Information Guide for Parents and Students
School Hours: Monday – Friday 7:45 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Office Hours:Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
School Colors: Blue and Yellow School Mascot: Mustang
Mission Statement
St. Elmo parents, educators, and community will work as partners empowering our students to develop into responsible, contributing members of our global society.
Arrival at School
Students will be allowed in the building at 7:00 a.m. The school day begins at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 2:45 p.m. Students arriving before 7:20, should report to the cafeteria either to have breakfast or to wait until time to go to the gym at 7:20 a.m. at which time they will be escorted to the gym to wait for their teacher. PK, K, & 5 students wait in the cafeteria after eating breakfast. Students must be in their classrooms by 7:45 a.m. to avoid being tardy.
After-School Child Care
An after-school program provided by the Sierra Ridge and Sierra Vista apartments is available for students in grades K-5. For more information, please call Megan Elkins at 443-6055.
Regular, on time, attendance is essential to your child’s progress and achievement. Attendance is checked each day at 10:00 a.m. If a student is not present at that time, s/he is recorded absent. If your child is absent, send a written note to the teacher within 5 days of the absence. Include your child’s name, the date of absence, the reason for the absence, & your name on the note. Make-up work for students who have an excused absence for an extended period of time should be requested from the teacher. Students earn perfect attendance recognition for the 9-week period if they have 0 absences & no more than 1 tardy during each 9-week period.
We recognize that each child’s birthday is special. If you send party invitations to school, there must be one for every child in the room. Birthday parties are not allowed at school. In accordance with the school district nutrition policy, birthday sweets of any kind may not be served at school. Parents wishing to share a birthday treat with your child’s classmates are encouraged to send non-food items such as pencils or stickers. To avoid classroom disruptions, please do not send pastries, balloons, or flowers to the school. All balloons or flowers sent to school will be kept in the office until the end of the school day.
Students have a daily 30 minute lunch period. They are expected to: 1) Purchase all food items when going through the line. Students may not get back in line to purchase additional items once seated. 2) Show respect for self and others at all times; 3) Raise their hand for help and wait for a monitor’s assistance; 4) Clean up after themselves; and 5). Talk quietly. Breakfast is served beginning at 7:00 a.m. and ends at 7:35 a.m. The cost for breakfast is $1.25 and $.30 (reduced). The cost for lunch is $2.35 and $.40 (reduced). Adult lunches are $3.25. Parents are asked not to include candy or soft drinks as part of the child’s lunch/snack. Applications for the Free or Reduced Lunch Program will be sent home the first week of school. All families are asked to complete the lunch application.
Classroom Parties and Social Events
Parties and social events will be planned by the classroom teacher. To ensure compliance with nutrition guidelines, please send refreshments only as requested by the teacher.
Campus Personal Check Policy
We do not accept personal checks as a form of payment for any kind of transactions.
The school day ends at 2:45 p.m. Staff members will accompany all students out of the building and parents can pick up their children in designated areas. To prevent congestion on S. First Street, parents are expected to form two lines in the circular drive during dismissal time. Cars may not be left unattended during dismissal. Students not picked up promptly will wait in the office and parents will be called. Staff members are not available to supervise students after dismissal.
Emergency Card Information
It is very important that we have current contact information on file for each child so that contact can be made as soon as possible in case of an emergency. For someone not on the emergency care card to be allowed to pick up your child, special permission in writing must be sent in advance. Update emergency contact information in the school office as needed.
Expectations for Student Behavior
Every student has the right to learn; therefore, no child will be permitted to disrupt the learning process. Students are expected to display behavior that shows respect towards classmates, school property, and all personnel. Expectations for Student Behavior will be posted in all classrooms. The Expectations along with Student Behavior Interventions will be communicated to parents by teachers at the beginning of each year. Severe disruptions or physical aggression warrant an immediate discipline referral to an administrator. The administrator will take action appropriate to the student action(s). When a student is referred to the office, parents will be notified and will receive a copy of the discipline referral.
