St. James’s Practice – Beckenham - G84028
A description of the profile of the members of the PRG / There are 18 members of the PRG.
Age: 16-44 years – 5, 45- 64 years – 11, 65-74 years – 1, 75 and over – 1
Sex: Male – 8 Female – 10
Ethnicity: White British – 16, Caribbean – 1, Indian - 1
The PRG took the format of both a face to face meeting and an e-mail list.
Between the 1st of April 2012 and 31st March 2013 the PRG convened 3 times.
The steps taken to ensure that the PRG is representative of our registered patients and where a category of patients is not represented, the steps we took in an attempt to engage that category / -We have 6532 patients, 3385 female (51.82%) and 3147 male (48.18%). The male life expectancy is 81.4 and female 85.3. 1396 (21.37%) of our patients are aged under 20, 2006 (30.71%) aged 20-44, 1890 (28.93%) aged 45 to 64, 610 (9.34%) aged 65 to 74, and 630 (9.64%) aged over 75. In terms of ethnicity, 96% of our patients are White, 2.4 Black, and 1.6 Asian. Our patients are in the third less deprived decile.
-We advertised in the waiting room and reception window with a poster to encourage patients to join the PRG. Receptionists participated in a ‘meet and greet’ project over the summer to personally ask patients to join, and GP Partners informed patients about the PRG at consultations.
-In addition, the HCA informed housebound patients and their Carers at home visits re the PRG and its activities.
Details of the steps taken to determine and reach agreement on the issues which had priority and were included in the local practice survey / We held a face-to-face meeting on 29th November 2012. Work accomplished on priority areas from previous year were discussed.
Current year priorities also discussed: Reception area, notices, appointment schedules, automated check-in, Carers project, and text message reminders.
We e-mailed the minutes to PRG members and sought their views.
The manner in which we sought to obtain the views of our patients / The survey was designed from the GPAQ V3 and the questions were based on the above priorities agreed.
The survey was given to patients attending the Surgery over a period of 4 weeks. Completed surveys were returned to Receptionists and kept in a folder. Some patients took the questionnaires home and posted it back.
A total of approximately 200 questionnaires were handed out. 150 were completed and included in final analysis. 20 were returned incomplete and hence were not included. 30 patients failed to return the questionnaire.
Details of the steps taken by the practice to provide an opportunity for the PRG to discuss the contents of the action plan / We e-mailed the survey results to the PRG to discuss the contents of the action plan. Some of the members responded saying they were happy with the action plan and made no suggestions. One member met with the Practice manager and cautioned re text messaging of appointment reminders.
Action Plan agreed
Details of the action plan setting out how the finding or proposals arising out of the local practice survey can be implemented and, if appropriate, reason why any such findings or proposals should not be implemented. / Action Plan
1. Order and install automatic check-in by end March 2013
2. Offer support to Carers through investment scheme project
3. Look into setting up MJog with EMIS Web for text message reminders to patients.
4. Upgrade disabled toilet
Implementation – Automated arrivals ordered and being installed in 1st week April 2013. Disabled toilet being upgraded at time of publishing report.
Carers project has commenced and Carer support has been offered.
A summary of the evidence including any statistical evidence relating to the findings or basis of proposals arising out of the local practice survey / Results of survey as attached.
Action Plan
Changes we intend to take as a consequence of discussions with the Patient Representative Group is respect of the results, findings and proposals arising out of the local practice survey /
  1. Install EGTON automated arrivals system to speed up waiting time at reception
  2. Continue Carers project – with funding from PCT
  3. Discuss at Practice meeting clinical governance issue re MJog text messaging – to do in April 2013-03-27
  4. Disabled toilet – being upgraded with funding from PCT

ii. where it has participated in the Scheme for the year, or any part thereof, ending 31 March 2012, has taken on issues and priorities as set out in the Local Patient Participation Report /
  1. Cleaned up reception/waiting area – redecorated.
  2. Receptionists sent on communications training.
  3. Telephone message changed so all calls go to Reception.
  4. Appointments system improved with EMIS Web
  5. Automated arrivals system to be installed (as above)

The opening hours of the practice premises and the method of obtaining access to services throughout the core hours and extended hours arrangements (the times at which individual healthcare professionals are accessible to registered patients. / Practice Opening Times advertised in Practice Leaflet, in Surgery and on the myhealthlondon website.
Appointments offered cover a range of Routine pre-bookable, Urgent and Open On the Day – both for Doctors and Nurses.
Core Hours:
Monday 8:00-18:30
Tuesday 7:30-18:30
Wednesday 7:30-20:30
Thursday 7:30-18:30
Friday 8:00-18:30
Extended Hours:
Doctors: 7:30am – 8:00am Tuesday-Thursday
Nurse: 18:30-20:00 Wednesday evening
Routine and urgent and OOTD appointments.