeting.
The next regular Highway Committee meeting is set for March 27, 2006 at 8:30a.m.
Motion to Adjourn.
A Golat/Dixon motion to adjourn. Motion Passed.
Meeting adjourned at 12:30p.m.
Gene DuSell – Highway Committee Chair
Henry Golat – Highway Committee Vice-Chair
Art Dixon
Roger Svoma
Respectfully submitted by Highway Office Manager – Nanci A. Mertes.