An 11-16 Academy
Wilby Road, Stradbroke, Eye, Suffolk. IP21 5JN
Tel: 01379 384387 Fax: 01379 388270
Headteacher: Andrew Bloom
Ref: AB/JW/ParentsSept13
6th September 2013
Dear Parent/Carer
I would like to congratulate our former Year 11 pupils on their GCSE results. The vast majority of the cohort met or exceeded national expectations. Results were almost 10% higher than last year (almost 60% 5 A*-C, including English and Maths), with school predictions proving very accurate. Last year we were the only school in Suffolk to have had 100% of our high prior attainers gain 5+ A* - C (including English and Maths) for two consecutive years. This year we have continued this record by making it three consecutive years. We have even higher expectations for examination results in 2014.
The new uniform looks smart and the learning atmosphere in school has been excellent, with the pupils adapting quickly to the three period day.
I would like to thank all of you who contacted the school at the end of last term regarding vertical tutor groups. I will be monitoring this aspect of school life closely in the coming weeks and will be seeking the views of pupils, parents and carers as the term proceeds.
I must also let all parents know that new regulations from the Department for Education (from 1st September 2013) do not allow me to authorise any absence from school unless there are “exceptional circumstances”. Issues with seasonal work holidays are not classified as exceptional circumstances. I will be writing to all parents and carers with more details in the near future.
I regret to inform you that Mr Kegge has not been able to return to school this week due to illness and is unlikely to return before half term. His maths groups are being covered by Mr Jackson and Mrs Witmore and his IT classes by Mrs Fisher. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs Brooke has not returned to school this term, due to an opportunity over the holiday to foster a baby. If you have any queries regarding SEN please contact Mrs Millar.
Finally, I would like to remind you of the Classic Car and Bike Rally being held at the school tomorrow, Saturday 7th September, which is being organised by the Friends of the School.
If you have any queries on any aspect of school life, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Mr A Bloom
Respect Commitment Success
Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee incorporated in England and Wales - Number 7921744