Student Parking Regulations 2016-2017
Students driving vehicles to school must park them in the student parking lot. Students are not to park their cars in any space unassigned to them. Once students get on campus, they are to LOCK THEIR CARS because we are not responsible for stolen items.Students driving vehicles to school do so at their own risk. The school is not responsible for damage or other loss to vehicles parked on campus.
Parking permits remain the property of the school throughout the year. Issuance of a permit indicates agreement to all terms contained hereon. Revocation of parking privileges or withdrawal form ParkwoodHigh School will result in surrender of the permit. In Addition, first semester (January) graduates must turn in permits upon completion of their graduation requirements.
Specific Rules and Regulations:
- All automobiles parked on the school grounds must be registered with the school and must display the current permit on the rear-view mirror. (All vehicles are required to have a rear-view mirror by N.C. law.) An administrator must approve any deviation of this rule.
- Permits must be purchased before driving to school. Ticketing for non-registered vehicles will begin onthe third week of school.The first weeks of school students will be able to drive without permits; this will allow students time to purchase them. Announcements will be made when hang tags are required.
- Parking matters can be discussedbefore school or after schoolwith Mr. Bryant or an Administrator..
- Parking regulations are strictly enforced. It is considered a privilege to park on school grounds. Suspension of parking privileges,booting vehicles, and/or suspension from school may result from violations of these regulations.
- Student vehicles are subject to search if the school officials have reasonable grounds to believe that drugs, alcohol, stolen property, or other contraband might be present in that vehicle.
- If a student drives more than one vehicle, all vehicles must be registered with the school. The student may register three additional vehicles beyond their primary vehicle (Registration may be changed by communicating with Mr. Bryant).
- Students must provide a photocopy of their license, vehicle registration, and insurance with this form before receiving a parking hangtag.
- All students must be licensed and covered with automobile liability insurance.
- If your parking privilege is suspended, no vehicle can be driven on school grounds during suspension. (This also means no one can drive your vehicles to school or park their cars in your space.)
- If you or any other person use your vehicle for the purpose of skipping school, helping others to skip, or violate other rules, driving privileges can be suspended for a maximum of one school calendar year.
- All students must park in their designated area to which they are assigned.
- Absolutely no parking in teacher areas during the school day.
- All students must park in their corresponding numbered spaces.
- All students are assigned spaces..
- Any unregistered or improperly registered vehicle parking on campus will be towed, or have a boot placed on their tire and will have to pay a 25 dollar fine for removal.Parking anywhere besides the assigned space will result in the car booted. No warnings.
- During any construction – student misplaced in their parking places will be reassigned by Mr. Bryant.
- Students MAY NOT SWAP PERMITS. If a student commits a parking violation while using another student’s permit, BOTH STUDENTS WILL BE PENALIZED.
- Parking places may not be loaned, borrowed, sold, or otherwise transferred from properly registered drivers. If you violate this rule your parking space may be confiscated and resold to another student.
- Parking is strictly limited to the STUDENT AREA. Not in assigned staff parking areas! .
- There is to be no loitering in the parking lot or visitation of same without permission.
- There will be no speeding!Speed limit is 10 mph, or any other form of reckless driving on campus.
- Students applying for and receiving permits fully understand their responsibility in following these rules.
- Emergency one day passes approved by administration will be sold for 1 dollar. See Mr. Bryant.
- Accidents occurring on school grounds require State Highway to be contacted. No one is to leave the accident scene.
Consequences for failure to follow the above rules:
- Tire Boot: The tire boot will be attached to your vehicle ($25 dollars to remove boot)
- Park in someone else’s spot -1st time no warnings
- Have no hang tag visible -1st time, no warnings
- Driving privilegeSuspended:
ARun stop signs
BExcessive speeding
CReckless driving
DLoitering in the parking lot
EViolate other parking rules
Fskipping school - parking privilege suspended 1 week per
Periods skipped
GDrugs/weapons found in car - parking privilege suspended time decided by administration
HThe administration reserves the right to suspend, revoke or deny parking privileges at Parkwood High.
I Three tardies to 1st period will result in loss of driving privileges for 5 days. More consequences per school policies.
*Other School and County policy apply as needed.*
The tire boot will be used, first time, no warning if you park outside of your assigned parking space.
Or you do not display hangtag on rear mirror.It costs $25.00 to remove the boot.
I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the rules and regulations listed above.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
The parking lot gate, beside the baseball field, exiting to Crow Rd will be closed from 10:30 am until 1:30 pm for the safety and security of our students and campus.
Student Name: ______Home Phone: ______
Check all that apply: __ senior __ junior__sophomore
__Early leave__mid-year graduate
List Primary Vehicle first
YearMake ModelColorLic. Plate #
YearMake Model ColorLic. Plate #
YearMake ModelColor Lic. Plate #
______Year Make Model Color Lic. Plate #
Student drop off and pickup is located in front of the school!!
Early leave, Walter Bickett, SPCC and internships , etc, must sign out in front lobby and park in the front lot.