101 Ideas to Build your Spa Business!

Do you want a full calendar? Do you trust the ones that have walked before you?

You need to do three things right now………………………………….

  1. Make a goal of how many people you are going to share with each day!
  2. Do not leave home without your calendar, catalogs, flyers or brochures!
  3. Spend time on the phone each day following up!

Set Your Goals

1.What is your goal of your daily phone time? This is the number one thing you can do for your business – you have to get on the phone call new people or follow up with people you have met – if your calendar is not where you want it to be it is simply because you are not getting on the phone – if you change this one aspect your spa calendar will be amazing. I WILL SPEND ____ MINUTES ON THE PHONE DAILY!

2.Set specific times to call for new spas and follow up with hostesses. Don’t let the day get away from you.

3.Set a spa goal - how many spas do you want to have each month? You must set a goal to so you can achieve it!

4.What is your goal of how many people you are going to meet each day?

5.Attend your spa girl monthly activities.

6.Follow the “Nine Steps to Success”

7.Know your why! If you don’t know why you are doing spas, you’ll never grow your business.

8.Create a Dream Board of everything you want out of your life. Start visualizing yourself already achieving those goals. Have powerful intentions!

9.Work with your up line. If they don’t know your goals and your intentions, they will not know how to support you.

10.Make a box in your Smart Book everyday. Every time you talk to someone (whether on the phone or in person) about your business, booking spas, earning extra money, etc. put a tally in the box. At the end of the day you will see if you were a “spa girl” that day.


11.Participate in BeautiControl book-a-thons.

12.Have your own book-a-thon – listen to the conference call from December 30, 2007 on booking spas.

13.Call a spa sister or two or three and have a book-a-thon together – each add in $5 and the one who books the most spas goes home with the cash.

14.Find a spa girl with similar goals and schedules to team up with. Encourage each other and feed off each other’s successes and enthusiasms. Remember, they don’t have to be from your same team.

15.Go see someone else do a Spa – who is successful in your area – go see what they are doing.

Booking fromthe Spa

16.At the Spa romance the hostess – make her feel so special – let everyone see all the gifts she is receiving so they will want to book also. Wrap each item separately in tissue paper.

17.Play games at your spa - Deal or No Deal, the Dice game, the Ticket Question game.

18.Run a promotion…………….. Example: Have 2 Spas before I get to your Spa and receive ___item for FREE!

19.At the spa at the very end – tell them you are so excited – you are in a contest and you have two priority dates that you need to fill to win your company contest – of course these dates are within a week or two – offer those that book those dates something special – maybe a free gift- maybe you arrive 15 minutes early and do microderm abrasion on them.

20.Show on the go/Booking in a basket. Excellent for the office. Place several small items in a basket and one larger one. When an order of $30 is placed, the customer can select a small gift. When all the gifts are gone, the hostess gets to open the bigger gift. (suggest 10 gifts)

21.Delivery Day Special. Offer the hostess, at the time of delivery, a special gift from you when she picks up a booking or two as she delivers her guests items.

22.Offer the hostess an additional gift when she re-books herself with-in 3 months. You may want to offer her an extra incentive for holding 3 shows within a year.

23.Offer a gift with purchase to encourage orders – spend $79 or more and receive? (an item of your choice).

24.Offer a free product of their choice to people who take the brochure home, share it with friends and family and get additional orders resulting in a certain amount of dollars, or get a new booking for you.

25.Depending on the cost of the Spa Now Case, sometimes recruitsjust do not have the money to purchase it and will say they are not interested to avoid being embarrassed. If you have someone interested in joining but cannot afford to purchase up front, offer her the chance to join for free. Tell them they can have a Spa, (you pick the dollar amount that needs to be sold) and the profits of the Spa will purchase the kit, or go towards the price of the kit. This is a great way to help a new recruit get started without any investment.

26.Promote a bonus gift to guests/hostesses when they refer you to someone.

27.Book one-on-ones to fill empty spots or cancellations. Practice with the sensors and 15 minute facials.

28.Exchange home events with other home based business owners – have them have your spa first.

29.Create an email list of all of your spa customers and hostesses and simply email them once a month with your monthly promotion! Change the promotion each month – sale one month, booking incentive next, gift with referral the following, etc. Keep it fresh!

30.Send a card to each guest who doesn't book a Spa. Dear...Thanks for attending Susie’s Spa. If you would like to have a Spa or just a silent book Spa, you can earn free merchandise or if you would like to place another order, please feel free to give me a call. Thanks for your order. P.S. Susie earned $95 in free merchandise.

31.Send out post cards to your past hostesses and guests letting them know of new catalogs, hostess specials, or exciting challenges (Two for Tuesday, Thirsty Thursdays, New Spring or Fall Colors, share new themes from spainvitaions.com).

32.Give a small happy to the first person who asks you a business question at your spas.

33.When customers pay with checks – make a list of the husband’s name to reach out to them for holidays.

34.Mention “Care Packages” for new brides/moms to help them distress.

From Your Personal Resources

35.Sit down and make a list of everyone you ever worked with and call them and share what you are doing now.

36.Revisit your FRANK list – no matter how long you have been in the business you will always find new faces on your FRANK list – Your Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors, Kids Connections – what about your Christmas Card list?

37.Ask your friends and family to help you by “borrowing their face” to practice the new skincare.

38.Call three people and ask them to try our skincare for 14 days – the mini skincare set lasts 14 days – then you can offer the full size at a discount for them having a spa.

39.Host a walk-in or open house. To acquaint neighbors and your community with your product, send invitations to friends, neighbors and acquaintances. Give brochures to the newspaper person, put notices up in supermarkets. Advertise that there will be refreshments and a chance to EXPERIENCE your products.

40.Host a Mystery Hostess Spa. Have a Spa in your home and award the hostess credits to the guests. The credits can be divided up or given in different ways. For instance, name goes in for each $25 bought.

41.Send a catalog to a co-worker that has moved.

42.Send a catalog to your Pampered Chef, Miche Bag, Scentsy candle reps.

43.Put a fishbowl in the teacher’s lounge of your child’s school.

44.Hold a “Hostess Appreciation” Spa at your house to say thank you to past hostesses. You can show them the new treatments, tell them about different themed spas, and get them excited about hosting again.

45.Give products and a gift certificate for a spa as gifts to friends. (Remember, $25 per person per year counts as a tax write-off)

Meeting New People

46.When you explain what you do – keep it simple – 30 seconds or less to encourage them to ask questions – say – I teach people how to relax in the comfort of their home – if you have one hour and five or more friends everyone will receive 10 spa treatments – how does that sound to you? Carry your flip cards so you can show the perfect picture.

47.Go door to door in your neighborhood and introduce yourself and your business. Do a “Get to Know Your Neighbors” Spa.

48.Go inside when you go to a fast food place instead of through the drive through – you can meet more people standing in line inside.

49.Go to garage sales and offer a spa, offer a FREE gift to them if they hand out your flyers to each person that shops.

50.Hang out at Starbucks for the afternoon and see how many people you can meet. Talk to that cute barista between the rushes. You know she gets stressed by those crabby people before they get their coffee!

51.Any catalog you give out make sure you have a discount or some offer with an expiration date on it – make sure to get their number to follow up with them – tell them you will call them before the offer expires.

52.Every time you spend money hand out your information to the cashier and compliment or thank her.

53.Call others about their ads in newspapers and offer them your services – a FREE spa!

54.Go to local bridal stores and tell them you have an amazing promotion to offer – you want to give each of their brides a FREE in home spa! You can order gift certificates from Spa invitations.com. This is a huge add on to their services they provide.

55.Let your bank now what the deposits are for – give them a catalog.

56.Look for festivals, or school events or church festivals – look where people are gathering to have a booth!

57.Approach Real Estate Agents and offer FREE gift Certificates for in-home spas for them to give in their new home gift basket when they sell a home.

58.Call local apartments and offer a FREE customer Retention program for their residents.

59.Always have your business cards/brochures with you every where you go. Don’t be caught off guard when you meet that fabulous new person.

The only way to find new customers is to LOOK. And to look, you need to be OUTSIDE your home!

Office Spas & Fundraisers

60.When you see a car wash fundraiser, stop and share the Spa Fundraisers.

61.Approach bake-sales and offer a Spa fundraiser.

62.Offer businesses a Corporate gift giving program – sets starting at $15 (foot crème, Spa Sock, bath mineral sample, pretty organza bag).

63.Have a Coffee Break Spa at your office – a 15 minute stress break.

64.Have your husband or significant other promote your business at work.

65.Look through local newspapers for store openings or stories about local business and call and offer FREE Stress Reduction Workshop for them and their employees.

66.Call local schools and offer a Teacher Appreciation event – offer Nurses a Nurse Appreciation event.

67.Call offices and ask these three questions……………remember you can do office events at the end of the day.

  1. Does your company have an employee Health Fair? You can offer to have a table display.
  2. Does your company do in service training? You can offer a Stress Reduction Workshop
  3. Would your company like to offer a Stress Reduction Workshop for your employees?

