Section 1The name of this organization shall be The Associated Student Government of ReedleyCollege.
Section 2The colors of this organization shall be orange and black.
Section 3The organization shall have as its purpose provide students with the opportunity to interact in extra-curricular activities that enhance their academic, social, and cultural well-being as well as providing students with effective leadership on the local, regional, and state level.
Section 1All students enrolled in Reedley College shall be represented by the Associated Student Government.
Section 1The Executive Board shall consist of the following ASG officers:
- President
- Executive Vice President
- Legislative Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Student Trustee
Section 2The executive Board shall have all executive powers. The Executive Board members shall serve as acting and voting members of the Reedley College ASG Senate. Duties of the Executive Board members are outlined in the Bylaws to the Constitution.
Section 3The positions on the Executive Board shall be filled by a general election of the ASG held annually. No member of the Executive Board may hold more than one ASG office or other elected ASG position. Executive Board members shall hold office for one school year.
Section 5Members of the Executive Board must be regularly enrolled students, with a minimum of six (6) units, of the Reedley campus of Reedley College.
Section 1The legislative powers of the Reedley College ASG shall be vested in the ASG Senate which will consist of the Executive Board and18 Senators elected at large.
Section 2The Senate positions shall be filled by a general election of the ASG held annually. No member of the Senate may hold more than one elected ASG position. Senate members shall hold office for one school year.
Section 4The Senate may each semester appoint by majority vote, for a term of the current semester, the following Commissioners:
- Public Relations
- Merit/Elections
- Special Activities 1
- Special Activities 2
- Field Activities
Section 5The Senate shall appoint committees to carry out the various functions of the organization that do not fall under the direction of elected officers and commissioners. All committees shall be supervised by the Legislative Vice President.
Section 1Amendments to this constitution may originate:
- By majority consent of the ASG Senate
- By petition of 250 members of the ASG or 25% of the total number of votes cast in the last ASG general election.
Section 1ASG members shall ratify this constitution and the organization’s by-laws or any proposed amendment by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board and Senators.
Section 1It shall be the duty and power of the ASG Senate to:
- Be the supreme legislative body of the Associated Student Government.
- Propose and pass legislation that is considered important to the student body.
- Establish the annual student body dues, also known as the price of an ASG Tiger Card.
- Establish a disciplinary board as the need arises.
- Spend ASG funds.
- Propose amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 2Each member of the ASG Senate shall be able to cast one vote in a vote of the Senate.
Section 3Each member of the ASG Senate:
- Must be enrolled at the Reedley campus of Reedley College in a minimum of 6.0 units and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0.
- Shall have an equal vote on all Senate action with the exception of the chair, who will vote only his or her vote will affect the outcome of the decision.
- Shall be entitled to request funds necessary to represent the ASG Senate at off campus activities when approved by a majority vote of the ASG Senate to be taken from the ASG Senate off Campus Activities Account.
Section 4Each Senator shall be appointed by the ASG President to sit on one or more Reedley College or State Center Community College District committees, represent the students of Reedley College on matters taken up by those committees, and report regularly to the Senate at regular meetings, the actions and discussions of those committees.
Section 1The ASG President shall have the following duties:
- Preside over all meeting of the student council.
- Call special meetings of the Senate.
- Plan and prepare an agenda for Senate meetings.
- Appoint all committee members and chairpersons.
- Serve as ex-officio member of all committees
- Represent, or designate a representative for, the Senate at all College and District meetings where this representation is appropriate.
- Preside at all ASG assemblies or authorize someone to do so in his/her place.
- Vote in Senate meetings only where his/her vote would affect the result.
- Post and keep two office hours outside of class time performing ASG related duties during the regular office hours of the Student Activities Office.
Section 2The ASG Executive Vice President shall have the following duties:
- Serve as the ASG President if the president becomes unable to fulfill his/her duties either temporarily or permanently.
- Preside over the Inter-Club Council
- Represent the Senate at designated College and District meetings where this representation is appropriate.
- Post and keep two office hours outside of class time performing ASG related duties during the regular office hours of the Student Activities Office.
- Represent the Reedley College student body at college and district committees as designated by the ASG President.
Section 3The ASG Legislative Vice President shall have the following duties:
- Serve as the Committee Chairperson for all Associated Student Government Committees
- Represent the Senate at designated College and District meetings where this representation is appropriate.
- Post and keep two office hours outside of class time performing ASG related duties during the regular office hours of the Student Activities Office.
- Represent the Reedley College student body at college and district committees as designated by the ASG President.
Section 4The ASG Secretary shall have the following duties:
- Keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the Senate meetings.
