Doc ID: / Note:105647.1 / Type: / SCRIPT
Last Revision Date: / 18-JAN-2007 / Status: / PUBLISHED
Checked for relevance on 19-dec-2006
WIP & COST Frequently Asked Questions
These scripts are provided for Troubleshooting purposes only by Oracle
Support Services. The scripts has been Tested and work
as intended. However, you should always Test any script before relying
on it. Please Proofread this script prior to running it!
Due to differences in the way text editors, email packages and operating
systems handle text formatting (spaces, tabs and carriage returns),
this script may not be in an executable state when you first receive it.
Check over the script to ensure that errors of this type are corrected.
1). Pending WIP Material Transactions ?
First check if the Inventory Transaction Manager is running and if there
are any records pending or in error in the inventory transactions interface.
These can be queried via the Inventory Transactions Interface Inquiry screen.
Navigate Inventory/Transactions/Transaction Open Interface.
Records can be deleted and/or resubmitted with this form
Check Pending Transactions, Navigate Inventory/Transactions/Pending Transactions
Records can only be resubmitted via the form.
If there are Pending Transactions that are stuck in the MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP table with transaction_type_id=5,(backflush/wip transactions)with proces_flag =E, they need to be submitted.
To investigate why the Transactions are Failing, run the following SQL Script:
select transaction_source_id , inventory_item_id, process_flag,
error_code, error_explanation,
transaction_source_type_id, organization_id
from mtl_material_transactions_temp
where process_flag = ?E?
and transaction_source_id= ;
How to resubmit the Transactions use this script:
update mtl_material_transactions_temp
set process_flag = 'Y',
lock_flag = 'N',
transaction_mode= 3,
error_code = NULL,
error_explaination = NULL
where process_flag = 'E'
and transaction_source_id= ;
2). Pending WIP Completion Transactions.
There are 2 ways of performing Completion Transactions.
In WIP Move Transactions Form: ( Navigation -> WIP/Move Transactions/Move Transactions, Set Transaction Type to Complete).
In WIP Material Transaction Form (Navigation -> WIP/Material Transactions/Completion Transactions)
Records are created by doing a WIP Assembly Completion.
They are Stuck in MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP Table.(Navigate -> Inventory/Transaction/Pending Transactions) for the error messages: Or run the following SQL script:
How to find the ORGANIZATION_ID run this script:
select organization_id, organization_code
from org_organization_definitions
where organization_name like 'xxx%'; ( xxx is organization name )
How to find the WIP_Entity_Id run this script:
select wip_entity_id
from wip_entities
where wip_entity_name = < Wip job or repetitive assembly>
and organization_id= 'xxx'; ( xxx is organization id )
select error_code, error_explanation,lock_flag,
inventory_item_id, transaction_action_id,
transaction_source_type_id, process_flag,
from mtl_material_transactions_temp
where organization_id =
and transaction_source_id = ;
( wip_entity_id is obtained from above SQL statement )
3). Pending WIP Move Transactions ?
Contains information about the shop floor move transactions that need to be processed.
To View the pending move transaction (Navigation -> WIP/Move Transactions/Pending Move Transactions )
Records can be updated, deleted, and resubmitted via the form.
The Transaction Processing mode should be set to online processing.
If there are any errored move Transactions in wip_move_txn_interface, then these Transactions must be resubmitted.
Run the following scripts:
How Many Rows in Error:
select count(*)
from wip_move_txn_interface
where process_status = 3 ;
How many Rows Pending:
select transaction_id, wip_entity_id, process_phase,
process_status, wip_entity_name
from wip_move_txn_interface
where process_status in (1,3)
(Process Status = 1 indicates Pending, 3 indicates "Error" )
How Many Rows in Error and What is the Messages:
select error_message, error_column
from wip_txn_interface_errors
where request_id=
( for the two that have a request id )
How to Update the Error Records:
update wip_move_txn_interface
set group_id=null,
request_Id = null,
where transaction_id=;
Restart the interface managers (Move & Cost Manager).
Launch the Move Transaction Manager even if the TP:WIP Move Transaction Profile Option = on-line processing. (Navigation -> Inventory/Setup/Transactions/Interface Managers), use the "Launch Manager" button under the special option on the tool bar.
