These rules will apply to all tournaments played under the auspices of Sedibeng Chess. The purpose of the rules given below is not only to regulate the tournament, but also to guarantee enjoyment thereof. Any matter not specifically covered in these rules will be at the discretion of the Tournament Organiser and/or the Chief Arbiter who have the authority to overwrite the rules. The Tournament Organiser will announce any amendments to these rules before the start of the first round. Any person, who infringes the rules as set out in this document, will face disciplinary action. Technical infringements will be dealt with by the Chief Arbiter. All other infringements will be managed by the Tournament Organiser. The Tournament Organiser’s decision is FINAL!

This tournament rules were approved during the meeting of the Sedibeng committee at Henley Pre Primary School on the 23rd of April 2015.


1.  FIDE Laws of Chess

2.  General rules for everybody

3.  General rules for players

4.  Spectators

5.  Individual age group Tournaments

6.  Format of tournament

7.  Tiebreak rules

8.  Recording of games

9.  Results

10.  Clocks

11.  Time control

12.  Appeals

13.  Ratings

14.  Absence, defaults & withdrawals

15.  Infringements

16.  Prize money

17.  Changes to rules

Please note that the Fide Laws often contain more details than the Sedibeng tournament rules. In case of any rules contradicting the Fide Laws, the Fide Laws will prevail, except in the case of the following Sedibeng rules which will prevail in all Sedibeng tournaments: 1.2

1.  FIDE Laws of Chess

1.1.  The tournament will be played under the latest official FIDE Laws of Chess. All pairings, calculations, etc. will be done according to the FIDE handbook. Please visit the FIDE website (www.fide.com) for more information.

1.2.  Please note the new rule regarding electronic devices.

Cell phones: Please note that the cell phone law in the Fide 2014 laws is currently under revision. Sedibeng management has decided to apply the law as follows for local tournaments and league games with immediate effect:

Players are not allowed to have a cell phone or device capable of suggesting chess moveson their person e.g. in a pocket while playing a chess game. They are allowed to have a cell phone in their bag, provided that it is completely switched off. They are not allowed access to their cell phones during a game or to carry the bag containing a cell phone to the bath rooms etc. Players who do not comply, will forfeit the game. If a cell phone makes a noise/vibrates, the player loses immediately.

In Sedibeng tournaments and league games, players will not be required to inform the arbiter if they have a cell phone with them.

For national tournaments and tournaments in other regions, the law may be applied stricter.

Sedibeng Management is not responsible for the Fide Laws and therefore takes no responsibility for the safety of players’ cell phones. Management recommends that players do not bring cell phones to chess tournaments. Players who do bring cell phones, do so entirely at their own risk.

2.  General rules for everybody

2.1. Smoking is forbidden in the playing hall

2.2. No food will be allowed in the playing hall. Players may bring cool drink, water, etc. into the playing hall but must ensure that it is in a container with a properly fitted lid.

2.3. No item may be sold or traded by any person other than those given permission by the tournament organizer in writing;

2.4. Damages: The organizers of the tournament are not responsible for the safety of players or their property;

2.5. Tuck shop must be available. If organizer cannot arrange for a tuck shop, Sedibeng Management must be informed in time in order for other arrangements to be made. Chess equipment to be for sale when representative is available.

3.  General rules for players

3.1.  The organisers reserve the right to combine sections or to move any player to an appropriate section in accordance with the latest national rating, if necessary.

3.2.  Players must be seated at least five minutes before the scheduled starting time of each round and must complete the pairing data on their score sheets. When the tournament structure is rate of play, it will not be expected of a player to be seated 5 min before the next round starts.

3.3.  During the tournament the u/08 & u/10 parents are requested to assist their children BUT MUST BE OFF THE FLOOR WHEN THE ROUND STARTS.

3.4.  Players must provide their own chess pieces and clocks, if they have a clock. The organisers will provide the chess boards.

3.5.  The Arbiter will instruct the players on which side of the board to place the clock.

3.6.  Players must make a sporting contest of every game. The Chief Arbiter may order the original game to be replayed if judged to be an unacceptable result.

3.7.  When pieces are provided by tournament organiser, after completion of the game, players must quietly reset the pieces and the clock and sign both score sheets. The winner must place the king in the middle of the board. In the event of a draw, both kings must be placed in the middle of the board. Players must place their results in the appropriate result box.

3.8.  All results handed in during the Tournament WILL stand and will NOT be changed, even if entered incorrectly by the players.

3.9.  Players must leave the playing area after completing their games.

3.10. No analysis or unofficial games will be allowed in the playing hall.

3.11. Players arriving late repeatedly may be withdrawn from the tournament.

3.12. A player who arrives more than 15 minutes AFTER THE START OF A ROUND, will lose that game. The score sheets and result sheet must be completed accordingly. The remaining player must wait 15 minutes to be able to claim a win on time. If both players arrive late, the first player to set up the equipment should split the remaining time for the round and then start his opponent’s clock. Any player absent from his/her table for more than fifteen minutes without permission from the Tournament Arbiter, may have his/her game forfeited at the Tournament Arbiters discretion.

3.13. If there is a dispute, or if a player wishes to make a claim of any kind, the player should stop both clocks and summon an arbiter or tournament supervisor. When in doubt, ask the arbiter.

