List of Abbreviations
ACTEQ / Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and QualificationsBoE / Board of Education
CDC / Curriculum Development Council
CDI / Curriculum Development Institute
EC / Education Commission
EC WG on SPAS / Education CommissionWorking Group on School Places Allocation Systems
ED / Education Department
HKEA / Hong Kong Examinations Authority
HWB / Health and Welfare Bureau
POAC / Primary One Admission Committee
QAI / Quality Assurance Inspection
QEF / Quality Education Fund
REO / Regional Education Offices
SCOLAR / Standing Committee on Language Education and Research
SSPAC / Secondary School Places Allocation Committee
SWD / Social Welfare Department
UGC / University Grants Committee
Key Areas of the Education Reform
The Roles of the Education Commission
The EC is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the education reform, coordinating the various major education advisory/executive bodies on matters concerning the key areas of the education reform (in particular those relating to the interface between the work of different bodies) and providing advice to the Government on how the implementation work could be carried out more smoothly and effectively.
Item No. / Key Area of the Education Reform / Sub-area(s) / Executive/Advisory Bodies Involved / Party Overseeing This Area1. / Language education / i.) Language education policy and strategy / CDC/CDI: - set curriculum (including the contents of curriculum, learning targets for each key stage, etc.,) and take other actions mentioned in item (2)
SCOLAR: -advise on language education policy
-advise on the setting of language standards
- advise on measures to achieve the set standards, including providing advice on the teaching pedagogy for language education and providing advice to ACTEQ on education of language teachers
-commission and coordinate related researches
BoE:- promote “learning to read and reading to learn” / SCOLAR
ii) Medium of Instruction Policy / EMB, ED, SCOLAR, BoE: review MOI policy in 2003
Steering Committee on the Study on the Enrichment of Language Learning Environment : oversee the study to-
(i)develop a cross-curricular English enrichment programme for CMI students and assess its effectiveness; and
(ii)explore effective support measures to help EMI S1 students adapt to the English medium learning environment.
Item No. / Key Area of the Education Reform / Executive/Advisory Bodies Involved / Party OverseeingThis Area2 / Curriculum Reform / CDC: - issue curriculum guides and teaching packages
-conduct “seed projects” with schools and tertiary institutions to generate successful experiences
-provide training courses
-provide school-based support to help schools develop school-based curricula
-promote the development of quality textbooks
-gather and disseminate exemplars / CDC
BoE: - promote “learning to read and reading to learn”
-study how to help schools cater for students’ diverse needs
-consider how to establish support networks to facilitate cooperation between schools and other sectors of the community
Item No. / Key Area of the Education Reform / Sub-area(s) / Executive/Advisory Bodies Involved / Party OverseeingThis Area3 / Support for Schools / i)school-based support /
- ED - REO: support school in adopting a whole-school approach to making improvement, including teaching and learning, management & organisation and support for students.
CDI: provide school-based support for curriculum development
IT Regional Support Team
- Tertiary institutions: various schemes for supporting schools
- Professional associations: promotes sharing of successful experiences and good practices as well as professional development
ii) District Teachers’ Network / ED
iii)Quality Education Fund / QEF Steering Committee under the EC: consolidates and disseminates good practices and experiences.
iv)Parent support / Steering Committee on Parent Education
BoE Working Group on Promoting Parent Education
Home-school Cooperation Committee
v)support by other sectors / BoE and ED
4 / Professional development / Teachers’ professional development / ACTEQ: - advise on the levels and types of teacher education;
-advise on distribution between activities funded by UGC and other activities;
-advise on the funding, academic quality and professional relevance of activities, other than those funded by UGC;
-advise on the need for any policy changes
-advise on any other matters relevant to teacher education. / ACTEQ
UGC: teacher education programmes provided by UGC-funded institutions
ED: commission and provide in-service teacher education courses (e.g. Refresher Training Courses, those relating to the curriculum reform, IT in education, etc.).
Principals’ training / BoE Sub-committee on Principals’ Professional Development
Item No. / Key Area of the Education Reform / Sub-area(s) / Executive/Advisory Bodies Involved / Party OverseeingThis Area5 / Admission Systems / i)Primary One Admission System (POA) /
- EC WG on SPAS: - monitor the implementation and advise on major issues regarding the implementation which are closely related to the direction and principles of the reform measures;
- BoE - monitor the implementation of reform measures
- POAC - advise on implementational details
ii)Secondary School Places Allocation (SSPA) /
- EC WG on SPAS: - monitor the implementation and advise on any need for adjusting the reform measures;
-prepare and conduct the interim review in 2003 to advise on the long-term mechanism.
- BoE - monitor the implementation of reform measures
- SSPAC - advise on implementational details
/ iii) Through-train
iv) University
admission / EC WG on SPAS: - monitor the implementation and advise on any need for adjusting the reform measures;
- advise on major issues regarding the implementation which are closely related to the direction and principles of the reform measures.
BoE - monitor the implementation of reform measures
SSPAC - advise on implementational details
UGC and universities / UGC
6 / Assessments / i)Basic Competency Assessments (BCA) / ED: - overall coordination of the development and implementation of the BCA;
-develop teaching packages to help teachers follow-up on students’ needs identified through the BCA;
-provide training and professional support to help teachers make use of the BCA and the teaching packages.
HKEA: - develop the student and system assessments;
- conduct the central system assessments. / ED
ii)Public examinations / HKEA: implement reform of public examinations and align examinations with the curriculum reform. / HKEA
7 / Increase in post-secondary education opportunities to reach the 60% target / EMB:- put in place the financial support scheme and regulatory framework to facilitate the increase in post-secondary education opportunities
EC WG on Development of Post-secondary education:- Provide advice on how the target of 60% could be achieved / EMB
Major Reviews To be Monitored
The Roles of the Education Commission
The EC is currently also conducting the reviews in items (2) to (4) below. Besides, it is also monitoring the review in item (1) below, which arises from the recommendations made in the EC’s Report on “Reform Proposals for the Education Reform in Hong Kong”.
Item No. / Reviews / Sub-area(s) / Executive/Advisory Bodies Involved / Party Overseeing This Area1. / Unification of the systems of kindergartens and child care centres / Joint Working Group formed by ED and SWD / EMB, ED,
2. / Review on the academic structure for senior secondary education and interface with higher education / (i)senior secondary curriculum and assessment
(ii)interface with higher education
(iii)resource implications / EC WG on Review on academic structure for senior secondary education and interface with higher education (RASIH) / EC WG on RASIH
3. / Post-secondary education / EC WG on Development of Post-secondary Education- review the overall future development of post-secondary education
UGC – conduct the Review on Higher Education / EC WG on Development of Post-secondary Education
and UGC
4. / Continuing education / i)regulatory framework
ii)qualifications framework / EC WG on Continuing Education / EC WG on Continuing Education