The Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Assessment

Short Notes for Contributors

For those of you who have agreed to contribute, the present document provides further information on the preferred style and format for the preparation of your article(s). Please try to adhere to these guidelines. This will ease the load on the editors and copy-editors at later stages of production, and thus help to ensure timely publication of the Encyclopedia. Departures from these guidelines should be discussed with your Section Editor.


You will find all author tools on the RISK Website:

Please email your manuscript directly to the Project Editor at

Instructions for electronic submission are given below.

It should include the agreed title of the article, your full name and postal address, affiliation and e-mail.

You should also supply up to ten keywords and an abstract. The lengths of the abstracts will vary according to the length of the article.

Style for text

Please make your article readable and informative, and where appropriate illustrate your discussion by an example; preferably from the literature. Do not include screenshots of computer printout unless this is required by the text. Assume that many readers of your article know little about the topic and have limited theoretical knowledge, “intelligent but ignorant” may be the mot juste. Help the reader to cope with requisite ideas by relevant cross-references or very brief explanations. A balance between too much and too little depth must be struck. We suggest increasing the complexity toward the end of the article thus allowing the interested, but not deep, reader to learn as much as they need without necessarily reaching the end of the article.

Please take care to make your writing style as clear as possible. In particular, avoid

•excessive use of acronyms in the text; (this hampers the less knowledgeable reader)

Where acronyms are used, give the full text of the acronym followed by the acronym in parenthesis at the first use, and then use the acronym thereafter.

•overuse of the passive voice; (this makes for rather dull reading; use of the active voice by `we...' or `one...' can make for more lively reading)

•long, complicated sentences with several clauses; (short declarative sentences can often convey ideas more clearly).

Use US spelling conventions whenever possible; the exception is with proper names such as ‘Randomisation and Analysis Centre’, where the original spelling must be used. (Wiley copy editors can make these changes if necessary.)

Reference Style

References should be cited by numbers within square brackets and listed at the end of your manuscript in order of citation. All references must be complete and accurate and should be listed in the following style:

Journal reference

  • Pecht M, Dasgupta A, Barker D. The reliability physics approach to failure prediction modeling. Quality and Reliability Engineering International 1990 6: 273-276.

Book reference

  • Kuo W, Chien WTK, Kim T. Reliability, Yield and Stress Burn-in; Kluwer: Norwell, MA, 1988; pp 35-70.

Tables, Figures and Equations

Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively through the text using integers only (no decimals or roman numbers).

Equations should be numbered (also as integers) and appear in () brackets at the end of the line. This applies whether or not equations are referred to in the text.


Where tables and figures have been previously published, permission MUST be obtained from the original publisher. Included with these Notes is a copy of our 'Permission Request Form'. Copies of this should be made where more than one permission is required.


Please make sure that any co-authors are listed in the correct order and that their full names and affiliations are included. Please inform the Publisher where a co-author has been added after the initial contract.

Electronic Submission

If you are preparing your material on a PC, Macintosh or workstation, then please use a standard word processing program, preferably Word or Word Perfect. Alternatively, you may use TeX or LaTex. Please do not use layout programs such as Quark Xpress, FrameMaker or PageMaker.

If you prepare your manuscript in TeX or LaTeX, it is vital that you submit the PDF of your article, along with source, font and class files, and any other associated macros and files.

If you are using TeX or LaTeX, please keep it simple (ie no complex macros which could cause problems.)

Be prepared to provide hard copy in case of problems with printing.

Please use the unique ID when naming your files. This is of the form riskxxxx and will be used throughout for tracking progress. Your contract will include the File ID unique to your contribution.

The same principle applies to naming figure and table files which should be supplied separately.

When supplying revisions, please add a number or date to the file names to avoid errors at a later stage.

Remember to include a cover page with the article title, File ID, your name, postal address, affiliation and e-mail.

Related entries

Your Section Editor may have mentioned other entries on topics related to yours, in either the same section or another one. Please feel free to enquire about these or any other entries, and also to contact the others contributors if you wish. If you do so please inform the Section Editor.

Time schedule

Please send your complete manuscript directly to by electronic attachment by the contracted due date. If you are able to transfer your manuscript via the Internet, please do so at the time of sending the hard copy [does this apply?]. After acknowledgement and acceptanceof receipt of your contribution, it will be passed to the relevant Section Editor for review. The Editors-in-Chief will also have the opportunity to comment on your manuscript at this stage.

Comments on the initial submission following review will subsequently be sent to the you by your Section Editor for consideration and incorporation, prior to delivery of the final manuscript.

Following inclusion of any requested changes/amendments into the manuscript, as requested by the Section Editor and/or the Editor-in-Chief, pPlease send a final electronic copy of your manuscript, including illustrations, to your Section Editor within four weeks of receipt of the review. It is important that all relevant files are included, particularly all source files if you are using LaTeX or TeX.

Contact Names

Professor Brian EverittProfessor Ed Melnick

23 Hitherwood Drive, The Forensic Institute Professor of Statistics

London SE19 1XA New York University

UK 44 West 4th Street, Suite 8-56

Email: New York, NY 10012-0258


Tel: (212)998-0444

Fax: (212)995-4003


Layla Harden

John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

The Atrium

Southern Gate

Chichester PO19 8SQ


Tel: +44 (0) 1243 770427

Fax: +44 (0) 1243 770154
