Expedition Rushmore
Buffalo Ridge District
Klondike Derby 2011
Your unit is invited
Program Features
1. Klondike Derby Patch (See above)
2. Klondike Derby - The big race this year will be an actual sled race in the afternoon separate from the skill stations (Boy Scouts with second year Webelos and Venture Crews).
3. Chili and Hotdog Lunch - Available to all starting at noon.
4. Troop Skills – Troops will get to practice winter skills
5. Cub / Web Activities – See Cub / Web page
6. Camping - Available for those hardy Boy Scout Troops (Earn your Polar Bear Points).
7. Cracker Barrel - Saturday morning during registration for all– coffee and hot chocolate
8. Tophies for top 3 places in sled race and events competition. A traveling trophy for scout spirit for the Boy scouts.
Dress Warm - Layered Clothing - Wind Proof - Boots - Gloves – Hat
Buffalo Ridge District Klondike Derby 2011
General Information
Tour Permit Please complete a tour permit, they are needed for this or any Council or District event
Phones The phone number for Hole-in-the-Mountain is 1-507-368-9350
First Aid Units should have their own first aid kits. Report all accidents to Klondike staff.
Rest Rooms Available in the concessions building
Parking Park in designated areas only.
Cooking Unless camping Friday evening, only the staff will be cooking food. Lunch will be at noon
Insurance Registered Scouts and Scouters are covered by the BSA Council Accident Insurance.
Patches Registered Scouts and Scouters attending the Klondike Derby will receive a patch.
Tobacco Use of tobacco products is prohibited around scouts.
Camping For those interested in earning Polar Bear Points, they can camp out Friday evening for no charge.
Leadership Recommended Minimum: Boy Scouts - one adult to eight scouts, Non Camping Webelos and Cub Scouts - one adult to four scouts (Cub Scouts are not permitted to camp). A minimum of two leaders is required for each unit.
Skiing Skiing is no longer allowed at the park
What each scout should bring
1. Warm clothing (Layered). (ABSOLUTLY NO TENNIS SHOES) and sturdy warm boots, warm hat, mittens / gloves.
2. Camping / Cooking gear as troop or pack requires (If camping only)
3. Eating utensils.
Troops or Packs should bring
1. First aid kit. Including splints, padding and ties to splint a leg.
2. Matches, fire starters, flint & steel or magnesium first starter, kindling and firewood
3. Rope for lashing, 8 each eight foot long with whipped ends or taped ends and a 50 footer too.
4. A tent for shelter.
5. Extra gloves and mittens just in case someone in their unit forgets theirs
6. Above Items required for Klondike race.
7. Scout Handbook, at least one per patrol
8. Compass, paper, pencil, clipboard
9. Camping gear if camping
Troops or Packs should NOT bring
1. Axes, hatchets, or sheath knives
2. Firearms
3. Expensive electronic games
4. Alcohol/tobacco
5. Anything that you don’t want lost or broken
Questions – Call
Boy Scout Program: Webelo Program / Cub Program:
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Dave McCaa 605-697-9035 Jackie Kleinemas Pack 4 605-697-7786
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Dress Warm - Don’t forget the boots.
Buffalo Ridge District Klondike Derby 2011
Schedule and Registration Procedure
Friday, February 18, 2011
5:00 – all night Camping if so desired (NO ADDITIONAL COST) you are on your own!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
7:00 - 9:00am Registration and Sled Inspection at shelter house along with cracker barrel for all!
(Show up on time! – That means before 8:15am at the latest)
9:00 – 9:10am Opening ceremony
9:10 - 12:00noon Troop, Webelos and Cub Scout events
12:00 - 1:00pm Lunch
1:05 – 1:30pm The Klondike Race
1:45 – 2:00pm Awards / Closing Ceremony
Registration Procedure
All units will check in at the registration desk on Saturday morning Feb 19, 2011.