Homework is used in an effort to strengthen the instructional program. Specific policies vary by grade level and will be sent home at the beginning of the year. Please review the work brought home by your child. Frequent failure to do homework and complete assignments will affect your child’s academic progress and achievement. If you have homework questions/concerns, call or visit with your child’s teacher.
Honors Assemblies
At the end of each nine-week period, an awards assembly is held in the cafeteria to recognize students for academic excellence, perfect attendance, and excellent behavior. Parents of students receiving awards will be sent an invitation to the assembly, though everyone is welcome to attend.
Leaving School During the Day
Any student leaving school early must be picked up and signed out in the office. Students will be released only to parents, guardians, or persons listed on the emergency card. Per district policy, students’ early departure is considered to be a partial day absence and requires an excuse. Except in emergencies, students will not be called out of class for early dismissal after 2:30. Students may not leave the school grounds without permission from the office.
Lost and Found
When items are found at school they will be placed in a lost and found box outside the library. Check with the office for lost items. Unclaimed items are sent to a charitable organization.
Message Policy
To avoid disruptions of instruction, messages for students will be left in teachers’ mailboxes. To ensure the message reaches your child, calls must be made prior to 12 noon.
Morning Assemblies
Morning assemblies for PK, K, & 5 in the cafeteria, and for Grades 1-4 in the gym begin at 7:35 a.m. and include the daily Pledges of Allegiance (U.S. and Texas) and a minute of silence.
Parent Newsletters will be sent home periodically to keep you informed about school meetings, issues, policies, and services. Grade-level newsletters will keep you informed of class activities and instruction. Teachers will send a Parent Communication Folder home each Friday to inform you of your child's progress and to share information about school activities and events.
Students must receive permission from their teacher before going to see the nurse. The nurse or office staff will call parents if necessary. PLEASE DO NOT SEND MEDICATION OF ANY KIND TO THE SCHOOL FOR YOUR CHILD TO TAKE ON HIS/HER OWN. All medication must be in its original container and kept in the office. No staff member is allowed to give any medication until a permission form signed by the parent is completed and on file in the office. Tylenol and other non-prescription medicines are not provided by the school.
Students’ immunizations must be kept up-to-date. By state law, students whose immunizations are not up-to-date are not permitted to attend school. Information about immunizations can be obtained from the school nurse.
Parent Concerns
Parents wishing to express classroom concerns are asked to contact the child’s teacher. If after contacting the teacher, the concern is not resolved, parents are encouraged to contact the principal or the assistant principal. Parents are encouraged to contact the principal to express general school concerns. If concerns are not resolved, contact the Associate Superintendent for South Elementary Schools, Ms. Ariel Cloud at 414-1700.
Parent Conferences
Teachers are required to hold parent conferences at least twice per year (fall and spring). If your child is experiencing academic difficulties at any time, the teacher will contact you to schedule a conference. Parents may request a conference with a teacher at any time as needed.
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
The St. Elmo PTA is essential in promoting the educational goals of the school. A number of volunteer opportunities are offered through the PTA. The PTA raises funds through various projects to support the educational experiences of every child. All parents are invited to join the St. Elmo PTA.
Parent Visits
Parents are encouraged to visit the school throughout the school year. You are welcome to visit the cafeteria and eat lunch with your child any day. However, we consider lunch time to be an important opportunity for students to socialize with their peers in an informal setting. Therefore, we encourage parents to consider having lunch with your child only on occasion. Teachers are asked not to stop instruction to visit with parents. If you would like to visit with a teacher or visit a classroom, please make an appointment with the teacher to set an agreed upon date & time. For the safety of students and staff, ALL VISITORS MUST report to the office and present a driver’s license or other valid ID to obtain a visitor’s pass. All visitors’ driver’s licenses and IDs are scanned to check against the national sex offender database. Visitors to campus are requested to abide by the AISD Student Dress Code.
Personal Items
Students may possess cell phones and other electronic devices on school property; however, all electronic devices must remain turned off and “out of sight” during the school day. Skateboards or sneakers with wheels are not permitted at school. The school is not responsible for personal property brought to school.
