A: Exchange Activities
Objective: Promoting dialogue between climate scientists and humanitarian and development policymakers and community ‘end users’ to address climate variability and change
A series of meetings involving stakeholders have been held in Nairobi, involving humanitarian and development partners with the participation of Kenya Meteorological Department and IGAD Climate and Applications Center (ICPAC).Participation has been from NGOs, UNISDR, CARE International, OXFAM GB and other humanitarian agencies. These meetings/workshops have served the purpose of exposing the participants to the climate and weather; and how the agencies can integrate weather/climate information in their activities. The seasonal products from NMHSs and COFs serve as sources of climate forecasts (early warning) and the humanitarian agencies can use these to plan their long-term interventions. These forums also serve to create awareness on climate change and variability and keep the dialogue on these issues alive.
B: Project Activities
Strengthening Agricultural Livelihoods Innovations Project (SALI)
Project Overall aim
Contribute to the reduction of poverty amongst poor and marginalized communities in living in the semi-arid areas of Mbeere district by 2015.
Specific Objective:
Increased opportunities for marginalized agricultural producers, community-based organizations and private sector agricultural providers in Mbeere district to increase incomes and develop sustainable climate-resilient livelihoods by 2013.
Output: Strengthen the capacity of 2000 Farmers in Mbeere district to access climate information and apply this information for increased and diversified agriculture production.
Development of a toolkit based on weather and climate information for application of by Mbeere farmers. This incorporated the input of experts in agricultural extension services, agricultural research, livestock, cooperatives etc. This toolkit was developed by taking into consideration the seasonal weather forecast, the expected distribution of the rains, onset and cessation dates. The toolkit is then presented to the farmers with advisories on the crop varieties, farm management practices. The toolkit also contains information on pest control for crops and animals, as well as veterinary information for livestock. Issues of soil and water conservation, and soil fertility are also addressed.
Prior to the presentation of the toolkit, the farmers give their experiences on the performance of the previous rainfall season, challenges experienced and success stories are exchanged. This served as a learning experience and exposed the farmers to new ideas.