Royal SocietyKan Tong Po Visiting Professorships
Note to CityU Applicants
For any successful nomination, the CityU applicant has to provide and arrange separately for the costs required for the accommodation and HK$6,000 monthly honorarium of the Visiting Professor in order to fulfill the provision imposed by the Royal Society on the hosting University. The total estimated cost will be about HK$35,000 per month to cover accommodation, outpatient health schemes and monthly honorarium.
Declaration by the Applicant
I have read the above notes and undertake to make arrangements for the provisions imposed by the Royal Society
Sigature: ______
Name: ______Date: ______
Endorsement by Head of Department / Line Manager:
The attached application by is endorsed for submission to the Royal Society and necessary arrangements have made to provide accommodation, outpatient health scheme and monthly honorarium as required.
Signature: Date:
Head ( )
Ref: KTP Oct 02
Royal Society / Kan Tong Po Visiting Professorships
Personal data - in confidence
Nomination Form – to be completed by Hong Kong Institution
Part I Details of Hong Kong Institution
1Nominating institution:
2Nominating department:
3Principal host:
4Proposed date and duration of visit:
Part lI Details of proposed Royal Society/ Kan Tong Po Visiting Professor
3Name family name first name middle name (if any)
4 Academic Title
5Name of home institution
6Has the proposed Royal Society/Kan Tong Po Visiting Professor had previous links with your institution? Please list dates of previous visits to your department/institution:
7Please outline the proposed research, teaching and other duties to be carried out by the Royal Society/Kan Tong Po Visiting Professor whilst at your institution: (continue overleaf)
8Please state the prospective benefits to your institution and Hong Kong SAR:
Part III Details of entitlement of the Visiting Professor, if appointed:
9Monthly stipend from nominating institution:
HK$6,000 per month as subsistence allowance
10Type of accommodation:
City University Guest House or equivalent
11Please list other allowances and benefits:
Out-patient health scheme
I confirm that the information given above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Personal data on this form will be held and processed on the Royal Society’s computer. A summary of the Society’s data protection policy, including the rights of subjects on which data are held, is obtainable from the Society (Ref: DPSA/JHS).
Signed ______Date ______
Principal/Vice-Chancellor of Nominating Institution
Ref: KTP Oct 02
Royal Society / Kan Tong Po Visiting Professorships
Personal data - in confidence
Application Form
– to be completed by visiting professor and submitted to Hong Kong Institution
Part I Details of Hong Kong Institution
1Institution(s) to be visited in Hong Kong:
2Proposed date and duration of visit:
Part lI Personal data
3Name family name first name middle name (if any)
4Sex Male Female5 Academic Title 6 Nationality
7Date of birth day month year
8Place of birth (give town and country)
9Address of home institution Correspondence address (if different)
10Subject area (two or three words only)
11Brief statement of scientific careeer including academic qualifications, post held, research activities:
12 Main recent publications (maximum 6):
Part III Visit Details
13Are you already acquainted with colleague(s) to be visited?
14Please give details of the scientific research that you will carry out in Hong Kong. (Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary).
15 Please show how your visit would strengthen the links between academic institutions in Hong Kong and the UK or USA. In addition, please state the prospective benefits to Hong Kong and the UK or USA. (Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary).
16 Titles of lectures offered:
17 Will you be accompanied by dependent/s? Please give details.
18 Has your employer/Head of Department given approval for your absence abroad?
I confirm that the information given above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Where any of the proposed research involves the use of animals, I have read and confirm I am in compliance with the Royal Society's policy on the funding of research involving animals and the publication of the results of such research. (Available on request or at
Personal data on this form will be held and processed on the Society’s computer. A summary of the Society’s data protection policy, including the rights of subjects on which data are held, is obtainable from the Society (Ref: DPSA/JHS).
Signed ______Date ______