1. Complete / edit your registration form
2. Pay with one check per unit made out to Sioux Council BSA. (no cash please)
3. $7 per head for all
4. Must be paid in full prior to being allowed to participate.
5. Patches will be given to unit leaders at registration and signed for
6. Enjoy coffee and hot chocolate during the registration period
Winter Preparedness Guidelines
The unit leader at Klondike registration will inspect each scout. If any boy is not adequately dressed, he will not be allowed to participate. An adult leader will be required to remain with any Scout not allowed to participate. This rule will be rigidly enforced. Please save the hard feelings and see that your unit is prepared.
a) Clothing - proper and warm for existing conditions. - Wear the Scout uniform, it is a rugged piece of equipment. Supplement it with additional layers of clothing.
b) Footwear - proper for existing conditions, no tennis shoes. - Wear wool socks over a pair of cotton or even better wicking ones. Do not wear low cut shoes (no tennis shoes) unless covered by a pair of galoshes.
c) Headgear - to cover head and ears (scarves recommended) - Wear a head protector that has ear covering. An added scarf will protect the face from the cold and biting wind.
d) Hand gear - to protect a vulnerable part of the body. - Hands should be protected with wool mittens covered with a water-repellent shell. Gloves may be worn, but are not as warm as mittens.
e) It is recommended that each scout have a complete extra set of warm dry clothes and socks. (wrapped in a water proof covering)
Dress Warm - Don’t forget the gloves.
Buffalo Ridge District Klondike Derby 2011
Team work Scout Spirit Team work
Klondike Sled Race Rules
Over all Rules: To take place around 1:00pm on February 19, 2011
1) Each sled will be inspected prior to the race at registration.
2) Unit leaders will not be allowed to accompany scouts on race.
3) Teams will be lined up on the starting line and instructed as to where to go.
4) There will be a minimum of three judges placed along the finish line to judge the winners. There must be a consensus among the judges, or the race will be run over.
5) Photography of this event and all these activities is encouraged!
6) Maximum of eight (8) racers per team (Smaller patrols will be at a disadvantage).
7) See attached sled plans for dimensions.
8) Two (2) runners are required between two and eight inches in width.
9) One scout must be on the sled at all times during the race. If you change riders during the race, the sled must be stopped during the rider change.
10) Each racer should have proper clothing on. Scouts will not be allowed to race unless they are properly clothed.
11) Sleds must have Troop numbers on them.
12) Patrol equipment must be on the sled for the race.
Sled Requirements:
Length 6’ to 7’
Width 20” max (Outside edge or runners)
Weight 50# min (Rocks, wood or iron may be added to bring weight of sledge to the minimum requirement - Weight of sled does not include items needed for each patrol on the sled.)
Buffalo Ridge District Klondike Derby 2011
Dress Warm - Don’t forget the hat and mittens.
Buffalo Ridge District Klondike Derby 2011
Troop / Den / Pack Games/Contests
Expedition Rushmore
Your troop was repelling down the face of Mt Rushmore during a blizzard, when all of a sudden one of your troop members slips on a rock and falls 15 feet. He is obviously seriously injured. Upon further examination looking down from on top of the mountain, you realize that he is also bleeding from somewhere. It is up to you and your troop to reach him, give first aid and transport him to the nearest hospital. Because of the storm, the ambulance is not able to reach you until morning, so you will need to protect him and yourselves from the cold South Dakota weather.
Night is quickly falling and you have several tasks to complete before your troop member becomes very ill. While getting to the injured Scout you notice that there are Grizzly bear tracks in the area. You will be required to provide first aid, pitch a tent, build a fire, navigate to the nearest hospital, use animal tracks to find food, and tie knots to reach the victim.
Use all of these skills to complete the tasks and get home safely. It is up to you to decide the fate or your fallen troop mate.
Troop Winter Skill Events:
1) Tie Knots
2) First Aid
3) Shelter Building
4) Fire Building
5) Navigation
6) Animal Tracks
Please note: We reserve the right to change events or skill stations if needed.
Buffalo Ridge District’s 2011 Klondike Derby
Unit Leader / Contact Name: / e-mail address: / Phone:
Adult leaders attending:
/ Position / Name / Position1 / 4
2 / 5
3 / 6
Total Adults in Attendance
Scouts / Webelos / Cubs Attending:
Scout / Webelos / Cub Name
(Y / N) /Scout / Webelos / Cub Name
(Y / N)1 / 12
2 / 13
3 / 14
4 / 15
5 / 16
6 / 17
7 / 18
8 / 19
9 / 20
10 / Total Number of Campers:
11 / Total Scouts Attending:
Total Number of Registrants Attending: / Times $7 / head =Total Unit Cost
Payment: / Cash: / Check
Number: / Check
Amount: / Receipt
Make Check Payable to: Sioux Council BSA
Patches Received: /
/ Quantity: / Signature of adult receiving patches:Page 7 of 6