2018 ILC Membership opening

Application Form

1. Organisation details
Which of the following describes best your organisation?(tick max. 2)
Academic Institution and Research Centre
Social movement
National/local NGO
International NGO
Global Inter-Governmental Organisation
Regional Inter-Governmental Organisation
Public/State/ institution[1]
Membership-based organisation
Producer organisation
Other (please specify)
Which of the following does your organisation represent? (tick not more than 2)
with specific political and technical expertise to realize people centred land governance of benefit to the network
(if you ticked the above Please specify which expertise)
representing land-users whose voices tend to be marginalised; peasants, family farmers, pastoralists, rural workers, Indigenous Peoples, women, fisher folk and rural communities
(if you ticked the above Please specify which land users )
Representing media journalist networks
Human Rights Organisation, and/ or organisation focusing on gender justice and inclusive governance of common resources
sub-regional presence where ILC has few members (Mekong, Central Asia, Maghreb and Middle East, Pacific, Caribbean and Sahel)
where ILC members have a National Engagement Strategy
2. Contact details (Note: these will be retained as ILC focal point and alternate in case your application was accepted)
Name of Contact Person: / Alternate contact person:
Title: / Title:
E-mail: / Email:
Phone: / Phone:
Preferred language(s): English Spanish French Portuguese
Arabic Russian
Note that ILC’s official languages are English, Spanish and French and translation is provided only in these.
3. Endorsements
Please list two current ILC member organisations that endorse your application to the ILC (please attach copies of e-mail or letter from ILC member endorsing your application). Endorsements should also be sent directly by the Endorser to the ILC secretariat, copying the applicant.
Name of Organisation: / Name of Organisation:
Contact person: / Contact person:
Phone: / Phone:
Email: / Email:
4. Affiliation to current ILC members
ILC membership is composed of several national, regional as well as international network organisations. Please indicate if your organisation is a member of a network that is already an ILC member (see full list of ILC members here ).
5. Other affiliations
Please list any other regional or national networks, coalitions, associations, or movements to which your organisation belongs:
6. Previous or existing collaborations with ILC or its members.
Please provide a short description of any previous or existing collaboration through ILC’s operations: National Engagement Strategies and Commitment Based Initiatives with ILC or its members, including year and name of the initiative.
7. How would membership in the Coalition help your organisation achieve its objectives? (75-100 words)
8. If your organisation joins the Coalition, what are some of the ways your organisation would contribute to achieving the collective mission of its members?(see ILC Strategy) (75-100 words)
9. To which of the 10 People centred land governance commitments does your organisation contribute mostly to? (highlight the 3 main ones)
1. Secure tenure rights
2. Strong small-scale farming systems
3. Diverse tenure systems
4. Equal land rights for women
5. Secure territorial rights for Indigenous Peoples
6. Locally-managed ecosystems
7. Inclusive decision-making
8. Transparent and accessible information
9. Effective actions against land grabbing
10. Protected land rights defenders
10. Please explain briefly how (75-100 words)
11. Does your organisation have financial reports or past organisation/programme evaluations it can share with the membership committee if requested? (This information will be kept confidential)
Yes No

Please fill in the ANNEX 1,2 and 3 attached (organisation profile, checklist and endorsement letters) and then sign.

I have read and understand the Rights and Responsibilities of Membership in the ILC


(Signature of person authorised to act on behalf of your organisation)


Please direct any questions or submit this form to /info

Thank you for telling us about your organisation!

Annex I

2018 ILC Membership Application

Organisation Profile

All ILC organisations are profiled following the template reported below. This helps ILC organisations know each other better.

(If you need references, see: http://www.landcoalition.org/en/our-network )

Organisation name (extended version and acronym if any)
Contact information
Headquarters physical address:
Institutional email address:
Basic organisation information
Summary paragraph (brief description of your organisation):
Website (if any):
Creation year:
Working language(s):
Logo (please paste institutional logo in the highest definition available or provide it in a separate file):
Organisation activities
Main areas of work:
Geographic coverage (regions and countries the organisation is active in):
target audiences for action
To know more about
Please list and attach institutional documents that can help us understand your organisation better (e.g. strategic frameworks, governance framework, institutional plans, annual reports, etc.
No more than 4 docs).

Annex II- Checklist for membership application process and

Category definition

When submitting your application materials to the ILC Secretariat, please ensure you have completed everything on the checklist below and confirm your contribution category as well as endorsing the 10 people centred land governance commitments.

My organisation by submitting all relevant documents to apply for membership to the International Land Coalition endorses the 10 People centred land governance commitments.

My organisation contribution category is (please tick only one) :

Every member of the ILC is requested to pay annual fees (USD) based on the categorization below.

Category A: IGOs and multilaterals, including Bretton Woods Institutions / 9724 USD
Category B: Global CSOs, CGIAR Centres, including networks with global outreach and international NGOs / North / 2431 USD
South / 1216 USD
Category C: National/regional CSOs, including networks, NGOs, associations, research institutions / North / 608 USD
South / 305 USD
Category D: Social movements and grass-roots organisations, including IPs/farmers/people’s organisations and loose/informal networks. / 182 USD

Completed application form signed by an authorised representative of your organisation

Completed organisation profile (Annex I)

the endorsement letters or e-mail from two current ILC members including contact information for the person endorsing your application on behalf of their organisation (see Annex III).

Annex III

2018 ILC Membership Application

Examples of endorsement letters

Sample A: via e-mail text

Subject: YYY_ILC membership application

Dear xxxx

xxxx understands the work of yyy and has actually been exchanging a lot of information on land, land rights and land based resources with the organisation.

YYYY's work makes it a key organisation in support of ILC's vision and strategic direction. We do not hesitate to endorse the organisation for ILC membership.



Programme Manager

Address details

Sample B: via attached letter to e-mail

xxxx, ILC Secretariat

c/o IFAD

Via Paolo di Dono, 44
Rome 00142

Dear xxx,

In the name of the XXXXX, I have the pleasure to endorse the application of YYYYY for membership in the International Land Coalition.

YYY is well-known for its contributions to more equitable land tenure systems, in particular to strengthen women’s land rights, and has collaborated with several ILC members on land policy development in numerous developing countries.

We think that YYY’s specialized knowledge and experience would complement the expertise of other ILC members and greatly strengthen the coalition’s capacity to fulfil its mission and highly recommend accepting its application for membership.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have additional questions.



Title (e.g. Senior Research Fellow)

Address details


[1] Such as public universities and research centres