De Montfort University
Module template proforma
Basic module information
Module Title:Project Management and Development
Module Code:IMAT2204 / Credit value:30 / Credit level:5Owning Board:Business Computing and Maths
Term/semester:(semester only for postgraduate modules, or undergraduate modules with explicit University agreement)
Module Leader:Matthew Dean
Module pre-requisites (module code/s only):IMAT1604 & IMAT1401
Maximum student numbers on module (if applicable):NA
Module description (including outline content)
The module will take the form of a taught project module and will typically cover such topics as:
- Application of programming skills to complete the work
- Application of skills taught on parallel/previous modules
- Advanced database / system analysis and design
- Professional and personal development
Although no specific language is explicitly named for the module it would be wise to select a family of languages / development environments. For example selecting languages such as C#/VB/ASP.NET under Visual Studio would provide sufficient scope / similarity to facilitate student learning.
Students will be organised into development teams and they will need to identify the portfolio of skills they are able to offer. Projects will need to be carefully sourced to match this range of skills. In house project will also be available.
One important concept drawn from problem based learning is the idea that learning should be apprenticeship based. This module will use this principle to give students the opportunity to create projects for / based on real world projects.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module the student will be able to:- Create an advanced prototype with suitable database functionality
- Create the beginnings of a professional portfolio of work
- Demonstrate skills allowing them to act as a computing professional
- Demonstrate problem solving skills allowing them to adapt to the challenges of changing technology
- Application of skills from other modules on the course
Type of assessment / Duration/volume / Assessment weighting % / Final assessment Y/N / Minimum threshold mark %(if not 40%) / Essential component Y/N / Learning outcome(s)
Coursework / 100% / Y / 1,2,3,4,5
Assessment Notes
By failed component
Expected methods of delivery
The module has a strong emphasis on 'hands-on' development. It is delivered substantially via taught laboratory sessions. The rationale here is that skills development is initially an intensely practical activity. Students will be provided with worked examples and illustrative material. They will have access to a visual environment and an appropriate development tool.
Module delivery variations (if applicable)
Curriculum Planning Office, Department of Academic Quality
Valid from session 2009/10 (revised Jan 2010)