Report Cards
Report cards are sent home every nine 9 weeks. Parents are asked to sign and return the report card envelope to the teacher. Students failing a subject will also receive progress reports.
To ensure student safety, all students should cross streets only at crosswalks. To keep the flow of traffic moving, parents are asked to use the designated drop-off locations and not park in the drop-off locations. If you accompany your child into the school, please park along St. Elmo Road or in the parking lot. Parents wishing to pick up students from the after school Sierra Vista/Ridge Learning Center program must park their car and go to the meeting location (gym or cafeteria) to sign the child out with the Learning Center staff.
School Support Services
The counselor and parent support specialist are available to assist you with matters pertaining to your child’s education and welfare. Call them for information about support services.
Student Dress
Clothing should be in line with the AISD Student Dress Code. Students should wear clothes and shoes that allow them to participate in all school activities comfortably including P.E. and on the playground. Students are encouraged to wear sneakers on a daily basis to make it easier to participate in playground or P.E. activities. It is inappropriate to wear anything (including hair styles) that disrupts the learning environment or distracts from the educational process. Students may NOT wear hats or caps inside the building.
Study Trips
Study trips are a regular part of our school program and are used as an introduction, extension, and/or culmination of learning units. All children are expected to participate; however, special arrangements will be made for students who have exhibited behavior that endangers them or others. Students must have written parent permission to participate on study trips.
Students are expected to arrive to school on time every day. Students not in their classroom at 7:45 a.m. are tardy and must report to the office for a tardy slip. If your child is tardy for a valid reason, send a written note to the attendance clerk within 5 days of the tardy. Include your child’s name & your name on the note, along with the date of and reason for the late arrival.
Textbooks and Library Books
It is the responsibility of the school and the principal to issue, collect, and account for all state-adopted textbooks. The law requires that all textbooks be covered and book covers are provided by the school. Students are required to pay for any textbooks and library books lost, damaged, or destroyed.
Withdrawal and Transfer
Notify the school office at least one day before the date of withdrawal. Before a student is cleared to withdraw or transfer, he/she must return all textbooks, library books, and pay for lost or damaged books. School records will be sent upon request.
Items Not Covered
You may refer to the AISD Student-Parent Handbook & Student Code of Conduct for other District information; however, if you have questions please call the school office at 414-4477.
Información Escolar Para Padres y Estudiantes
Horas de Instrucción:lunes – viernes7:45 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Horas de Oficina:lunes - viernes7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Los Colores de la EscuelaEl Mascota de la Escuela
azul y amarilloMustang
Nuestra Misión
Los padres, educadores, y comunidad de St. Elmo trabajarán como compañeros para que nuestros estudiantes se desarrollen como miembros responsables de una sociedad global.
Llegada a la Escuela
Los estudiantes pueden entrar a la escuela a las 7:00 a.m.. El día escolar empieza a las 7:45 a.m. y termina a las 2:45 p.m. Los estudiantes quienes llegan a la escuela antes de las 7:20 deben esperar en la cafetería hasta la hora de ir al gimnasio donde esperarán a sus maestros. Los estudiantes de PK, K, y 5 esperarán a sus maestros en la cafetería después del almuerzo. Estudiantes deben estar en su salón a las 7:45 a.m. para prevenir que se les indique llegada tarde.
Cuidado de Niños Después de Escuela
El programa de Centro de Aprendizaje Sierra Ridge y Sierra Vista patrocinado por el grupo Foundation Communities, proporciona un programa de aprendizaje después de escuela solamente para niños de kínder a 5˚ grado. Para información, llame a Megan Elkins al 443-6055.
