East Ayrshire Leisure
Chief Executive: John Griffiths
The Palace Theatre
9 Green Street
T: 01563 554710 F: 01563 554730
Dear Name
I write to confirm that you will be appointed to the above Bank Register with effect from xxxxxxxx, for a period of twelve months i.e. until xxxxxxxxxx.
I would point out the casual nature of this arrangement with no mutuality of obligation i.e. there is no obligation either for East Ayrshire Leisure to offer you work or for you to accept any work offered by East Ayrshire Leisure.
You will be contacted with the appropriate details, including work location if and when any work is available.
The rate of pay for all hours worked up to the 37 hours per week will vary depending on the duties being carried out. Payment for hours worked will be on a four weekly basis by credit transfer. Any hours worked above the full time hours in any one week will be classed as overtime and paid at the appropriate enhanced rate.
As this post is considered as Regulated Work with Children in terms of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007, it is a condition of your appointment to the above Bank Register that you remain a member of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme for the duration of your appointment on the Bank Register.
All individuals requiring to undertake Regulated Work with East Ayrshire Leisure will be subject to a Scheme Record Update every 3 years with the associated costs being met by the individuals concerned. Failure to remain a member of the PVG Scheme for whatever reason will lead to your appointment to the Bank Register being reviewed by East Ayrshire Leisure at that time.
I will write to you 4 weeks before the end of the 12 month period as stated above giving you the option to remain on the Bank Register for a further 12 month period where appropriate. If you wish your name to be removed from the Bank Register prior to this date, you should notify your Bank Supervisor in writing.
You will receive a payment in lieu of holidays which will be calculated on a 6 monthly basis i.e. at 30 June and 31 December, the amount of which is dependent upon the basic hours worked in the previous 6 month period. This payment will be made in the usual manner.
You will receive an annual statement confirming the basic hours you have worked and salary details applicable during this period. This will also contain details of any holiday payments you may have received.
I should be grateful if you would sign the statement on the enclosedcopy letter and return it to Lorna Smith, Human Resources Assistant, East Ayrshire Council, Council Offices, The Opera House, 8 John Finnie street Kilmarnock, KA1 1DD as soon as possible together with the relevant undernoted documents duly completed.
Please note that only upon receipt of your acceptance of the offer of appointment together with appropriate documentation will your records be recorded on the Human Resources Information System for payroll purposes. Therefore failure to return the documentation requested in your offer of appointment letter timeously will result in late payment of your salary.
If you should have any queries in relation to the above, please contact Lorna Smith, Human Resources Assistant on (01563) 576960.
Yours sincerely
John Griffiths
Chief Executive designate
East Ayrshire Leisure
Documents for completion and returnDocuments for information
HR PR 4Code of Conduct
Bank Mandate
Copy of appointment letter
I hereby acknowledge receipt of my letter dated xxxxxxxx confirming my appointment to the East Ayrshire Leisure Bank Register, I confirm that I understand the casual nature of this appointment and that there is no mutuality of obligation in that there is no obligation either for East Ayrshire Leisure to offer me work or for any work offered by East Ayrshire Leisure to be accepted by me.
Signature______Date ______
(Block Capitals)