APS Forum on Education: Duty Calendar

The FEd year starts at the adjournment of the annual Executive Committee Meeting.

This calendar assumes an April meeting and will need some adjustment if the meeting is at a different time.

Month / Event/Activity / Vice Chair / Chair Elect / Chair / Past Chair / Sec/Treas / News. Editor /
April / 1. Exec Comm meeting at APS April Meeting unless the Chair has found that March works better for most committee members.
2. APS April Meeting. Excellence in Education Award given at April Meeting.
3. New Fellows recognized at reception at April Meeting. / 1. Attends Exec Comm meeting. Becomes Chair Elect the next day.
1. New Vice Chair takes office the day after the meeting. / 1. Attends Exec Comm meeting. Becomes Chair the next day.
1. New Chair Elect attends Program Comm. meeting at April meeting. Do this even if the Program Comm meets prior to officially becoming the new Chair Elect. / 1. Presides at Exec Comm meeting. Becomes Past Chair the next day.
2. Represents FEd at the Education and Diversity Reception and recognizes new Fellows. Do this even if the reception follows the Exec Comm meeting and the Chair is now officially Past Chair.
------/ 1. Attends Exec Comm meeting. Service ends at the close of the meeting.
1. New Past Chair makes sure new Chair is familiar with tasks and timelines. / 1. Works with Chair to confirm final plans for Exec Comm meeting.
2. Attends Exec Comm meeting.
Makes budget report.
3. Takes notes at Exec Comm meeting, creates minutes, distributes according to bylaws and posts on FEd web page.
4. Updates FEd website to show new Exec Comm, etc.
5. Prepares quarterly budget update and sends to chair line. / 1. Attends Exec Comm meeting if possible.
2. Informs new officers what they need to contribute to the newsletter, such as columns or solicitations, and the appropriate deadlines.
3. Creates article solicitation for Summer Newsletter
May / 1. Reviews nomination timeline and develops schedule for nomination process. Checks whether a new Sec/Treas or Forum Councilor is to be elected that year.
2. Writes short article for summer newsletter soliciting names of potential Exec Comm members. Check with editor for deadline. / 1. Works with Chair to form a Program Committee. Program Comm should have a representative from FOEP.
2. Organizes Program Comm.
3. Writes short article for summer newsletter soliciting ideas for sessions and/or speakers. Check with editor for deadline. / 1. Works with Chair Elect to appoint the Program Committee.
2. Writes “From the chair” column for the FEd summer newsletter. Check with editor for deadline.
3. Collaborates with FOEP chair to ensure each as a representative on the other’s Prog Comm.
4. Collaborates with AAPT President on joint meeting of FEd/AAPT Board held at summer AAPT. This meeting is attended by FEd exec members who are attending AAPT. / 1. Receives Fellows nominations from APS. Begins selection process with Fellows selection committee.
2. Contacts the chairs of the Excellence in Physics Education Award and the Reichert Award selection committees to evaluate the need to solicit additional nominations. / 1. Approves travel expenses for Exec Comm meeting.
2. Updates the Past Exec Comm list on the FEd web site. Takes down March and April meeting info from web site.
June / 1. Works with Chair to form a Nominating Committee. / 1. Works with Program Comm. on potential session topics and speakers. / 1. Works with Vice Chair to appoint the Nominating Committee. / 1. Receives final article drafts for Summer Newsletter.
2. Sends Summer Newsletter articles to APS for formatting.
3. Distributes draft newsletter for comments and finalizes with APS.
4. Sets deadline for following Summer Newsletter.
July / 1. AAPT Summer Meeting: Meet with AAPT Board
2. Plenary Session at AAPT meeting organized by FEd and an APS Division / 1. Send email to all FEd members inviting them to suggest candidates for Exec Comm. / 1. Works with Program Comm. on potential session topics and speakers
2. Contacts AAPT Program Chair about AAPT-organized sessions for April meeting. / 1. Forwards Fellows selections to the APS for approval. / 1. Creates minutes for FEd/AAPT Board meeting, if present at the meeting.
2. Prepares quarterly budget update and sends to chair line. / 1. Has Summer Newsletter posted on FEd Website and notifies FEd members.
August / 1. Works with nominating committee on potential nominees. / 1. Finalizes session topics for next calendar year and begins inviting speakers. / 1. Creates article solicitation for Fall Newsletter.
Sept / 1. Nominating committee prioritizes lists. Vice chair begins asking people to run and collecting statements from candidates. / 1. Enters March meeting speakers into APS database.
2. Writes a short article (session titles only, no speakers) about the upcoming FEd sessions at the March and April meetings for the Fall Newsletter. / 1. Writes “From the chair” column for the FEd Fall Newsletter. / 1. Writes short article for the FEd Fall newsletter encouraging members to nominate someone to be a FEd APS Fellow.
Oct / 1. APS Committee on Education meeting. (Sometimes is in Sept.)