4). Pending WIP Resource Transactions ?
Do the following to re-submit ERRORED RESOURCE COST records;
- Ensure that there is no (Resource) cost worker running.
- Stop the (Resource) Cost Manager.
- Take backup of this table WIP_COST_TXN_INTERFACE
Check for pending transactions, Run the following SQL;
select transaction_id, request_id, group_id,
process_status , wip_entity_name
from wip_cost_txn_interface
where process_status in ( 1,3); ( process_status= 1 indicates 'Pending', 3 indicates 'Error' )
5). Update the table
update wip_cost_txn_interface
set group_id=NULL,
transaction_id = NULL,
process_status= 1 ( set it to Pending )
where process_status = 3; ( error records )
6. Restart the (Resource) Cost Manager.
5. Pending Close Discrete Jobs ?
Go into SQL*Plus as apps user / and run the following sql script:
SQL> wipcljob.sql
Use this script to Report a Range of Discrete Jobs for a specific Organization, that cannot be Closed Due to Pending Transactions against them. This is a sql script which queries the database and generates output which shows the Transactions that are causing the problem. This script ONLY identifies data, it does NOT update or correct any data.
This script can also be downloaded here;Pending Jobs SQL Scripts Note:106242.1
Make sure that no workers are running and The Cost Manager has been taken down when running the update scripts.
In order for a job to be successfully closed, there must be no Transactions for the job in WIP_MOVE_TXN_INTERFACE. If there are, then run the following script:
How to Find Pending Rows :
select transaction_id, wip_entity_id, process_phase,
process_status, wip_entity_name
from wip_move_txn_interface
where process_status in (1,3); (process status = 1 indicates Pending, 3 indicates "Error" )
update wip_move_txn_interface
set group_id=null,
where transaction_id=;
There must be no Transactions for the job in WIP_COST_TXN_INTERFACE
wip_cost_txn_interface contains information about cost transactions . WIP needs to process.
select transaction_id, wip_entity_id,
process_phase, process _status
From wip_cost_txn_interface
where process_status in (1, 3);
If there are then run the following script:
update wip_cost_txn_interface
set group_id=null,
where transaction_id=;
There must be no transactions for the job in MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP. The mtl_material_transactions_temp table is the Key for all material transactions.
First make sure the Inventory Transaction Manager is running.
select transaction_source_id , inventory_item_id, process_flag,
error_code, error_explanation,
transaction_source_type_id, organization_id
from mtl_material_transactions_temp
where process_flag = ?E?
and transaction_source_type_id=5; ( 5 = Job/schedule )
If there are then run the following script:
update mtl_material_transactions_temp
set process_flag = 'Y',
lock_flag = 'N',
transaction_mode = 3,
error_code = NULL,
error_explanation = NULL
where organization_id =
and transaction_source_id = ;
There must be no uncosted transactions for the job in MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS (WHERE COSTED_FLAG IN ('N', 'E'))
select request_id, costed_flag, transaction_id,
transaction_group_id, inventory_item_id, transaction_source_id
from mtl_material_transactions
where costed_flag in ('N', 'E')
and transaction_source_type_id=5
and organization_id = < org. id > ;
Update the records for re-submission to the Cost Manager.
update mtl_material_transactions
set costed_flag = 'N',
request_id = NULL,
transaction_group_id = NULL,
error_code = NULL,
error_explanation = NULL
where costed_flag is in ('N', 'E');
Re-start the Cost Manager to run against this schema .
If the above condition were satisfied, but the problem still occurs.
- You need to make the changes with sqlplus.
- You need make sure the Status_type =5 in WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS to Complete, No charges allowed'
- You need to delete all corresponding records in WIP_DJ_CLOSE_TEMP.
To find any rows for the job
select count (*) from wip_dj_close_temp
where wip_entity_id = < job's wip entity id>
and wip_entity_name = < job number > ;
- In WIP_entities table check the Entity_type ( 3 = Closed Discrete Job)
- In Wip_dicrete_jobs check the status_type (12 = Closed)
FILE: wiprsjob.sql
This script is used to reset Discrete Jobs that cannot be Closed due to Pending Transactions against them.
