12pm Wednesday11October 2017 | Student Hub, Students’ Union, Tait Building
Initials / Meeting 1 10.10.17 / Meeting 25.12.17 / Meeting 3
30.01.18 / Meeting 4
27.03.18 / Meeting 5
05.06.18 / Meeting 6 10.10.17 / Meeting 7
5.12.17 / Meeting 8
30.01.18 / Meeting 9
Olesea Matcovschi (President) / OM /
Malek Arab
(VP Education) / MA /
Zulkaif Riaz
(VP Activities & Development) / ZR /
(SMCSE SRO – Chair) / FL /
(BME Officer – Deputy Chair) / AO /
(LGBT Officer) / MC / N/A
Katherine Tobar-Manosalvas
(Women’s Officer) / KT / N/A
(Disabled Students’ Officer) / MS / P
Selim Afifi
(International Students’ Officer) / SA /
Jan Jenicek
(Cass SRO) / JJ /
Siim Ojavere
(Health SRO) / BT / N/A
(Law SRO) / MI /
Aurora Herrera
(Graduate School Officer) / AH / A
Jan Niyazi
(Sports’ Officer) / JN / A
Fatema Dhanani
(RAG Officer) / FD / A
Yige Liu
(Ethics & Environment Officer) / YL / N/A
Key: “”= Present, “A” = Apologies given, “N/M” = Non-member, “P” = Partial attendance, ‘X’ = Non-attendance
In Attendance / Initials / Reason and Meeting SectionJames Lindsay / JL / Membership Development Manager (Advisor)
Laura Dickens / LD / Academic Representation & Democracy Coordinator (Committee Secretary)
Andrew Tripoli / AT / Student Observer
Part One
1)Welcome and apologies
OM opened the meeting and welcomed the new Executive Committee.
a)Declarations of Interest
OM, MA & ZR declared they sit on University Senate
OM declared she was a Member of University Council
b)Confirmation of matters for any other business
MA – National Demonstration
JL – Professional Mentoring Scheme
MA – Periodic Reviews
2)Nomination & Appointment of Chair & Deputy Chair
FL was elected as Chair, AO as Deputy Chair of Executive Committee Meetings
As this is the first meeting of the Executive Committee of City, University of London Students’ Union there are no minutes for approval.
4)Policy Briefing Session
JL updated the group that they would be receiving a Policy Briefing Session, to assist them in writing policy.
Action: LD to set up and invite all Officers to Policy Briefing Session.
Items for Decision5)Motions
a)Creating a Physical Space for the Graduate School(paper: EC-001)
OM introduced the policy – updated that AH and AT are currently in discussions and are looking at several spaces. The aim of policy is to create a reference point for Postgraduate students.
MA updated that previously there had been a Graduate Library space in Sebastian Street, but this had been taken away in September 2016 to create the new Sebastian Street Project.
The policy was passed unanimously and will now go to Student Council.
b)CityBar Rebranding(paper: EC-002)
OM and MA introduced the policy. The aim of the policy would be to make CityBar more inclusive for all students, making it a more socialising space. MA was keen to see more non-alcohol themed events or days for students who do not drink.
Debate was had around what shape this would take and what it would look like, and whether they had received enough feedback from students to pass the policy.
The Committee concluded a survey of students would need to be conducted to find out what they would like to see from CityBar.
Action: OM & MA to conduct a survey of students on their preferred development of CityBar
6)Bye-Law Amendments
a)Postgraduate Taught Officer(paper: EC-003)
OM introduced the proposal, noting over 4,200 students are on Taught Postgraduate courses. The proposal would see the Graduate School Officer role divided into 2 roles – a Postgraduate Taught Officer and a Postgraduate Research Officer.
JL noted that if passed, and passed by Student Council, then the positions would be elected in the Leadership Elections in March.
The policy was passed unanimously and will now go to Student Council.
Items for Discussion7)Printt
MA introduced Printt, an idea from his manifesto of providing a free printing service to students, including use of sustainable recycled paper. MA updated that he has drafted a report on why this should be implemented, and welcomed the Committee to input. Campaign is in initial stages so number of printers to be confirmed.
AT asked about who will manage technical issues and administration.
MA reported that Printt is used at LSE and Queen Mary University of London in their Students’ Unions. As the printer would be owned by the Union, it would be the Union’s responsibility and having a printer at Bunhill Row could be considered. The company offer a 3-day turnaround time for issues.
OM clarified that Printt would not replace any other printing service provided by the University.
JJ asked what timeline MA is working towards. MA responded that he intends to have a finalised report in the next couple of months, ready for approval by the Executive Committee.
8)Exam Timetable Release
MA updated that he is in talks with the University to get a confirmed timetable released January Exams and that he is pushing for the end of October. MA updated that the University have hired external consultants to partake in this process.
Items for Information9)Leadership Elections 2017 – Autumn
JL updated that the Leadership Elections would be taking place over the next few weeks, with nominations closing on 23rd October. The Committee were encouraged to promote the elections and that they are able to put themselves forward for NUS National Delegate.
The Union would be electing 15 Student Councillors (3 from each School), a Chair of Student Council, 4 Part Time Officer Roles currently unfilled and 6 NUS National Conference Delegates.
10)Leadership Award
JL explained the City Students’ Union Leadership Award and encouraged the Officers to put themselves forward and encourage other leaders to sign up.
11)Meeting Schedule
The Board noted the NSS results. In discussion the following points were noted:
- JL – communication strategy is key to get people to understand what the organisation is doing for students
Standing Items
12)Officer Reports
a)Selim Afifi
- Work on the timing of January Exams for International Students
- Work with International Students who are about to graduate about options of staying in the UK.
- Accommodation for students – improving information given, guaranteed period.
13)Any Other Business
a)National Demonstration
MA updated that on the 15th November there will be a national demonstration around making tuition fees free.
b)Professional Mentoring Scheme
JL updated that applications for the Professional Mentoring Scheme were due to close and encouraged the Committee to apply for a place on the Scheme.
c)Periodic Reviews
MA updated that the University was looking for student representatives to take part in Periodic Reviews.
Action: All to send over their names if interested in being a part of the panel.
Date of the next meeting:Wednesday, 1st November 2017, 12-1:30pm
Board Secretary:Laura Dickens