Term – II (2017-2018)

Subject: General Knowledge

Time: 3 hrs. Class: IV M.M.: 50

Note: - 1. It is compulsory to attempt all questions.

2. Marks are given against each questions.

3. Handwriting should be neat and clean.

Q1: Match the following: -6

Dates Days

a)10th DecemberArmy day

b)8th MarchUN Day

c)1st MayNational Science day

d)5 SeptemberHuman ring’s day

e)11th JulyFather’s Day

f)24 OctoberChildren’s day

g)6th AugustEarth day

h)22nd AprilInter National Women’s day

i)14th NovemberInternational Labor day

j)28 FebruaryTeacher’s Day

k)15 JanuaryWorld Populations day

l)3rd Sunday of JuneHiroshima day

Q2: Write the name of these symbols: -4


Q3: Observe the pattern and complete: -4

Q4: Answer the following Questions: -10

a)Which Instrument is used for magnifying very small objects?

b)Which Instrument is used for observing distant objects?

c)Which instrument is used for measuring the purity of milk?

d)Which plant have world’s largest leaf. it grows up to 20 meters in length?

e)Which plant is world’s biggest cactus?It can be 20 meters tall and 1 meter thick?

f)Where is Gandhi ground situated?

g)Which of cricket stadium is in Mumbai?

h)Write the currency name of Japan?

i)Write the capital of Italy?

j)Who is founder of reliance Industries?

Q5: Fill in the blanks: -10

a)First person to set foot on moon …………………

b)First space tourist in the world …………………..

c)This bird is the tallest flying bird it can stand to a height of almost 6 feet……………

d)It is the most poisonous bird. its feathers and skin contain a powerful poison……….

e)The fastest flying butterfly with a speed as high as 40 km/h ……………..

f)The butterfly known to play dead in order to escape predators…………….

g)Longest rivers …………………..

h)Smallest ocean ……………….

i)Deepest valley ……………………..

j)Largest/deepest ocean ………………………

Q6: Write true or false: -3

a)Latamangeshkar is a recipient of bharatratne.

b)Great banyan tree is the tallest living tree.

c)Cassowary is the words most poisonous bird.

Q7: Circle the odd one out: -3

a)Yori Gagarin, Denis tito, AlexeiLenov, Neil Armstrong.

b)Western pygmyblue, Monarch, Shilling, mourning clock.

c)Pitohui, Ostrich, Albatross, Hemlocks.

Q8: Recognize these picture and write their names in the space. Provided hints are given in jumped letters: - 4

Q9: Fill in the grid with digits in such a manner that every row, every column and every 2x3 box accommodates the digits 1 – 6 (without repeating any): - 6

1 / 4
2 / 3
4 / 5