3.14. It is the responsibility of each player to ensure that he/she is entered into the correct section.

3.15. Please take special note of the touch move rule (Fide Laws Act 4) for more details.

4.  Spectators

4.1.  Spectators have no privileges. According to the FIDE Laws of Chess, players who’ve completed their games ARE ALSO spectators.

4.2.  Spectators are not allowed on the playing floor accept with the permission of the Chief Arbiter.

4.3.  Spectators who discuss a player’s position or time management with the player, or point out that it is the player’s move, or talk loud enough to be heard by a player with a game in progress, warrants removal from the spectator viewing area.

4.4.  Spectators may not make claims. They may point out an irregularity to an Arbiter in a manner not noticed by either of the players. Spectators are forbidden to interfere with the players during the games and may not make claims on behalf of any player.

4.5.  Nobody is allowed to play with balls or other toys in the playing hall or the entrance.

5.  Individual (Age Group) Tournaments

5.1.  A player may elect to participate in a higher age group, but will only be eligible for prizes and selection within the section entered.

6.  Format

6.1.  All groups will play a Swiss tournament.

6.2.  Pairings shall be calculated according to the approved FIDE Rules. The Chief Arbiter reserves the right to make minor adjustments to the pairings where necessary. Minor adjustments will be:

In small groups the pairing software gives error warnings when pairing, but continue to pair with the errors. These errors in pairing MUST then be rectified by the Arbiter taking into consideration ALL absolute rules of the Swiss Pairing system.

7.  Tiebreak rules

To determine the final positions at the end of the tournament the following tiebreak scores (in the order as given) will be used:

·  Score;

·  Tournament Performance;

·  Bucholz Median System;

·  Sonneborn-Berger

8.  Recording of the games

8.1.  Players must notate their games in accordance with the FIDE Laws of Chess.

8.2.  Any player not able to notate and/or press the clock due to physical or religious reasons, MUST notify the Chief Arbiter at least 30 minutes before the start of the tournament. A suitable person will execute these duties.

8.3.  Both players must write down the moves of both players, as each move is made. It is every player’s own responsibility to bring pens and paper and lack thereof will not be accepted as a valid excuse and he/she may forfeit his/her game. It will be the discretion of the arbiter what the penalties will be if a player is not notating. Penalties will differ from A section to lower sections. See Fide Law.

9.  Results

9.1.  After completion of the game, both players are responsible for signing the result card and submitting the results of the game to the results table and signing for it. Thereafter, leave the playing area.

9.2.  All information on the result card must be completed.

9.3.  Players must take great care that the results indicated are correct before signing the card. Any results entered incorrectly will NOT be changed.

9.4.  Tournament Officials may assist the u/08 and u/10 in completing the result card. For all other age groups, it will be the responsibility of the players themselves.

9.5.  Results will be given as 1 point for a win, ½ for a draw, and 0 for a loss.

9.6.  Results of completed rounds and accumulated scores will be displayed in the designated areas.

9.7.  Failure to report your result may lead to a double forfeit.

9.8.  Result Card

10.  Appeals

10.1. The decision of the Arbiters shall be final unless overruled by the Appeals Committee.

10.2. In the event of a player wishing to lodge an appeal this must be done in writing as well as be accompanied by a fee of R100. Should the appeal be successful, the fee will be returned. However, should the appeal be unsuccessful, the fee will be forfeited.

All appeals must be submitted to the Chief Arbiter no later than 5 minutes after the end of the round. Appeals received after this deadline will NOT be entertained. All appeals must refer to (be based on) a particular Article in the Laws of Chess, or a paragraph in these rules.

10.3. An Appeals Committee will be put together out of competent persons who are not busy with a game at that stage and who are not involved in the dispute. They reserve the right to co-opt additional persons they deem fit to help with an appeal.

10.4. Should it be ruled by the Appeals Committee that the conduct of a player or a spectator, was in breach of the normally accepted code of conduct as adhered to by FIDE, CHESSA and Sedibeng Chess, a spectator or parent can be banned from the playing venue and/or receive a fine, not exceeding R200. The player who benefited from the interference by the parent or spectator may also be penalized.

11.  Ratings

11.1. The latest CHESSA Rating List will be the official rating list used for the tournament

11.2. Players without ratings must play with a 0 rating. The pairings program has a place where a rating can be defined for all unrated players. The program then handles these players correctly.

12.  Absence, Defaults & Withdrawals

12.1. If a player is unable to participate in a round and wishes to withdraw from one or more round, he/she must notify the computer operator in writing no later than the end of the previous round.

12.2. Any players who do not withdraw properly may be barred from future Sedibeng tournaments.

12.3. Any player who withdraws after the players list has been published will not be refunded.

13.  Infringements

13.1. All players and spectators are to conduct themselves in an orderly fashion, and players are to compete in a spirit of good sportsmanship. Any attempt to cheat will result in the immediate expulsion from the tournament. Intimidating behaviour towards opponents is unacceptable and could lead to the loss of the game or expulsion from the tournament. Silence must be observed whilst games are in progress. No analysis or unofficial games will be allowed in the playing area.

13.2. Any person who infringes the rules as set out in this document, will face disciplinary action. Technical infringements will be handled by the Chief Arbiter. All other infringements will be managed by the organisers.

13.3. Right of admission reserved;