Textbook: HMH Florida Go Math Advanced Mathematics 1 my.hrw.com
Objective of Course: This class is designed to develop an understanding of mathematics in order to build numeric understandings that are necessary for interpreting and appreciating the inherently mathematical world around us.
Pacing Guide Estimation:
1st 9 weeks 2st 9 weeks
Integers Percents
Common Factors and Multiples Rates and Proportionality
Rational NumbersGenerating Equivalent Numerical Expressions
Operations with FractionsGenerating Equivalent Algebraic Expressions
Operations with Decimals
Representing Ratios and Rates
Applying Ratios and Rates
3rd 9 weeks 4th 9 weeks
Equations and RelationshipsFSA Review
Relationships with Two VariablesPreview 7th grade skills:
Area and Polygons Rational Numbers
Distance and Area in the Coordinate Plane Adding and Subtracting Integers
Surface Area and Volume-Solids Multiplying and Dividing Integers
Displaying, Analyzing, and Summarizing Data Proportions and Percentages
Suppliesneeded: Spiral notebook,loose leaf paper, pencils, dry erase markers, erasers, graph paper,self-contained pencil sharpener, & dry erase markers. An agenda or weekly planner is highly recommended.
Grades are based on the following:
40% -Classwork30% -Quizzes20% -Tests10% -Homework
My Expectations:Be Punctual, Be Prepared, Show Respect, Act Responsibly-
P2 + R2 = Eagle Success
Consequences: 1. Warning 2. Call Home 3. Intervention 4. Call Home 5. Office Referral
Course Expectations and Information:
Complete all assignments, including the “bell work” on board. Maintain an InteractiveMath Notebook(INB)Participate in class and perform at a satisfactory level on all assignments, quizzes, and tests. Daily assignments, objectives, homework, and a weekly agenda are posted in the classroom at all times. There are no surprises!
Absences: It is the student’s responsibility to get the missing work from an absence. Please, be sure to get the missing work immediately upon returning to school. Also, parents should login toSkyward Family Access regularly to stay abreast of student progress and missing assignments.
In order for students to get credit for an assignment, he/she must put his/her name on the assignment. If it does not have a name, you won’t get credit. You have fivedays from the date of an excused absence to submit your missing work. Special circumstances may warrant extra time, if discussed with teacher promptly.
Missed Tests/Quizzes may be made up before school and occasionally during class. Please, schedule a time with the teacher beforehand so she knows you are coming.
Re-Do Policy: Most assignments may be re-done for a better grade (up to an 85%) within one week of receiving notification of the grade. It is the student’sresponsibility to: find out about the “re-do” assignment, show all the work on the “re-do,” and turn it in on time.
Extra Help-Extra assistance can be arranged, but it must be scheduled with the teacher. Please feel free to ask questions if you don’t understand! “Asking is Learning!”
On line Resources:
(online textbook, tutorials, games, & additional practice)
(excellent tutorials), - A website giving tasks aligned directly to the standards. Search by grade level, then standard.
Mathlanding.org, Illuminations.nctm, Learnzillion.com, Mathisfun, Askdr.math, Coolmath, Bigbrainz, Brainpop, & Geogebra are some additional websites
Homework is assigned 2-3 times a week so please stay current on your assignments.Homework is due the next school day. Homework completed on time earns the student a 100%, with the score being reduced by 10% for each day that it is late.
Family Access / Skyward: Skyward is anonline grade book which parents and students can view at any time. Please sign up & monitor this weekly. You should know the grade in this class at all times.
Please don’t hesitate to contact the teacher when necessary. My contact information is located on the front of the syllabus. Please, return the note of receipt on the next page. Thanks for your support. I look forward to an awesome year!
Please return this page to Mrs. Allard’s turn in box for your class period.
Note of Receipt
I have read and understand the classroom syllabus. I will honor the policies and procedures so that I may have a successful year. I will ask the teacher for help whenever I need it and I will do my best to have a positive attitude.
Student SignatureDate
I have read, understand, and have discussed the classroom syllabus with my child. I will follow through with this agreement in an effort to help my child succeed.
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
Dear Parents/ Guardians,
Any additional information about how to help your child academically will be appreciated, as I will do my best to motivate your child to succeed in math class this year!
Thank you!
Mrs. L. Allard
Is there anything you would like me to know about your very important child?