This script can be downloaded here;RESET Pending Close Jobs SQL Script Note:106245.1
6) Uncosted Transactions ?
When Closing the Inventory Period End, you may receive a message saying that you cannot close the Period End because a specified number of Uncosted Transactions exist. This can happen when the Cost Manager job comes down or is taken down during run time, leaving some Transactions in an 'in between' state, with a request_id but costed_flag set to 'N'.
While in Standard Costing the error message is listed in the log file of the cost worker. In Average Costing the error is detailed in the MMT table itself (error_code, error_explanation).
There must be no Uncosted Transactions for the Job in MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS (WHERE COSTED_FLAG IN ('N', 'E'))
select request_id, costed_flag, transaction_id,
transaction_group_id, inventory_item_id, transaction_source_id
from mtl_material_transactions
where costed_flag in ('N', 'E')
and transaction_source_type_id=5
and organization_id = < org. id > ;
(If this picks up any records - Uncosted Transactions exist).
If this table has Uncosted Transactions that errored out then see the scripts
IMPORTANT: Ensure that your Cost Manager is NOT running against this Schema.
Create a backup table for the records you are updating (always a good practice);
create table mtl_material_txn_bkup as
(select * from mtl_material_transactions
where costed_flag in ('N', 'E');
Update the records for re-submission to the Cost Manager.
update mtl_material_transactions
set costed_flag = 'N',
request_id = NULL,
transaction_group_id = NULL,
error_code = NULL,
error_explanation = NULL
where costed_flag in ('N','E');
Re-start the Cost Manager to run against this schema .
To resolve any WIP Transactions:
select transaction_id, request_id, group_id,
process_status , wip_entity_name
from wip_cost_txn_interface
where process_status in ( 1,3) ;
(Process_status= 1 indicates 'Pending' 3 indicates "Error" ) (ie. only uncosted transactions exist in this table)
To update the table :
update wip_cost_txn_interface
set request_id = null,
group_id = null,
process_status = 1
where process_status = 3;
(Process_status= ? ( 1 indicates 'Pending', 3 indicates "Error" )
The next Cost Manager run should pick up the Transactions and Reprocess them. If the Transactions fail due to an ERROR condition ie. costed_flag = 'E'. There are Pending Transactions in WIP_COST_TXN_INTERFACE where the process_status=1. The Cost Manager is active, but never selects these rows for processing.
If you are using Average Costing, then verify that a Transaction has not errored out in MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS. If a Transaction errored out there, other transactions will not be costed in WIP_COST_TXN_INTERFACE.
If using Average Costing, then All Transactions are processed sequentially. If one transaction errors out, then no further processing can be done.
To determine if there is an errored transaction in MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS
select request_id, costed_flag, transaction_id,
transaction_group_id, inventory_item_id, transaction_source_id
from mtl_material_transactions
where costed_flag in ('N', 'E')
and transaction_source_type_id=5
and organization_id = < org. id > ;
To determine the error that has occured on this Transaction, reprocess it and look to the Cost Manager Log file for the error message.
To Reprocess this Transaction:
update mtl_material_transactions
set costed_flag = 'N',
request_id = NULL,
transaction_group_id = NULL,
error_code = NULL,
error_explanation = NULL
where costed_flag is in ('N', 'E');
To view the Log File for the most Recent Cost Manager Run, use Sysadmin Responsibility and query up requests that begin Cost Manager%. Correct the error that shows up. Once this error has been properly addressed, the Cost Manager should then begin processing Transactions in WIP_COST_TXN_INTERFACE.
Check for a need to increase the extent the tablespace and resubmit. A script to check for max extent, invalid objects, and table space;
select owner,object_name, object_type
from all_objects
where status = 'INVALID';
select segment_name,tablespace_name,extents,max_extents
from dba_segments
where max_extents >5;
- Check the tablespace for the mtl_transaction_accounts.
- check if the Material Cost Transaction worker ( CMCMCW) is running .
Special Notes and information;
- WIPRSJOB Reset Pending Close Jobs SQL script Note:106245.1
- WIPCLJOB Pending Close Jobs SQL Script Note:106242.1
If there any value in Pending Transaction tab (Recommended resolutions) then please check select * from MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE;