May 16, 2016
I Opening Prayer: Joanne Bullock
Joanne Bullock – Council Chair
Fr. Ted Machnik
Angela Corbett – Council Member
Tom Miner – Council Member
Mary Kay Wood – Spiritual Life/Sacristans/Ushers/Nursing Homes
Pat Griffith – Council Member
Lisa McKeivier – Christian Services
Suzanne Fosnaugh – Council Member
Tom Kopec – Restoration Committee
Steve Ford, Deanery Representative
Sarah Stitt, Parishioner
Teri Mogan, Council Member
Lisa Packer, Council Member
Amanda Jones, Media Representative
Mary Logan So, Parishioner
Matt Forquer, Cemetery Committee
Darwin Whitehead, Knights of Columbus
Vanessa Butterbaugh, Youth Ministry/PSR
II Minutes from last meeting, November, 16, 2016.
a. Additions or Corrections –Amanda Jones attended the meeting. Mary Kay Wood pointed out that PattyImmell’s name was misspelled throughout the minutes and needs corrected. Tom Kopec had the following corrections to the Restoration Committee report: Line 9 should also state “Smaller stain glass windows may need to be done in the future”.Line 10: Fiberglass coating vs. walls (should read Fiberglass coating will present cracking.) Angela Corbett motioned that the minutes be approved with the above corrections and Lisa Packer seconded the motion.
III Old Business
a. Celebration for Fr. Ted’s 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. The Ordination Committee consists of the following people: Angela Corbett, Mary Kay Wood, Pam Smith, Susanne Fosnaugh, and Mary Lundberg. The celebratory Ordination Mass will be at 4 p.m. in the church on June 26,2016 with a reception at the K of C Hall following from 6 to 8 p.m. A short program will take place about 6:30 p.m. The menu for the reception would consist of finger foods, such as pimento cheese, ham and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (for the younger members); vegetable trays; fruit bowl; salty food items (chips, etc.); cheese and crackers; celebration cake; homemade cookies; mints and nuts; lemonade, ice tea and water. A commemorative card has been ordered and received. Invitations have been sent out to Father Ted’s personal list of people. The Parish will receive an invitation insert in the bulletin. We are asking that everyone RSVP as indicated on the invitation so that we have a better idea of how many people will attend Since the passing of Donna Smith, Sharon Hawkins has agree to take charge of the spiritual bouquet
New Business:
Community Garden: Sarah Stitt and her husband Joe are attempting to have a community garden behind the Parish Center. This year it will be a donation garden with all the products being donated to charity. There will be eight 25x4’ plots. Letters have gone to the community requesting assistance with seed, fencing, etc. for the garden. They will need help with watering and weeding. Planting will be on the 21st of May at 9 a.m. Sarah has done this at an elementary school and Joe at a church in New Straitsville. They are looking for volunteers to plant and maintain the garden. Volunteers will have to sign waivers. Bring your own tools. They are requesting prayers for the success of the garden.
Christian Services Committee – Lisa McKeivier reported that the food drive had a goal of 1200 items and they received 800. The clothing center is now closed. The next project will be the blankets for Elizabeth Hope Center. Lisa will be the chair of the Thanksgiving dinner and Robbie and Jerry Myers will be chair for the Christmas dinner.
Parish & Family Life – No report.
Spiritual Life Committee –Mary Kay reported that the Spiritual Life Committee invited Fr. Tom Buffer to do a Lenten Mission on February 29, March 1 and 2 at 7 p.m in the Church. Mission was well attended and very informative. A reception was held on the last night in the church hall. Diocesan Prayer card for the Year of Mercy was passed out to the parishioners on February 21, 2016. 24 hour of Adoration was held on Friday March 4 at 9 a.m. until Saturday, March 5 at 9:30 a.m. There was a great turn out. Good Friday evening Spiritual Life and PSR held a Tenebrea service in church. It was well attended and it is hoped that we do the service again. Sponsored Stations of the Cross at the Cemetery on Palm Sunday. The attendance was about the same as previous years but parishioners really look forward to this each year. The committee is presently reviewing information from the Cathedral on how to have our own Mass of Healing and/or Healing Service. A flyer has been prepared on “How to Go to Confession” and are awaiting for approval from the pastor before it is distributed to the church community. In light of the year of Mercy and reconciliation service is planned for Sunday, August 14 at 4 p.m. with a cookout and carry-in dinner to follow.
Sacristans – Mary Kay also reported we currently have 7active sacristans There are 39-40 Ushers in 3 groups and 43 greeters in 3 groups. Ushers and greeters are added as individuals sign up for these ministries. Three new Eucharistic Ministers have been added to those distributing communion to the shut-ins for a total of 12. Lost three Eucharistic Ministers that took communion to the shut-ins. We now have 14 shut-ins that are seen each Sunday.
Nursing Homes –Purpose is to keep all the Catholic residents connected to our parish family through communion on Sundays given by our parishioners, prayer services each month with visits to follow. Currently there are 21residents in nursing homes. Also looking for people who would be willing to help with prayer services at the nursing homes as well as playing the piano. We have a total of 9 presiders and 9 helpers of which 4 play the piano. If you know of anyone who might be interested in helping, have them call the church office or Mary Kay.
