eCapacity Enhancement Project for the Health Sector in Sri Lanka
The “eCapacity Enhancement Project” (aka the Sri Lanka eHealth Initiative) was designed to address health inequities and responds directly to critical areas of need outlined by the Ministry of Health.
Mission and Goals
To strengthen health services in Sri Lanka, especially in the peripheral areas and those affected by the Tsunami, by:
· establishing the necessary ICT infrastructure for eHealth; and,
· enhancing the capacity of the local healthcare workforce through innovative applications of low-cost and easy-to-use technologies.
Demonstration Phase
The demonstration phase focused on eCapacity enhancement through a three-pronged approach:
1. conducting preliminary assessment of professional development and learning needs of healthcare workers;
2. identifying healthcare facilities in greatest need of an ICT infrastructure for eHealth; and,
3. developing and testing three eLearning modules using different delivery modes.
Outcomes of the Demonstration Phase
· Initial needs assessment conducted among health professionals;
· Emergency and Disaster Planning and Management, Infection Control (including Blood Safety), and Non-communicable Diseases identified as priorities;
· Other priority topics such as Psychiatric Emergencies including psychosocial and mental health to be addressed in the next phase;
· Testing and Level 1 Evaluation of three sample modules conducted using controlled trial method;
· Delivery of the initial three modules to take place as a collaboration of WHO, the World Bank, ISHED, MoH, SLMA, and WorldSpace using blended learning format;
· D-groups ListServ and online Discussion Forum established and running;
· 19 sites identified for establishing dedicated eHealth facilities;
· Establishment of necessary infrastructure completed in seven sites; and,
· Meetings with additional funding agencies initiated.
Moving Forward: Development Phase
The next phase of the Project would focus on:
1. strengthening of ICT infrastructure and installation of eHealth systems in all identified sites;
2. detailed assessment of ICT-based projects in the health sector in Sri Lanka; and,
3. eLearning content development based on internationally accepted public health curriculum.
· to be phased in gradually by other healthcare facilities and subsequently to be offered to all healthcare workers in Sri Lanka;
· may be developed to include videoconferencing, teleconsultations, and eDiagnostics as well as other multimedia applications of eHealth.
Bridging the gap and overcoming disparities and barriers to access
· gives physicians, nurses and patients access to educational and clinical services previously unavailable;
· proposed technology allows beneficiaries to overcome constraints due to lack of infrastructure even in the “last mile.”
· five-year plan to be developed for establishing the Network as a true International eHealth Network of Excellence.
Added benefits
· will especially serve well during tsunami-type disasters and pandemics such as the Avian Flu;
· similar model may be applied to several countries in South-East Asia and Africa, at lower cost than other forms of eLearning and eHealth.