- Post in a conspicuous place a copy of the minutes of the Senate meetings and file them in the Student Activities Office.
- Conduct all official correspondence for the ASG Senate.
- Post and keep two office hours outside of class time performing ASG related duties during the regular office hours of the Student Activities Office.
- Represent the Reedley College student body at college and district committees as designated by the ASG President.
Section 5The ASG Treasurer shall have the following duties:
- Maintain the records of and have control over all financial transactions of the ASG.
- Obtain and record yearly budgets from all clubs.
- Post and keep two office hours outside of class time performing ASG related duties during the regular office hours of the Student Activities Office.
- Represent the Reedley College student body at college and district committees as designated by the ASG President.
Section 6The ASG Student Trustee shall have the following duties:
- Be a non-voting member of the State Center Community College District Board of Trustees.
- Attend all meetings of and make reports to the SCCCD Board of Trustees about the Reedley College ASG activities.
- Report to the ASG the pertinent actions take of the SCCCD Board of Trustees.
- Submit and maintain on file the minutes of the SCCCD Board of Trustees.
- Post and keep two office hours outside of class time performing ASG related duties during the regular office hours of the Student Activities Office.
- Represent the Reedley College student body at college and district committees as designated by the ASG President.
Section 1The ASG Public Relations Commissioner shall have the following duties:
- Publicize all school activities through newspaper, the school bulletin boards and community media outlets.
- Issue news releases to the press, radio, and television stations.
Section 2The ASG Merit/Elections Commissioner shall have the following duties:
- Coordinate and carryout all elections as outlined in the Constitution and By-Laws of the organization.
- Maintain records of club activity for participation rewards.
- Be responsible for all awards and may choose to present these awards.
- Serve one year upon appointment.
- Chair a committee to select the outstanding club and leader.
- Serve on the Scholarship and Financial Aid Advisory Committee.
- Be responsible for all elections held by the Associated Students. This shall include the following:
- Select tellers and set up election polls.
- Supervise polls and election areas.
- Submit final results.
- Receive and arbitrate for all complaints.
- In the event that the Merit Commissioner is running for office, the President will appoint an arbitrator.
Section 3The ASG Special Activities Commissioner 1 shall have the following duties:
- Work together with Special Activities Commissioner 2 to coordinate and maintain the master calendar of all ASG activities.
- Serve as ex-officio member of the activities committees.
- Organize monthly activities calendar and post it.
- Serve as chair of the activities committees in cooperation with Special Activities Coordinator 2.
- Assist with ASG elections with the Merit Commissioner.
- Set deadlines for events to be placed on the activities calendar and announce said deadlines to Student Senate at weekly meetings.
Section 4The ASG Special Activities Commissioner 2 shall have the following duties:
- Work together with Special Activities Commissioner 1 to coordinate and maintain the master calendar of all ASG activities.
- Serve as ex-officio member of the activities committees.
- Organize monthly activities calendar and post it.
- Serve as chair of the activities committees in cooperation with Special Activities Coordinator 1.
- Assist with ASG elections with the Merit Commissioner.
- Set deadlines for events to be placed on the activities calendar and announce said deadlines to Student Senate at weekly meetings.
Section 5The Field Activities Director of this organization shall:
- Set dates and activities for intramural sports.
- Co-chair the Activities committee in conjunction with the Special Activities Commissioners 1 and 2.
- Act as a liaison between ASG and the Athletic Department.
- Chair class gift committee, which will be presented to the student body during commencement ceremonies.
- Serve for one semester upon appointment.
Section 6The SSCCC Representative of this organization shall:
- Attend and represent RC at all official SSCCC meetings.
- Shall report back to the Student Senate all proceedings of Region V and the State Policy Board.
- Shall be a voting member of Region V.
- Can designate an alternate for 2 meetings a year.
- Will submit all information, especially legislation to the Student Senate and the Dean of Students.
Section 1If the president cannot fulfill his/her duties because of the illness, physical disability, disciplinary action or absence, the Executive Vice President shall carry out the duties of the president until such time as he/she is able to return to his/her duties.
Section 2If the president is permanently unable to perform his/her duties, the ASG Executive Vice President becomes the ASG President.
Section 3After the Executive Vice President, succession to the presidency shall be appointed by the vote of the entire membership of the Executive Board. Only ASG officers elected by the general student body shall succeed to the ASG Presidency.
Section 4Upon the vacancy of any other ASG office other than the president, the Executive Board may appoint by a majority vote a replacement.
Section 5Upon the vacancy of any ASG Commissioner, the president shall appoint a replacement.