Lectors – No report.
Finance Committee – Fr. Ted reported the goal for BAA was $37,000. Have exceeded the goal at over $40,000. He wants to concentrate on the Restoration. The overage has not been designated for anything at this time.
Cemetery Committee – Matt Forquer paper report. Things are great at the cemetery.
Our tree removal is pretty much complete. We have a few yet to remove in the North Woods area (by the trailer park). We are currently working a bid on the following: remove trees overhanging the trailer park line which puts liability on us should they fall, within that bid we have 400 stumps total in the cemetery to be removed. That bid is around $11,000! The priority for us are the trees on the trailer park line that overhangs trailers along with the stumps in all sections but the north woods (those can wait). The board will review the bid for those items and hopefully get that project done this summer. Matt is currently seeking bids for a tree planting campaign. Once received, we will offer trees to those who would like to purchase a tree(s) in the name of their family or in memory of someone. Trees will include new shade trees along with groupings of ornamentals in the low lying area in the middle. Signs will then be posted with the appropriate name(s). The Cemetery Board will purchase the first tree in memory of former board member Mike McGinnis. Pat McGinnis has requested an oak tree and of course we will plant it close to their lots.
Debris pile has been pushed down and back---and it looks great. A big THANK YOU to Wes and Linda Nutter for donation of their time and equipment. There should be no debris piles seen in the cemetery! Wes also added crushed limestone to the entry of the garage and around the turnabout area by the house. That was a narrow area and vehicles would drag their tires through the dirt/mud. Caretaker Ryan Holcomb is doing a great job. He has obtained approval from his employer (Your Lawn) to use their equipment to treat the cemetery. All we need to do is purchase the chemicals at cost. Ryan recently sprayed the entire cemetery---our goal is NO WEEDS. Come summer and dry weather, we will save on mowing because as we all know the only thing that grows when it is dry are weeds.Foundation for the columbarium has been poured (close to Station 3) and installation is scheduled for June. We will have announcements in the bulletin and board members along with office will have details for those requesting more information. Proceeds from the columbarium will be put aside for the purchase of a new tractor. The John Deere which gets the most use with the front loader is in poor condition. We are hoping to get through this year---sell some columbarium units this in the remainder of the year and purchase a new tractor sometime next year. The plan is for this area to be somewhat of a “columbarium park” for future generations. This is a high spot in the cemetery and offers a great view of the property. Future additions would include landscaping around units including walkways and yes---trees from our tree planting campaign.Matt and Ryan will be removing landscaping around the gate area and replacing with 4 cone shaped boxwoods and colorful annuals---oh and new black mulch.
Altar-Rosary Society – Officially there is not an Altar and Rosary Society, per se. Will continue to have rummage sales, and craft and bake sales.
Knights of Columbus – Darwin Whitehead paper reportedthe Fish Fry Committee will meet tonight to further discuss the good/bad and future of our long standing Lenten Fish Fries.They will also discuss possible other fund-raisers. In late 2014, the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council in New Haven, Ct. published the "Handbook for Councils Using Home Corporation Facilities". Our 'Home Corporation' is incorporated inthe State of Ohio as a Title Holding Company - "The PickawayCatholic Men's Club". The Council and the Club are in the processof complying with the requirements outlined in the 'Handbook'.Updates will be posted in the monthly Father Hannan's Lantern.
St. Vincent DePaul – Father Ted indicated the members of St. Vincent DePaul Society are making house calls and they do have some new members.
Youth Ministry & PSR – No report.
Choir/Cantors – No report..
Community Kitchen –Mona Allen -no report.
Clothing Center – Dee Helsel – As stated previously, the Clothing Center is closed until another location can be found.
Bereavement –Anne Strawser – no report but there have been several funerals recently.
Deanery – Steve Ford is the new Deanery representative. The last Deanery meeting was held here at St. Joseph’s.
Media Committee – Mandy Jones indicated that the facebookfollowers has increased.
Restoration Committee – Tom Kopec reported the committee has been doing additional work to better define the scope and cost of the project. Met with Diocesan Development Office for fund raising approach which resulted in two new committees being formed – Fund Raising and Outreach. Project Committee liaisonresponsibilities defined – Gayle Fosnaugh and Phil McKibben. General parish meeting was held in February with 107 people attending. Issues, scope and costs were highlighted and about 30 questions were answered. The committee visited St. Joseph Cathedral to review the lighting project. Have begun interviews for General Contractor approved by the Diocese. All appear to have the capability. Budget meeting with architect in project. Decision should be made in June or July 2016. Future direction:Fr. Ted/Development Office/Committee will begin fund raising. Outreach Committee will need to begin work. Discussed another general meeting but no date determined. Scope proposal reviews with key contractors and meeting with general contractor and key contractors. Project start date: Fund raising progress to define date but earliest would be after Easter 2017 but when money is available.
V Next meeting – November 21, 2016 at 7 p.m.
Vi Closing Prayer – Joanne Bullock
VII Adjourn
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Dossman