Ms. Ha CH. 18 COLD WAR

BINGO U.S. History

What two countries did the Cold War take place between? /
  1. Soviet Union
  2. USA

The United Nations was created in 1945 to promote: / 1. Peace
What does containment mean? / Stop the spread of communism
What does the term “iron curtain” mean? / Division of Europe between communist and noncommunist
Who coined (came up with) the term iron curtain / Prime Minister Winston Churchill
After WWII, Germany was divided into 4 sections by these countries / 1. Soviet Union 2. USA
3. France 4. G.Britain
What was the goal of the Marshall Plan?
Done by 1952 / 1. USA aid Western Europe
2. Aid in rebuilding W.Europe
He was a nationalist that ran China and was supported by the USA / Chiang Kai-Shek
He was a communist who wanted to rule China
and was kind to peasants / Mao Zedong
List three reasons why Chinese peasants liked Mao Zedong / 1. Programs to teach them
to read
2. Programs to teach them to
3. Methods to speed up food
What large country did the policy of containment fail in? / China
What countries were divided at the 38th parallel? / 1. North Korea 2. South Korea
What famous US General was in charge of leading troops in the Korean War / General Douglas MacArthur
What country came to the aid of North Korea during the Korean War? / China: communist
Who did President Truman fire and why? / 1. General MacArthur
2. G.MacArthur wanted to
usenuclear weapons on China
What war ended in a stalemate? / Korean War
What was Sputnik? Country who launched it? / 1. First artificial satellite in space
2. Soviet Union
What was the U.S. Economic system called? / Capitalism
What was started by Americans to help 2.1 million starving Germans? / Berlin Airlift
NATO promised military supplies and ____ troops for those in need. / 500,000
After the Civil War in China, China was known as the: / People’s Republic of China
How many known communists were living in the U.S. after WWII? / 100,000
What is a satellite nation? / Backed by Soviet Union
Who was responsible for having the Berlin Wall created? / Nikita Khruschev
What did the Berlin Wall separate? / Eastern and Western Europe
West: Free
East: Communist
What year was the Berlin Wall built? / 1961
Soviets sent up the first satellite in space called? / Sputnik
What is more powerful, the atomic bomb or the Hydrogen (H) bomb? / 1. H-bomb
2. 67x more powerful
What was the Warsaw Pact? / Soviet Union groups with other eastern countries for protection
The USA established the CIA. What is it? / 1. Central Intelligence Agency
2. Spies to gather world information & take down governments that opposed USA
What year was Sputnik launched?
What year did the USA launch its first satellite? / 1. 1957
2. 1958
What did the Eisenhower Doctrine call for? / U.S. would protect Middle East if Soviet Union attacked
What couple was put to death for espionage in the USA? / Ethel and Julius Rosenberg
What HUAC stand for? / House of Un-American Activities Committee (1947)
What purpose did HUAC serve in the US? / 1. Investigations
2. Made sure Hollywood movies did not contain communist messages
Who admitted giving atomic bomb plans to the Soviet Union? / Physicist Fuchs
How many known communists were in the US? / 100,000 belong to the communist party
What man was responsible for spreading communist fear and paranoia in the US? / Joseph McCarthy
What is McCarthyism? / Person accused of being a communist w/o proof
What year did ‘McCarthyism” end? / 1954
The FBI stood for ? and worked out of? /
  1. Federal Bureau of Investigation
  2. Work in the USA

What two things were President Truman known for? / 1. Honesty
2. Making tough decisions
What year did the Cold War begin and end?
Why did it end? / 1. Start: 1945
2. Ended: 1991
3.Soviet Union collapsed