Cinderella Speech Recognition Test

_____ (5) 1. Cinderella lived with her two ugly stepsisters.

_____ (5) 2. The stepmother forced her to work day and night.

_____ (6) 3. One day the King and Queen sent an invitation.

_____ (4) 4. A ball was being held in honor of the prince.

_____ (5) 5. The fairy godmother waved her magic wand.

_____ (4) 6. The pumpkin was turned into a golden coach.

_____ (4) 7. She wore a beautiful white gown.

_____ (6) 8. When the clock struck twelve, the spell ended.

_____ (5) 9. Her glass slipper was lost on the stairs of the palace.

_____ (6) 10. The servants searched for the girl who could fit into the shoe.

______Total X 2 = ______%

Brahman Speech Recognition Test

_____ (5) 1. A Brahman met a tiger in an iron cage.

_____ (4) 2. The beast begged the man to free him.

_____ (5) 3. The animal promised that he’d only take a drink.

_____ (5) 4. He wanted to eat the man who freed him.

_____ (5) 5. They went to six judges to settle the argument.

_____ (6) 6. The tree was upset because men had broken his branches.

_____ (6) 7. The bull was angry since his master had treated him badly.

_____ (4) 8. The alligator also found the man guilty.

_____ (5) 9. The last hope was a jackal drinking by the river.

_____ (5) 10. The tiger was locked back where he belonged.

Total X 2 = ______%

Test of “anticipatory strategy.” Test originally administered to college students with normal hearing and normal or corrected via videotape at 75 dB SPL at a -5 dB SNR with multitalker babble ratio with vocabulary at sixth grade level with verbatim responses (guessing permitted). Scoring based on the number of key words correctly repeated. Test repeated after client reads stories. Generally, scores improve on Brahman Test post-test.

Modified from: Rubinstein et al (2000). Anticipatory strategy training: Implication for the postlingually hearing-impaired adult. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 11, 52-55.