Section 1To be a candidate for any elected office or senate position, a student is required to be a regularly enrolled student of six (6) units or more at Reedley College, to maintain a 2.0 grade point average in the previous semester of school, to be available for Student Senate meetingsand to be familiar with the ASG constitution and by-laws.
Section 2To be a candidate for President or Vice President a student isrequired to have had been a member of the ASG Senate any semester prior to his/her candidacy.
Section 3Nominations are open the second week in March of the springsemester. The nominations are open for ten school days. Prospective candidates may secure petitions at the Student Activities Office.
Section 4No student shall be a candidate for more than one student body office or senate position.
Section 5If an office or senate position is vacant after all petitions and nominations arereceived and the election process is complete, it is then a delegated power of the newly elected President, upon being installed and assuming the duties of the office, to appoint a student to fill a vacancy,with the consent and approval of the majority of elected members of the Student Senate.
Section 6Elections shall be held the first week in April or prior to the Cal-SACC Legislative Conference, whichever comes first. The election shall be held at a location designated by the ASG Senate.
Section 7All elections shall be by secret ballot. Names shall appear in alphabetical order by last name on the ballot. A space shall be provided for write-in candidatesin each office.
Section 8A majority of the votes cast is necessary for election to any office. In the event that a majority is not obtained in the first electiononly the two highest candidates shall be eligible to run again inthe run off election. The candidates will have the opportunity to campaign once more, with previous regulations, before the final election. The election will be held no later than the following Thursday.
Section 9The votes shall be counted by the Merit/Elections Commissioner and the ASG Senate Advisor. The results will be posted immediately, unless invalidation is pending.
Section 10Voting Procedures shall be for each voter to:
- Sign appropriate registration book.
- Secure a ballot, place a mark in the space provided beside the name of the candidateof your choice or a write-in candidate ofyour choice.
- Vote for one candidate per office.
- The election shall be held at a location.
Section 11Student officials to monitor the election procedures shall be appointed by the Merit/Elections Commissioner and approved by the ASG Senate.
Section 12There shall be at least two but no more than three officials appointed to monitor the polls as one time.These officials shall see that each voter is registered at Reedley College and gives his/her signature where needed, that the voter receives and turns in the proper ballot and that all voting procedures are followed.
Section 13A write-in candidate shall be accepted for any elected officeprovided the candidate meets the qualifications for the office inquestion.
Section 14Write-in candidates must register their candidacy with theStudent Activities Office by noon of the Monday before theelections.
Section 15There shall be no campaigning of any form within one hundredfeet of the election booth during elections. All campaigning materials on campus must be removed by the second school day following elections. Campaigning may begin immediately following the close of the nomination period and run up to the day of elections.
Section 16Immediate disqualification will result if a candidate violates the election code.
Section 1Regular meetings of the ASG Senate shall be held on a regular basis not less than twice per month during regular semesters and agendas shall be posted no less than 72 hours prior to each meeting.
Section 2Special meetings shall be called at any time by the President with the consent of the ASG Senate Advisor as long as an agenda for Special meetings are posted 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Section 3Student Senate meeting time and location are set by the ASG Senate.
Section 4Quorum for ASG Senate meetings shall be no less than 2/3 of the total number of ASG Senate members.
Section 5Regular meetings and access to minutes of regular meetings shall be open to the public.
Section 6 All meetings shall follow the rules of parliamentary procedure. Robert’s Rules of Order shall prevail when interpretation of Parliamentary Procedure is necessary.
Section 1The ASG (students of Reedley College) shall have the power to initiate rules, regulations, and laws by means of a petition signed by 100 enrolled students or 25 percent of the votes cast in the last general election, whichever is greater.
Section 2This petition must contain the full text of proposed legislation.
Section 3The petition shall be presented to the ASG Senate who shall call an election within fifteen (15) school days after filling of the petition, but cannot be held after the regular instruction has ended for the semester in which it is filed.
Section 4The text of the proposed legislation shall be posted in aconspicuous place for the inspection of the student body at least seven school days prior to the election.
Section 5A majority of the votes cast shall be sufficient to pass suchlegislation. Should such proposed legislation be passed by the ASG Senate as presented, it shall become effective immediately, and thus need not be submitted to the electorateprocess.
Section 6All executive officers and senators of this organization shall be subject to recall.
Section 7A request for recall shall be made by written petition stating the exact reason for the recall, signed by 250 enrolled students or 25 percent of the number of votes cast in the last generalelection, whichever is greater.
Section 8Upon presentation of a petition to the ASG Senate, a recall election by the general student body shall be required to recall an officer or senator. Two-thirds of the vote shall be required to recall and officer or senator.