68.Call Local churches and ask if they do a women’s retreat and offer your FREE Stress Reduction workshop!

69.Offer a gift basket donation for silent auctions – always include an in home spa gift certificate.

70.Pump up your business – offer a spa night at a local gym – having great success with curves.

71.Have a booth at a School Fair / Back to School Night.

72.Contact local school’s PTAs to do a “Parent Appreciation” Spa

“Advertising Your Business”

73.Join clubs and networking groups.

74.Take a class (knitting, cooking, dancing, aerobics, etc.)

75.Place your card into any FREE drawings in businesses.

76.Go to oil change / auto repair shops and leave your catalog or Empowering Women magazine.

77.Post Flyers in Apartment Complexes.

78.Leave catalogs in Beauty Salons.

79.Go to Staples/Office Depot and buy an acrylic box and leave in places you do business with - attach a sign that says drop your business card to win a FREE in home spa escape.

80.Magnetize your business card.

81.If somebody loves your perfume, lipstick, eye shadow, etc., make sure you can tell them it is a Beauticontrol product so you can share how they can’t find it at retail stores, only through you.

82.Hang a sign on your car about your business.

83.Use your card for a bookmark in library books and leave them in the book when you return it.

84.Look for bulletin boards in businesses and hang your flyer.

85.Look on the internetfor new bulletin boards to post your amazing products.

86.Place an ad in a small local paper, penny saver, home owner association paper, college newspapers – offer a one hour FREE Stress Reduction session to the first ten that call.

87.Go to Staples/Office Depot and buy the acrylic holder that the catalog fits in and leave in local businesses.

88.Hang a flyer inside a bathroom stall door – a very captive audience.

89.Distribute your catalog or mini brochure at dentist, doctors, or anywhere you do business.

90.Look in newspapers, online, etc. for Mommy groups. A lot of Mommy groups also do “Mom’s Night Out” events.

91.Take 7-10 flyers, hole punch the corners, tie them up with curly ribbon and hang them from the bulletin boards or phone poles where others hang their yard signs. Tons of people view those places on an average, nice weekend and some may want or need your product.

92.Create a Facebook page.

93.Never leave a place or area without leaving your information behind. Whether you hand them out personally, or place them in the bathroom, in empty shopping carts at the grocery store (where they pile up for new customers going in), on car windshields or anywhere you can possibly think of

94.Place your business card in give away boxes. You never know who is going to look at them and need or want what you have to offer.

95.Show your Business! Wear a button or t-shirt where ever you go. It’s a great conversational piece.

96.Be a Sponsor in a contest. Remember to always include a catalog, ordering information, booking information and sponsoring information.

97.Include your business card with your website in all your letters and bills you pay.

98.Advertise in your Church bulletin.

99.Share, Share, Share – Ask, Ask, Ask if this is something they would be interested in.

100.Always be kind and treat everyone equal – you never know who your next hostess or Rockstar spa girl will be!

101. This a “Heart” business! Get out of your head and work from your heart. When you truly give out of love, your business will grow - along with your heart!

ABC List of Prospecting Ideas

A-airports or airplanes, animal shelters, acquaintances, AAA representatives, accountants

B-beauty parlor, bank, bus, birthday party, beach, baptism, book club, ballet class

C-car dealership, cleaners, Chamber of Commerce, clothes store, church, coffee shop, club meeting, cafeteria

D-doctor's office, dentist's, department store, day care provider, door to door salesperson

E-educators, electrician

F-festivals, fairs, funeral, florist, friend, family

G-gym, grocery store, gas station, garden shop, golf course

H-hardware store, hotel, hospital

I-Internet, ice cream parlor, informational calls

J-jewelry store, Jazzercise class, juice bar

K-kitchen store, kid's activities

L-landlord, library, laundromat, landscaper

M-McDonalds, movie theatre, mall, museum, massage therapist, music class

N-night club, newspaper, nail salon, neighbors

O-optometrist, obstetrician, office

P-parking lot, PTA meeting, post office, pet store

Q-quilting class

R-restaurant, running group, referral, realtor

S-sports activity, senior citizen center, ski slopes, support group, school, subway, shoe store, sales clerk

T-telemarketer, travel agent, telephone, tennis court, train station, tanning salon

U-urologist, University, utility person

V-vacation, vet

W-waiting room, wedding, Weight Watchers meeting, Wendy's

X-x-ray technician

Y-YMCA or YWCA, youth group activity, yoga class, Yahoo group