La asistencia regular y a tiempo es esencial para el progreso y logro de su niño/a. La asistencia se verifica cada día a las 10:00 de la mañana. Si un estudiante no está presente para ese momento, se le marca ausente. Si su niño/a está ausente, se requiere que dentro de 5 días, envíe una nota escrita al maestro. Incluya en la nota la fecha, el nombre de su hijo/a, la fecha de la falta, la razón por la falta, y su nombre. Cuando el estudiante tiene una ausencia justificada por un largo tiempo, se le debe pedir la tarea al maestro/a la maestra. La asistencia perfecta será reconocida para niños quienes asistan todos los días y no tengan más de una llegada tarde durante cada período de nueve semanas.
Los Cumpleaños
Reconocemos que el cumpleaños de cada niño/a es especial. Si envía a la escuela invitaciones para fiestas de cumpleaños, debe haber una para cada niño/a en el salón. Por reglamento escolar, no se permiten pastelitos durante el almuerzo ni el día escolar. Si desea compartir un regalito para cada alumno, se sugiere que envíen regalitos de lápices o carcamonillas y no de comida. Para evitar interrupciones del salón, les pedimos que no envíen pasteles, globos, o flores a la escuela. Pasteles, flores, o globos recibidos se quedarán en la oficina hasta la hora de despedida.
La Cafetería
Los estudiantes tienen 30 minutos para almorzar. Se espera que los estudiantes: 1) compren todo de una vez al pasar en linea. No se permite ponerse en linea otra vez despues de haberse sentado 2) Muestren el auto-respeto y el respeto hacia otros; 3) Levanten la mano para pedir ayuda y esperen que un empleado de la cafetería les ayude; 4) Limpien por sí mismos; y 5) Hablen en voz baja. El desayuno se servirá de 7:00-7:35 a.m. El costo para el desayuno es $1.25 y $.30 (precio reducido). El costo del almuerzo es $2.35 y $.40 (precio reducido). El almuerzo para adultos es $3.25. Favor de no enviar refrescos tal como sodas para el almuerzo o la merienda. Se enviarán aplicaciones a casa para el Programa del Almuerzo Gratis o a Precio Reducido la primera semana de escuela. Se le pide a cada familia que llene la aplicación.
Fiestas y Eventos Sociales en el Salón
Las fiestas y los eventos sociales serán coordinados por el/la maestro/a del salón. Para estar de acuerdo con los reglamentos de nutrición, los padres sólo deben enviar refrigerios al pedido del maestro.
Póliza Escolar Sobre Cheques Personales
En ninguna circunstancia se aceptan cheques personales en la escuela.
El día escolar se termina a las 2:45 p.m. Miembros del personal escolar acompañarán a todos los estudiantes fuera del edificio, y padres pueden recoger a sus hijos en las áreas designadas. Para no bloquear tráfico en la calle S. First, se requiere que formen 2 lineas en el estacionamiento en frente del la escuela. No se permite dejar el auto sin conductor. Los estudiantes deben recogerse puntualmente. Niños quienes no son recogidos para las 3:15 esperarán en la oficina y se les llamará a los padres. No tenemos personal disponible para supervisar a niños/as no recogidos a tiempo.
Información de Cuidado de Emergencia
En casos de emergencia, es muy importante tener al corriente números de teléfono e información de domicilio donde se pueden localizar los padres, parientes, o amigos. Se debe enviar de antemano el permiso especial por escrito para que alguien más recoja a su niño/a. Puede añadir o revisar la información en la oficia como sea necesario.
Expectativas Para la Conducta del Estudiante
Cada estudiante tiene el derecho de aprender; por consiguiente, no se le permitirá a ningún estudiante que interrumpa el proceso de aprendizaje. Se espera que los estudiantes demuestren conducta que muestra el respeto hacia los compañeros de clase, la propiedad escolar, y todo el personal. Se mostrarán las Expectativas para la Conducta del Estudiante en todos los salones. Al principio del año, se les dará información a padres sobre las Expectativas junto con las Intervenciones de Conducta de Estudiantes. Interrupciones severas o agresión física requieren una visita inmediata a la oficina de un administrador. El administrador tomará acción disciplinaria según la acción del estudiante. Cuando se envía un estudiante a la oficina, los padres serán informados y recibirán copias del reporte de disciplina.