Minutes of a Meeting of Cornwood Parish Council

Tuesday 4th October 2016 at the Community Room, Church Park.

PRESENTChairman: Mr Brown

Councillors: Mr Hawkes,Mr Mundell,Mr Munford, Mr Yarnold, Mrs Bonney

Clerk: Mrs M Haynes


As no members of the public were present, no issues were raised.


County Cllr John Hart

Cllr Hart reported on the current status of Devon County Council which had been in special measures but was now a textbook for other authorities. The council has reduced the head count by 4000 (full and part time) which is the equivalent of 2000 full time staff. Savings of £200 million have been made and a further £35 million has been made by selling property. Efficient management of farm estates has raised another £2 million.

This year’s TAP fund will not be available until after the elections in May. In the meantime the council can apply to Cllr Hart for funding to tidy up the village and renovate of toilets.

The report from The Parliamentary Boundary Commission does not include any changes that will affect this parish.

During November and December Cllr Hart will be talking to Parish and Town Councils about budget savings.


There was an attempted burglary at a local farm. Two males were seen on CCTV trying to gain entry to a stable door. They damaged a padlock but were unable to get in and nothing was stolen.

1016/01 APOLOGIES District Councillor Bill Hitchins, PCSO James Brokensha, Councillors Mrs den Hollander (H), Mr Offer

1016/02 MINUTES Minutes of the Meeting held on the 6th September 2016 were confirmed and signed.

1016/03 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Yarnold - works under the TAP fund scheme.


Minute 540Cllr. Hawkes was concerned about the speed that the large tractors travel on the parish roads where the national speed limit applies. It was decided to hold a meeting to discuss ways to solve this problem.

The gulleys on Heathfield road are blocked and the resulting flow of water could become an ice hazard. In Pitman’s Lane there is a large pothole opposite the telephone exchange. These defects will be reported via DCC’s website.

Minute 2289 c)Dog Waste Bin – remove from agenda.

Minute 2498 c)TAP Fun: Cllr. Yarnold continues to work through programme of repairs to play areas and has carried out a weekly inspection and completed a checklist.

The Parish Clerk will get quotes to tidy the highway boundaries.

Minute 2666 b) Public Conveniences in Cornwood Square. Nothing to report.

Minute 2688a)Play Areas. See Minute 2498.

Minute 2816 b)Disabled Parking at Church. The Clerk has filled online form to apply for planning permission. Parish Clerk to contact DCC for response.

Minute 2820 a)Housing Survey. Sue Southwell has written to Gavin Dollard to inform him of the Housing Appraisal results. The council agreed to consider affordable housing when creating the Local Plan.

Minute 2820 b)Definitive Map Review. Nothing to report. Remove from agenda.

Minute 0516/03a Langage Grant. There are no projects that meet the criteria at present. Remove from agenda.


The date for switching on Christmas Light will be10/12/2016. The pub has been asked to quote for providing refreshments.

The Chairman and Clerk will meet with contractors to get quotes for repairing play area fence, cutting down trees in the village hall car park and repairing the fence on Crossways Green.

Concern about the Mountain Inn in Lutton was raised. The building is vacant and the owner is not maintaining the property.


0498/16 Dormer extension in garage roof at Hazel Lodge, Bond Street, Cornwood – supported by the council.

2539/16 Retrospective application for the retention of hardstanding for agricultural purposes (storage of silage bales) – supported by the council

0410/07REPORTS OF REPRESENTATIVES - Nothing to report

0410/08FOOTPATHSCllr Bonney will remind Mr. Torr to provide an update for the next meeting.


Energy Champions – the local champions will be invited to run a drop in session offering impartial advice on reducing fuel bills and getting the best from your energy supplier at the coffee stop. Clerk to liaise with village hall committee re date.

0410/10FINANCE–The annual audit has been approved and returned by Grant Thornton.


It was agreed to make the followingpayments:

Payee / Goods/Service / Amount (£)
Maureen Haynes / Salary + expenses (£216.90), Travel (£6.75), Stationery (£23.73) / 233.65
South Devon Rural / Room hire / 35.00
R Yarnold / TAP works / 85.00
T Brown / Travel 189 miles / 85.05
Michelmore Hughes / Play area rent / 200.00


Goods/Service / Amount (£)
South Hams / Precept / 6804.50
HMRC / VAT / 371.62

Current Bank Balances.

Treasurers Account –current statement not available

Sp. Savings Account – £4124.90

Savings Account - £5544.24


Tuesday 1st November 2016 at the Community Room, Church Park at 7.30 pm

Signed ……………………………………..Date ………………………………..

Minute No …………………………………


04102016 Minutes