2. Announcement of Excellence and Reichert Award winners. / 1. Slate of candidates and their statements sent to the Sec/Treas no later than Oct 15.
2. Works with Sec/Treas on ballot. / 1. Attends APS Committee on Education meeting.
2. Participates in March Program Committee teleconference.
3. Enters April meeting speakers into APS database.
4. Works with AAPT Program Chair to plan APS Plenary Session at AAPT Summer meeting. / 1. Polls Exec Comm members and sets date/place of annual meeting.
2. Attends APS Committee on Education meeting.
3. When the Excellence and Reichert Awards are announced, sends congrats to the winners, an email to the Exec Comm, and an email to the FEd members. / 1. Attends APS Committee on Education meeting. / 1. Updates website with award winners.
2. Work with APS to set up election after receiving slate and statements from Vice Chair.
3. Prepares quarterly budget update and sends to chair line. / 1. Receives final article drafts for Fall Newsletter.
2. Sends Fall Newsletter articles to APS for formatting.
3. Distributes draft newsletter for comments and finalizes newsletter with the APS.
4. Sets deadline for following Fall Newsletter.
Nov / 1. Exec Comm election begins.
2. Announcements of new APS Fellows. / 1. Participates in April Program Committee teleconference. / 1. Sends letters of congratulations to new FEd APS Fellows. Notifies Exec Comm of new Fellows. / 1. Begin election no later than Nov 15. / 1. Has Fall Newsletter posted on FEd Website and notifies FEd members.
2. Creates article solicitation for Spring Newsletter.
Dec / 1. March Meeting Sorters Session at ACP, College Park
2. Exec Comm election concludes. / 1. Notifies election winners, confirms that they are willing to serve, and notifies Sec/Treas.
2. Invites newly elected Vice Chair and (if there is one) newly elected Sec/Treas to attend the Leadership Convocation in January. / 1. Ensures someone deals with FEd abstracts at March Sorters Session.
2. Works with AAPT Program Chair to finalize APS Plenary Session at AAPT Summer meeting. / 1. Congratulates newly elected Exec Comm members and goes over timetable, duties, and expectations.
2. Works with Sec/Treas on the next year’s budget. / 1. Updates website with new Fellows and with info about FEd sessions at the March and April meetings.
2. Reports election results to Vice Chair. Then, after Vice Chair has confirmed, reports election results to the Exec Comm and to the Chief Executive Officer.
3. Works with Chair on the next year’s budget.
Jan / 1. AAPT Winter Meeting.
2. April Meeting Sorters Session at ACP, College Park.
3. APS Leadership Convocation at ACP, College Park. / 1. Attends Leadership Convocation.
2. Becomes member of APS Committee on Education.
3. Writes a short article for the Spring Newsletter with the election results. / 1. Ensures someone deals with FEd abstracts at April Sorters Session.
2. Writes a detailed Spring Newsletter article about the FEd sessions at the forthcoming March and April. / 1. Sends proposed budget to Exec Comm for discussion and approval.
2. Requests suggestions from Exec Comm for the Selection Committees for the Excellence in Physics Education Award and the Reichert Award.
3. Writes “From the chair” column for the FEd Spring Newsletter. / 1. Rotates off APS Committee on Education.
2. Sends out email notice to members to solicit nominations for the Excellence and Reichert Awards / 1. Starts to arrange Exec Comm meeting.
2. Prepares quarterly budget update and sends to chair line.
3. Attends Leadership Convocation if in first or second year. / 1. Receives final article drafts.
2. Sends Spring Newsletter articles to APS for formatting.
3. Distributes draft newsletter for comments and finalizes newsletter with the APS.
4. Sets deadline for following Spring Newsletter.
Feb / 1. Appoints Selection Committees for the Excellence in Physics Education Award and Reichert Award. Notifies APS.
2. Invites new Fellows to attend the Reception at the April Meeting where certificates will be handed out. (No travel funding.)
3. Invites Chairs of GPER, FOEP, and COE and the AAPT rep to FEd to Exec Comm meeting. Will provide meal but no travel. / 1. Sends out email notice to members that April 1 is the deadline for APS Fellowship nominations. / 1. Arranges travel expenses (if needed) for Education Award winner(s).
2. Sends invitations to all Exec Comm members (voting members plus Ted plus editor) for upcoming Exec Comm meeting. Gets meal preferences.
3. Continues with arrangements for Exec Comm meeting. / 1. Has Spring Newsletter posted on FEd Website and notifies FEd members.
March / 1. APS March Meeting. Reichert Award given at meeting.
2. Deadline for nominations for Fellows.
3. APS Committee on Education Meeting at ACP, College Park / 1. Attends APS Committee on Education meeting. / 1. Attends March Meeting.
2. Attends APS Committee on Education meeting. / 1. Appoints Fellowship Selection Committee and notifies APS.
2. Prepares agenda for Exec Comm meeting.
3. Attends APS Committee on Education meeting.
4. Updates as needed documents in the Operating Procedures section of the web site.
5. Reviews duties and timelines with incoming Chair and Vice Chair. / 1. Continues with arrangements for Exec Comm meeting.

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