Pseudocode: Project 4

Function: Tree Application Class

Description: Creates a class, which will provide functions to access a doubly linked list.

Initialize number of nodes to zero

Function: Tree Constructer

Description: Provides a constructer to create an empty tree

Calls: N/A

Called by: Main

Input Parameters: N/A

Returns: N/A

Set root to null

Function: Insert

Description: Method to insert a node into the tree

Calls: get Abbr, Compare To

Called by: Main

Input Parameters: tree node

Returns: N/A

Get abbr of tree node

If root is null

Set root to tree node


Create current node and set to root of tree

Create parent node

While true

Set parent node to current

If abbr is less than abbr of current node

Set current to current.leftChild

If current is null

Set left child of parent to tree node


End If


Set current to current.rightChild

If current is null

Set right child of parent to tree node



End Else

End While

End Else

Function: Traverse

Description: Traverses the tree based on type of scan required

Calls: LNR Recursive, NLR Recursive, NLR Iterative, RNL Iterative

Called by: Main

Input Parameters: type of traversal

Returns: N/A

Switch (Input traverse type)

Case 1: Print tree using LNR recursive scan

Print header consisting of node num, abbr, population and state

Call LNR Recursive method to traverse tree staring at the root


Case 2: Print tree using NRL recursive scan

Print header consisting of node num, abbr, population and state

Call NRL Recursive method to traverse tree staring at the root


Case 3: Print tree using NLR Iterative scan

Print header consisting of node num, abbr, population and state

Call NLR Iterative method to traverse tree staring at the root


Case 4: Print tree using RNL Iterative scan

Print header consisting of node num, abbr, population and state

Call RNL Iterative method to traverse tree staring at the root


End switch

Function: LNR Recursive

Description: Performs a In order traversal on the tree using recursion

Calls: LNR Recursive (itself), display Node

Called by: Traverse

Input Parameters: tree node

Returns: N/A

If the tree node is not null

Call itself to perform function on left child

Display the node

Call itself to perform function on right child


Function: NLR Recursive

Description: Performs a In order traversal on the tree using recursion

Calls: NLR Recursive (itself), display Node

Called by: Traverse

Input Parameters: tree node

Returns: N/A

If the tree node is not null

Display the node

Call itself to perform function on left child

Call itself to perform function on right child


Function: RNL Iterative

Description: Performs a RNL Iterative scan on the tree

Calls: is Empty, Stack constructor, push, pop, display Node

Called by: Traverse

Input Parameters: tree node

Returns: N/A

Create stack of type tree node

Set node to the root of tree

While true

While node isn’t null

Push node onto stack

Set node to right child of node

End while

If the stack is not empty

Pop last item on stack

Display the node

Set node to left child of node

End if



End while

Function: NLR Iterative

Description: Performs a non recursive Pre Order traversal on the tree

Calls: is Empty, Stack constructor, push, pop, display Node

Called by: Traverse

Input Parameters: tree node

Returns: N/A

Create stack of type tree node

Set node to the root of tree

While true

While node isn’t null

Display the node

Push node onto stack

Set node to left child of node

End while

If the stack is not empty

Pop last item on stack

Set node to right child of node

End if



End while

Function: Delete

Description: Deletes given node in the tree

Calls: Compare To, get Successor

Called by: Main

Input Parameters: abbreviation

Returns: true or false

Set current node to root

Set parent node to root

Set is left child to true

//find node in the tree

While there is no match

Set parent to current

If given abbreviation is less than current

Set is left child to true

Set current to current.leftChild

End if


Set is left child to false

Set current to current.rightChild

End Else

If current is null

Returns false

Print that the state could not be found

End If

End While

//if the node has no children…

if current has no left child and no right child

if current is root

set root to null

else if it is left child (check Boolean variable)

set left child of parent to null


set right child of parent to null

end if

//if node only had one child..

Else if node does not have right child

If current is root

Set root to left child of current

Else if it is left child

Set parent.leftChild to current.leftChild


Set parent.rightChild to current.leftChild

//if node has two children…


Get the successor of current node (call get successor method)

If current is root

Set root to successor

Else if current is left child

Set parent.leftChild to successor


Set parent.rightChild to successor

Set successor.leftChild to current.leftChild

End Else

Print that state has been deleted

Return true

Function: get successor

Description: gets the next in order successor of the node being deleted

Calls: N/A

Called by: Delete

Input Parameters: node

Returns: node

Set successor parent to node

Set successor to node

Set current to node.rightChild

While current is not null

Set successor parent to successor

Set successor to current

Set current to current.leftChild

End While

If successor isn’t right child of node

Set successor parent to successor.rightChild

Set successor.rightChild to node.rightChild

End if

Return successor

Function: Find

Description: finds a node in the tree using abbreviation

Calls: N/A

Called by: Main

Input Parameters: abbreviation

Returns: true or false

Set current node to root

Set searched nodes to zero

While there is no match

If given abbreviation is less than current

Set current to current.leftChild

Increment searched nodes

End if


Set current to current.rightChild

Increment searched nodes

End Else

If current is null

Return false

Print node couldn’t be found

End if

End While

Return true

Print node was found